There is no denying that Jaks' property segment is under-performing. However, it will not be a significant business to Jaks after the power plant commences operation.
Assessment of Jaks' future prospect must take the power plant future earnings into account
KYY article full of shit without detail evaluation of Jaks financial situation. The oldman simply buta buta comment here and there without in dept study. He loss all his credit and respect. Booo to you
To certain extent, I agree with Mr Koon's assessment of current property market in malaysia. However, his final assessment of Jaks' future prospect without taking into consideration of the future earnings of the power plant is disappointing.
Believe me the best catalyst for JAKS shares to fly is when it stops its property business or sell off part of it. And this is going to happen, last call to buy JAKS
I told Mr Andy Ang during my visit to Hai Duong power plant in Vietnam in 2017, I told him to sell away all lost money Malaysian operations to focus on this power plant only. He promised to do it and focus on the power plant only. Thank you.
My posting in Jaks forum @ 1.23 AM --------------------------------------------------- VIN3133>Thumbs up 2 U , bro. DK66 !! You have done an excellent job in providing existing & potential investors a clearer picture on Jaks position . Your article is timely and useful to counter & correct the " Jaks is hopeless" article posted by KYY which is obviously biased and with no good intention . We are not easily misled by his article . He claims he hates to see people misled into investing into Jaks just becos he lost 64m previously ? Is he caring or is he feeling uneasy becos Jaks price is moving up as Jaks power plant is almost fully completed ? In his article, he purposely omitted to mention the current status of Jaks power plant and its earnings prospect . He is only a retired civil engineer & ex-property developer . He does not understand accounting & financial statements and hence can't do analysis on them . I believe all smart investors ( existing & potential) would be duly informed by the above DK66's latest detailed article to counter & correct the biased " Jaks is hopeless" article .
it's much more convincing after reading DK66's stress test analysis on Jaks. KYY's assessment is to short sighted and lack business sense with focus on property and turning a blind eye on the cash generating asset - which is already PHYSICALLY there and OPERATIONAL soon!!
newbie8080, Thank you. I hope you have bought Jaks long ago. You were one of the early discoverer of Jaks though not quite convinced then. ----------------------- newbie8080 Thumbs up on the well written stress test! 10/02/2020 6:38 PM
DK66, though I'm not 100% convinced, the power plant do have some value attached to it.
Yup, bought some between 58-72 cent to be part of my portfolio.
But I do appreciate your write ups since 1 year ago, it helps me to make my investment decision easier. Thanks and hoping to see you fair value come to pass.
Posted by DK66 > Feb 10, 2020 6:46 PM | Report Abuse
newbie8080, Thank you. I hope you have bought Jaks long ago. You were one of the early discoverer of Jaks though not quite convinced then. ----------------------- newbie8080 Thumbs up on the well written stress test! 10/02/2020 6:38 PM
------------------ newbie8080 DK66, though I'm not 100% convinced, the power plant do have some value attached to it.
Yup, bought some between 58-72 cent to be part of my portfolio.
But I do appreciate your write ups since 1 year ago, it helps me to make my investment decision easier. Thanks and hoping to see you fair value come to pass.
without its property segment business, JAKS depends 100% on its 30% jv with chinese co. for future survival & prosperity.
Assume the returns are indeed fabulous, even better than projected BUT the risks are BIG that Jaks shareholders will still lose out and the jv could become a nightmare due to :
1) JAKS has no mgmt nor Board control on the JV co.
2) Chinese majority partner may not see need to remit profits, and choose to keep the profits locally to bid for future lucrative power projects
3) Easy for Chinese partner to squeeze out JAKS, 30%, knowing how shaky the parent is in Malaysia. - just sit on the cash, for various reasons - raise RI to bid for more projects
4) Chinese partner dont really need to declare any dividend for parent co. in China to benefit. - parent co. can easily supply critical needed parts & expertise for profit.
5) the Chinese partner has a financially strong parent co. unlike JAKS
6) JAKS shareholders have to pray hard, the Chinese partner is a friendly, understanding partner, and will oblige with JAKS request for regular remittance of profits .
6) Good luck to hopeful JAKS minority shareholders.
the devil is in the details, hope i'm plain wrong.
There is a shareholder agreement between Jaks and CPECC governing everything from the management to the distribution of profit. Jaks secured the power plant, it has the upper hand in the JV negotiation.
dont understand how a 30% jv partner can compel the 70% partner to stick faithfully to JV agreement, without mgmt nor Board ctrl.. could things be delayed due to unforseen perhaps ? anyway, Glad you are right, fell at ease now.
thks, i did, that's why afterthought on the details, reminds one of the great stories of old, where investors raise money to fund ship expeditions to the far east in search of fabulous wealth, its make or break for the investors...haha
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,592 posts
Posted by abang_misai > 2020-02-10 07:48 | Report Abuse
Hehe. Gila. The can of worms in its construction divisions not yet opened.