IN the end, the pro-malay group will win. Because they use fear mongering tactic. The Chinese can go to Spore, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and AUstralia. Where can the Malay go? Malay can't go anywhere. This is tanah Melayu. The Malays do not have any dominance in any business field except with political power, they have some chance and opportunity. This is the mentality.
The pro-malay policies will give rise to political patronage which consist of corrupt, lazy, conspiring, who give no shit about the normal Malay's livelihood individual. Let the country burn and crash.
Sad Sad sad sad!. All the talented Malaysian are already in Spore. Continue on, more will leave. Let Malaysia compare themselves with the Cambodians and the Bangladeshis.
Malay mentality is still very weak. They don't believe that their leaders already sold their the Tabung Haji assets and FELDA long time ago. They already pocketed the money and believe in lies propagated among themselves.
Rafizi temporary retreat from Pakatan bcos of mahathir strong arm tactic loh, despite rafizi hardworking & instrumental in campaigning for Pakatan election, mahathir refuse to give even a senator position to rafizi loh...!!
Rafizi need to cari makan so he decide to temporary leave politic, this anwar understand mah....!!
Anwar style is the best moderate malay u have now, whether u like it or not loh....!!
Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Feb 28, 2020 6:21 PM | Report Abuse
Of course the malay politicians with group together! This 2 years they saw how disaster majority chinese government has been to malay institutions! Just look at Tabung Haji assets sold off like clearance sales! Even Felda prized assets goner! With LGE very bullying ways, i doubt malay voters want to support DAP in any elections! Anyway, malays have learned that all malay government has been good to them during Najib era! They don't need chinese politicians scream and shouting demanding for more rights! That's why come GE15, DAP will be whip off! Please, i am telling you situation on the ground! Come GE15, Pas Umno are the biggest winners! Sabah Sarawak will go along with the majority as they have bargaining chip by then! The biggest losers are the local chinese if we insist on supporting the Lims! Look, the malays don't give a daman if next government will be all malays! They don't care if it's corrupted to the core as long as their interest are protected! Malaysia chemistry has changed! Have you realise this!
Furthermore, FElda and Tabung Haji is not even under LGE's department. Why would Mahathir allow LGE to handle Tabung Haji and Felda. Malays believes the lies they propagated themselves. So sad!
No Honour! No Shame! Lies after Lies after lies. They make themselves to believe it. So they can siok sendiri. If you don't work hard, don't risk going into business with your own money, and always use government money, where got people respect you.
Using government money to start business has no risk but all the gains. The UMNO way of doing business. So most of the business are usually run to the ground.
Hidup! Melayu! Hidup! Melayu! No honour! No shame! Those Malays with honour are being outcasted and marginalised. Sad society structure and sad culture.
Just imagine Muhiyiddin is the PM and Hadi is the DPM. They will squander and plunder like nobody business. Build a mosque every 500m and pocket all the money and go buy house in London, Perth and Sydney. Enjoy travelling and let the country burn to the ground.
when Hadi become DPM, all Malays are compulsory to pray 5 times a day. 5 hours of unproductivity. Life after death is more important. While Muhiyiddin plunder the nation's coffer dry. Sad Culture Sad society.
Posted by stockraider > Feb 28, 2020 6:32 PM | Report Abuse
Rafizi temporary retreat from Pakatan bcos of mahathir strong arm tactic loh, despite rafizi hardworking & instrumental in campaigning for Pakatan election, mahathir refuse to give even a senator position to rafizi loh...!!
Nobly Heroic Jedi Rafizi was right when he spoke up to tell Dark Lord Palpatine off 20 months ago.
Thats why non bumi must support moderate bumi like Anwar and support Dap mah...this is the only hope for non bumi mah...!!
Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Feb 28, 2020 6:47 PM | Report Abuse
Vwwong! Sad but it looks like Mohiden is confirm to be PM8! So this is more likely all malay government!
Posted by VWWong > Feb 28, 2020 6:48 PM | Report Abuse
Just imagine Muhiyiddin is the PM and Hadi is the DPM. They will squander and plunder like nobody business. Build a mosque every 500m and pocket all the money and go buy house in London, Perth and Sydney. Enjoy travelling and let the country burn to the ground.
Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Feb 28, 2020 6:48 PM | Report Abuse
Vwwong! Local chinese can curse and shout but for the next 3 years, all malay government will be the norm!
Posted by VWWong > Feb 28, 2020 6:49 PM | Report Abuse
when Hadi become DPM, all Malays are compulsory to pray 5 times a day. 5 hours of unproductivity. Life after death is more important. While Muhiyiddin plunder the nation's coffer dry. Sad Culture Sad society.
Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Feb 28, 2020 6:50 PM | Report Abuse
Posted by VWWong > Feb 28, 2020 6:48 PM | Report Abuse
Just imagine Muhiyiddin is the PM and Hadi is the DPM. They will squander and plunder like nobody business. Build a mosque every 500m and pocket all the money and go buy house in London, Perth and Sydney. Enjoy travelling and let the country burn to the ground.
Answer : Yeah, brain wash malays with fake Islam! Turn 100% malays into their cows! So how are you going to defeat 80% cows then! You can't because as long as the cows get the grass, only local chinese will scream and shout outside the government!
WHen Hadi become DPM, everybody must learn arab and write jawi. All government documents are written in Jawi. All Science subject will be eliminated because it question the existence of God. Hidup! Melayu! Hidup! Melayu!
WHen Hadi become DPM, all the police care is to arrest people who khalwat. Waste the entire national resources and build mosque after mosque after mosque. Hidup! Melayu! Hidup! Melayu!
WHen Hadi become DPM, all handphone must not install YouTube. Because watching entertainment is halal. No cinema just like Shah Alam. Hidup! Melayu! Hidup! Melayu!
Posted by VWWong > Feb 28, 2020 7:01 PM | Report Abuse
WHen Hadi become DPM, all handphone must not install YouTube. Because watching entertainment is halal. No cinema just like Shah Alam. Hidup! Melayu! Hidup! Melayu!
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480 posts
Posted by teoct > 2020-02-28 18:08 | Report Abuse
This is no good.
Why just based on the 92, while not go for a Presidential election - go to the people of Malaysia.
Lets change the system from a Westminster to one like France / Philippine, etc.