Posted by qqq3 > 2018-09-19 15:54 | Report Abuse
3iii <<<
Margin of safety remains a useful cornerstone of both value investing and growth investing.
words still fail me. I still cannot find the right words to express myself but I know I am right ......and your method will lead to failure.
Posted by qqq3 > 2018-09-20 14:37 | Report Abuse
a big net catches some rubbish
a small net, many fishes escape.
in physics, u can use maths to find best sized net
in stock market how?
I am a trader....a trader needs as big a net as possible.
Posted by Horsefield > 2018-09-23 20:36 | Report Abuse
words still fail me. I still cannot find the right words to express myself but I know I am right ......and your method will lead to failure.
In growth investing, you don't talk so much about Margin of safety any more ( Margin of safety is the language of value investors). In growth investing you are guided by your business sense and willingness to take calculated risks. You know some of your bets willl not work out but if you are good, enough of them will work out for you to make money
I like you. You think out of the box, lead me to a next question: How would u know the calculate the risk without FA or if the safety margin is <0% even with whopping growth?
Anyway, to me, value or growth investing is the same, the variables is growth rate estimation. In growth investing, it may be more risky as you may not know how the growth turn out to be.
Of course, I believe you know what u investing as you have a very good business sense.
Posted by qqq3 > 2018-09-24 00:03 | Report Abuse growth investing, there are lots more opportunities. If ever possible, my hero is Softbank, not wallen the bufalo.
its all about mindset...and how we approach stuffs. Growth investors readily admit there are lots of stuffs they don't know.
value investors tend to think they know every thing....but it is only they think they know but don't really know.
I like honesty in investing....I don't like to be dishonest when investing.
Posted by qqq3 > 2018-09-24 01:39 | Report Abuse
mathematically speaking, people look at the PEG ratio.....the ratio between PE and growth.....and look for PEG below 1.
No result.
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Posted by 3iii > 2018-09-19 15:34 | Report Abuse
In growth investing, you don't talk so much about Margin of safety any more ( Margin of safety is the language of value investors). In growth investing you are guided by your business sense and willingness to take calculated risks. You know some of your bets willl not work out but if you are good, enough of them will work out for you to make money.>>>
Margin of safety remains a useful cornerstone of both value investing and growth investing.