0.185 is the breakeven price for those who want to convert the WA. Now depends on whether the owner need more money from the public or not. Frontkn has a healthy balancesheet with RM62mil cash in bank and total of 35mil bank borrowing.
bad news for highly speculated counter. it makes it harder to break certain point due to contra players.wintoni selamba je reach new high without any news.
Wait for warrant to expire on 11 march, it seems like owner dont want warrant holder to convert upon expiry, so expecting price to stay at or below 0.175 until 11 march (all warrant become toilet paper)
Lcx1992, i prefer frontkn to use the cash to expand their business. For a growing company, dividend is not important as cash should be used for biz expansion instead of award to the shareholder.
Wonder when is the super bull. Hmm people eat people throw, need some catalyts to really boost this stock. Anyway, just a suggestion. I am holding it since last july from higest to 0.2 to lowest 0.12. I have confident is this stock !
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
212 posts
Posted by anchovy > 2015-03-02 01:39 | Report Abuse
No more 18 su jackie...u hv to que at 21..hehe