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102 comment(s). Last comment by Philip (Can I advise you?) 2020-02-22 08:45


2,823 posts

Posted by cheoky > 2020-01-18 18:23 | Report Abuse

i always feel you should be born as a girl. intuition wise. good luck on your effort.

to me, who cares, move on and fight another days.


2,823 posts

Posted by cheoky > 2020-01-18 18:24 | Report Abuse

maybe curse a bit but still move on


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-18 18:35 | Report Abuse



2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-18 20:38 | Report Abuse



90 posts

Posted by nash2233 > 2020-01-18 21:02 | Report Abuse

China practises state capitalism.communism is history.


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-18 21:30 | Report Abuse

not exactly, it is more like state capitalism plus communism ,one hand to rob the people, the other hand robs the world.


5,917 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-18 21:47 | Report Abuse

Dear all,

I wrote the above two article to explain communism in Tun's blog and and was forced to defend my-self from other commentator comment.

The current article is to refute the accusation.
Why on earth are your pouring praise on the Commies in China and what not? What is the purpose?

Thank you


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-18 22:13 | Report Abuse

chinese Print media in malaysia is source of the problems,they are helping to spread pro-china commies propaganda.

Posted by HerbertChua > 2020-01-18 22:19 |

Post removed.Why?


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-18 22:27 | Report Abuse

all criminals should be severely dealt with, it is ridiculous to blame the victims.


114 posts

Posted by yflawrence > 2020-01-18 23:04 | Report Abuse

Don't ever buy china company listed here unless as they will take ipo else where if their company is really making money.


5,917 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-18 23:21 | Report Abuse

Dear Herbert Chua,
If you had made an official complaint to SC with following evident, most likely SC will bring charge of insider trading. A fate similar to Stanley Thai.

Subject: Layhong Insider trading

Securities Commission Malaysia,
No 3, Persiaran Bukit Kiara,
Bukit Kiara, 50490,Kuala Lumpur.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I refer to Layhong’s Q2 end 30th Sept 2018: Announced dated: 28th Nov 2018
A group pre-tax loss of RM17.17million was recorded in the current quarter compared to pretax profit of RM15.68 million in the corresponding quarter of last financial year. These were mainly due to the significant increase of approximately 8% in feed cost, resulting from the strengthening of the US dollars. The one time early retirement of the layer's amortization cost for a flock of birds has also contributed to the higher loss. This proactive prudent measure was taken as to mitigate the further spread of bird flu virus detected by the Veterinary department of Sabah in the surrounding area in one of our group's farms in Tamparuli, Sabah.
Published on 6 Aug 2018 10:11PM
THE Sabah Veterinary Services Department culled about 10,000 chickens in Tamparuli, at a poultry farm where bird flu has been detected, said the health division deputy director Dr Peter Lee Ah Kong. He said 18,000 chickens at another farm unaffected by the bird flu virus would be culled tomorrow.
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 18-Oct-2018 Disposed 2,000,000 0.240
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 16-Oct-2018 Disposed 1,000,000 0.245
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 10-Oct-2018 Disposed 5,000,000 0.250
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 09-Oct-2018 Disposed 3,000,000 0.250
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 24-Sep-2018 Disposed 10,000,000 0.210
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 20-Sep-2018 Disposed 20,000,000 0.200
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 29-Aug-2018 Disposed 3,700,000 0.270
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 29-Aug-2018 Disposed 1,840,000 0.220
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 28-Aug-2018 Disposed 10,500,000 0.220
MR YAP HOONG CHAI 28-Aug-2018 Disposed 7,000,000 0.220

I refer CMSA Section 188.
(1) A person is an “insider” if that person-
(a) possesses information that is not generally available which on becoming generally available a reasonable person would expect it to have a material effect on the price or the value of securities; and
(b) knows or ought reasonably to know that the information is not generally available.
(2) An insider shall not, whether as principal or agent, in respect of any securities to which information in subsection (1) relates–
(a) acquire or dispose of, or enter into an agreement for or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of such securities; or
(b) procure, directly or indirectly, an acquisition or disposal of, or the entering into an agreement for or with a view to the acquisition or disposal of such securities
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) commits an offence and shall be punished on conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a fine of not less than one million ringgit

Please investigate is Mr. Yap Hoong Chai while in possession of material, non-public information between 28th August 2018 to 18th Oct 2018 disposed of LAYHONG –WA thus committed an offend under 188(2)(a) of the CMSA?

Thank you


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-18 23:22 | Report Abuse

even money making companies , would not benefit investors, they fake the account , and you get nothing.""Thou shall never touch china-company!"


3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2020-01-19 00:01 | Report Abuse

SSLEE, regarding Xingquan I have said so much.

I think the real mastermind is the sister couple lah, by the way. Also, the local officials as well, as I had indicated very early. Xingquan is the first China IPO brought back by Ah Jib after his visit to China. But all these are irrelevant now. You just can't chase back your money, at least by this way.

What do you try to achieve now? If you want a fairer market probably you should go after SC.

If you want some money back, a more practical approach is to take legal actions against SC, investment banks, etc for negligence.

I have said so much about LayHong also.

In July there are messages about birdflu.

In Mid August STF/LayHong culled the birds.

One week later, Vet takes over. Everybody knows what happened.

But this weird Mr. Chua KT/Jensen/Nga or whomever said he visited the farm and said everything is normal, so in fact he bought more.

At any moment he could just go to the market and ask.

Sometimes in September I shared my findings to him and MR. Her said he already reported to police that I had spread rumours.

You got to understand what you missed, then learn and grow.


3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2020-01-19 00:03 | Report Abuse

Herbert is going to say SSLEE can't spell, TAOBAO (lol)



3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2020-01-19 00:04 | Report Abuse

Now I have expressed my findings on HENGYUAN. How many really gives a shit?


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-19 00:17 | Report Abuse

The killing part are the fake necessarily items started in China such as fake rice, Long kang cooking oil, milk powder, eggs, meat & etc. What kind of capitalism has developed until such extent? They can't even uphold the basic morality.


2,264 posts

Posted by pjseow > 2020-01-19 00:25 | Report Abuse

Remember Transmile and Megan media ? The CEO s were from Malaysia and Singapore. What about ENRON , an American company who cheated on its shareholders life savings? What about the money game companies like JJPTR, MBI,GENEVA etc .These are Malaysian companies. While there are ugly Chinese, there are also ugly Americans and Ugly Malaysians.


5,917 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-19 07:12 | Report Abuse

Dear all,
Yes many Malaysians Chinese got cheated by Ugly Mainland Chinese, so are many Mainland Chinese got cheated by Ugly Malaysians Chinese especially from Penang Chinese.
And yes there are many Ugly Americans, Koreans, Japanese, European and every nation in the word.
This is become education/religion/culture failed to instill moral value into them when they are growing up.

As Chinese Malaysian, I was brought up with the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
From Confucianism, (Ruler has ruler responsibility, subject has subject responsibility, father has father responsibility, and son has son responsibility.) I learn to take on responsibility, integrity, honor and respect for the elder.
From Buddhism, (Things are in flux never still. It’s begins from emptiness, will end in emptiness and reemerge from emptiness. Life is cycles of birth and death until Enlightenment and Nirvana.) I learn to be kind, be humble, selflessness, compassion, empathy, sharing and let other take over when my time in this earthly world expired.
From Taoism, (Heaven and Earth are one. Nature and Man are one.) I learn to live with nature, at peace and at ease with myself and others by accepting everyone.
And my primary school SJK(C) Keat Hwa taught me my Chinese culture value of礼,义, 廉, 恥and to fight for justices, righteousness and give voice to the voiceless. This is want I am doing now?

Thank you


5,917 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-19 07:15 | Report Abuse

Dear all,
One of my e-mail to SC and Bursa.
Thank you for the explanation on the Bursa roles, duty and responsibilities on:
1. Stringent admission process with numerous requirements under the Listing Requirements (“LR”) to be complied with by listed issuers.
2. Comprehensive and effective regulatory and supervisory framework for our listed issuers with particular emphasis/focus on ensuring high standards of disclosure, transparency and good corporate governance practices by listed issuers

Please allowed and excuse me to speak my mind with no offend intended:
On Bursa roles, duty and responsibilities No 1: Approval for listing.
Am I right to say in practice Bursa is dependent on due diligent done by Xingquan’s IPO Underwriter/Promoter (2009) CIMB Investment Bank Berhad, Private Placement Principle Adviser (2014) RHB Investment Bank Berhad and Right Issue Principle Adviser (2016) RHB Investment Bank Berhad for the formality of approval.
In hindsight Bursa should have raise the red flag for the PP (2014) and RI(2016) when Xingquan annual report financial end 30th June showed: (RMB’000)
Cash and bank balances: 1,141,751 (2016): 1,456,947 (2015): 1,156,243 (2014): 894,376 (2013)
Thus shouldn’t Bursa take issue with CIMB Investment Bank Berhad and RHB Investment Bank Berhad (IPO, PP, RI) and take them to task for gross negligence and failure in their due diligence duty in the roles/responsibilities/duty as Promoter/Underwriter/Principle Adviser of the IPO, Private Placement and Right Issue of Xingquan?

On Bursa roles, duty and responsibilities No 2: Comprehensive and effective regulatory and supervisory with particular emphasis/focus on ensuring high standards of disclosure, transparency and good corporate governance.
My questions:
Refer below disclosure
Did Bursa make query the Private Placement Subscriber (Mr. Xie Zhidong) selling his 10% PP in open market well below PP price so soon and cease to be substantial holder?
Reply to query raised in the letter from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad dated: 7 September 2016 in relation to the Company's announcement dated 5 September 2016. Did the reply from Xingquan considered as high standard of disclosure? (You can compare what the BOD say about the same topic in Xingquan 2016 AGM minutes).
May I suggest refer: Corporate Governance Disclosures: Practice 12. Intended Outcome Shareholders are able to participate, engage the board and senior management effectively and make informed voting decisions at General Meetings.
Bursa should make it compulsory for listed companies to submit their AGM presentation and minutes of Q&A to Bursa for publication. As shareholder attending the AGM, I would hold the Board accountable and responsible for their presentation and answers given during AGM and taken them to task during the next AGM if their promised is not fulfilled.

On enforcement actions taken by Bursa against XINQUAN and its directors for various breaches of the Listing Requirements as set out in the media release dated 29 March 2019.
May I ask?
Did Dato’ Wu and his brother Wu Lianfa paid up the fine?
Why independent directors Zhou Liyi and Dato’ Haji Ramly only fined RM 8,800 and RM 8,200?
Why no action taken again Mr. Tan Eng Choon Independent Non-Executive Director and the Chairman of the Audit Committee? When he is the one explain the unexplained during 2016 AGM and most likely helping CEO to cook the book. Note: Mr. tan Eng Choon is currently the managing director of, (ZJ (Shanghai) Advisory Co., Ltd.) and (Sapience Partners Limited)., a group of consulting companies that specialize in control / risk management, corporate finance and finance and accounting related advisory and outsourcing services.
Why no action taken against external auditor for gross negligent on their auditing duty and failure to raises the red flag/disclaimer?


5,917 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2020-01-19 07:16 | Report Abuse

My guess is Dato’ Wu and his brother Wu Lianfu did not paid up their fine, continues thumbing their nose at Bursa. Is Bursa going to let these crooks laughing all the way to the bank with proceeds from IPO: RM 164,577,015 and proceeds from RI: RM 44,131,870?
So is the enforcement actions taken by Bursa against XINQUAN and its directors the end and a fair closure for the long suffered minority shareholders?

Bursa own admission quote, “The Company and the directors did not respond to/provide any explanations to the numerous queries of Bursa Malaysia Securities on XINQUAN’s Breaches and/or the actions taken by the directors in the discharge of their duties to ensure compliance with the Main LR vis-à-vis XINQUAN’s Breaches, unquote” Is justices served? Had Bursa fulfilled it entrusted mandate, “roles, duty and responsibilities”?

Do I have a case based on principle of Caveat Venditor to initiate civil class action against XINQUAN’s IPO underwriter/promoter (2009) CIMB Investment Bank Berhad or Right Issue Principle Adviser (2016) RHB Investment Bank Berhad. SC and Bursa official advice to me is to seek the necessary legal advice from the solicitors on my rights including the remedies available to me under the law?

We (Xingquan shareholders, Bursa, SC, CIMB, RHB) are all the victims of a scam, a hoax and a con-job of epic proportions unheard of in the history of Bursa Malaysia. I am calling out to all to hold the real fraudsters “Xingquan China owners” accountable and taking legal action against them to recover loss on behalf of victims.

Thank you


2,264 posts

Posted by pjseow > 2020-01-19 08:08 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, the enforcement of the rule of laws play the most important part in ensuring the directors.CEO,CFO or major shareholders comply with the respective laws. In a country with strict enforcement, cheating and insider trading will be minimal.


3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2020-01-19 10:51 | Report Abuse

They are the accomplish rather, not victim.


3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2020-01-19 11:15 | Report Abuse











3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2020-01-19 11:28 | Report Abuse

no.7 there

SSLEE, sued by bank in 2017, not paying taxes, habis wayang already.


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-19 11:54 | Report Abuse

@supersaiyan3你根本不懂中共国,和中共国党历史,和党文化。你只有个人的空想。please update your info.舔共的,已经被名之为被洗脑的脑残。


16,721 posts

Posted by freddiehero > 2020-01-19 11:55 | Report Abuse

我只知道这里是马来西亚。 管好自己的国家就行了!


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-19 12:03 | Report Abuse

please refer,from YouTube:路江博时评,郭文贵暴料革命,年代向錢看,财经冷眼


16,721 posts

Posted by freddiehero > 2020-01-19 12:07 | Report Abuse



16,721 posts

Posted by freddiehero > 2020-01-19 12:08 | Report Abuse



16,721 posts

Posted by freddiehero > 2020-01-19 12:08 | Report Abuse



2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-19 12:09 | Report Abuse



16,721 posts

Posted by freddiehero > 2020-01-19 12:09 | Report Abuse



2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-19 12:14 | Report Abuse



2,264 posts

Posted by pjseow > 2020-01-19 12:26 | Report Abuse

China is a country very much influenced by Confucianism,Taoism and Buddism .In fact, Japan, korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan were very much Confusianist and.Taoist also.These values were carried down from.generation to generation. Today Japan,Singapore and Taiwan are the most confucianist countries followed by Malaysia , South korea and vietnam. It was unfortunate that the cultural revolution in China had destroyed the confucianist Taoist and buddist values and influence
.I think the current government realised these drawbacks and started to put confucianism back to the.schools.The key values 仁,忠,孝,悌,礼,义,廉,耻 will be reinforced. I understand that theirprimary.schools learned 弟子規.


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-19 12:33 | Report Abuse

you are talking about confucianist taiwan, not the marxist-leninist-stalinist中共国。
please undate yourself, you are half-century out-dated,and the rest are just your imagination


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-19 12:44 | Report Abuse

What Confuciansm, toaism, buddhism are all nonsense to CCP. Their core value is '鬥'inherited from Mao.


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-19 12:49 | Report Abuse

If CCP were really follow Confuciansm, all those fake things would not have created from China. China people have lost its core value under CCP.


2,264 posts

Posted by pjseow > 2020-01-19 12:50 | Report Abuse

Enning22, since Deng proposed Socialist system with Chinese Character,China economic system is no more marxist .China is very much capitalist with many billionairs and millionairs . They can have private ownerships of lands, houses,properties, cars. Marxists ,Lenist or Maoist do not allow such ownership and wealth disparity. Since Deng opened up and reform the economic system, 700 millions poor residents were lifted out of poverty. Last year, China achieved the first milestone of US 10,000.00 per capita which is 5x of India ,the biggest democracy in the world. Pls get yourself updated.


2,898 posts

Posted by enning22 > 2020-01-19 12:55 | Report Abuse

you are definately outdated.Leftist president xi jing ping has already reversed the most of Deng policy.most obvious is 香港政策,that is why Hong kong people keep protesting.


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-19 12:59 | Report Abuse

The latest slogan of CCP is 國進民退. Many private owned companies will be nationalised soon.

Posted by Armada An Quantum Leap Stock In 2019/2020 > 2020-01-19 13:10 | Report Abuse

Gong xi fa chai sifu Up :)
More precisely is 党进民退 。

CCP is cheating the trust of its peoples.

Posted by Armada An Quantum Leap Stock In 2019/2020 > 2020-01-19 13:13 | Report Abuse

China Communist Party (ccp)
Has been hiding behind their 1.4bil peoples .

Biggest lies maker of the century has been inspired by the ccp.

Absolutely power absolutely humans disastrous.

Posted by Armada An Quantum Leap Stock In 2019/2020 > 2020-01-19 13:16 | Report Abuse

1 country 2 system has proven is another lies from CCP to cheat the 6mil nation of Hongkong city.

CCP 天理不容


2,264 posts

Posted by pjseow > 2020-01-19 13:17 | Report Abuse

To have apple to apple comparison, we should not take a few third grade.companies from China and make conclusion that these companies represent China companies. The klse composite index pick the best 100 companies while Dow pick 30 best companies. China companies should be represented by ALibaba, Baidu, Ping An, Huawei and other reputable companies. The recent MBI ,JJPTR ,Geneva and some other money games fiasco mekes many mainland Chinese had a bad impressions about Nalaysia.They think that Malaysians are all crooks.Are we ??? Any directors or founders of these companies charged or jailed? Do our government take actions against these cheaters. At least the poisonous milk powder General manager was charged by the government and sentenced to death. When will our government charged these money games white collar crime cheaters?


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-19 13:22 | Report Abuse

VenFX. Gong xi fa chai to you too. CCP will only allow 'positive' news circulating in China. Negative news to CCP is strictly prohibited. CCP is controlling the information and heavily restricting their people mindset development. Many China people don't even know the contents of 1st trade deal done recently. Never mind as 1st trade deal is mostly seen as a fake deal.

Posted by Armada An Quantum Leap Stock In 2019/2020 > 2020-01-19 13:23 | Report Abuse

My salute to Hongkong teenagers especially the frontliners (勇武派)
Without the sacrifice from these warriors the democratic public still at sleeping mode or insensitivity for what CCP can do and at the huge damages can caused.


2,264 posts

Posted by pjseow > 2020-01-19 13:33 | Report Abuse

Can we ponder for a moment and ask the question why the western world chose to invest in " Evil Communist Leninist and Maoist China" in droves rather than invest in the world biggest democracy , India which embrace western values of "rule of law , human rights and freedom of speech and religion" in the last 40 years ???


4,320 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2020-01-19 13:34 | Report Abuse

There are about 9 China companies listed in KLSE. How many are cheaters out of it?

1. Xingquan
2. MultiSport
3. XideLiang
4. K-Star
5. China Ouha
6. HB Global
7. Maxwell
8. China Stationery
9. China Automobile

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