From your post below, since the accumulated reserve is RM 315m, why cant Jaks pay dividend to shareholders as rewards? it is the fact that Jaks has never been paying dividend for the past 19 years. Why ? Jaks just doesnot want to pay and instead gives the excuse of " in need of fund as working capital". This can be evident from their recent proposal for DRP ( Dividend Reinvestment Plan). It can be inferred that the company is cash stricken and faced with cashflows problems as highlighted by some commentors here.
---------------------- Johnchew5
> Accumulated Profit : 324,951,000 ( Audited as on December 2022 is RM 310,874 ,000 )
Before massive mountain avalanches happen, peddle stones ( tiny stones ) are falling down as pre-signs. No assumption but fact of pre-signs. Similarly, before the realisation of downfall of the company, there are facts of pre-signs..
It is the fact that the collection problems has been deteriorating from one year to another.
This can be evident from the audited reports where the impairment for trade receivable has been increased to 17.5% ( RM 48m) in 2021 from 14% (representing RM 41m) in 2020
It is expected the impairment will be even higher in 2022 and 2023
The actual happening is from the facts of pre-signs -------------------- UlarSawa Pre sign is not fact until it happen leh. Haiyoh. Correct? joyvest Facts of pre-sign
The occurrence of collapse is from the facts of pre-signs which are not attended to.... --------------------------- UlarSawa Presign not necessary will end up jadi facts leh. Itu your assumption only leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
From the reflection of the pathetic share price. If the Mgt has done something ,the share price wont be so bloody depressed. ----------------- UlarSawa How would you know the mgmt is doing nothing to stop the pre sign from deterioration leh. Haiyoh. Correct?
If share price is controllable as said , the Mgt of Jaks has certainly lost control of its own share . ------------------------ UlarSawa share price is kena controlled one lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
he company is already faced with difficulty to raise PP funding as evident from their recent application for time extension to complete the PP. Now then, how on earth do you believe that they can be successful in raising RI given the fact that majority of existing shareholders/investors resent to it?
Furthermore,given the pathetic share price, more shares need to be issued under RI,hence ballooning the existing share capital of 2.9m and diluting their shareholdings further . Do you really believe that they are happy about it ? -------------------- Johnchew5 Posted by Johnchew5 > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse Hoho Insider bought RI at what Price ? Higher than current share price , and paying interest if put in pledge account. With LTIP shares is Issued, Insider want maximum return, and Shl start harvesting… along this year until 1st Q 2024 …
The existing " low gearing ratio of 37.5 % ( 0.375 X )" is in fact motivated in disguise due to its massive share capital of 2.9m which has been accumulated through massive RI and PP over the years.
Any further issuance of RI or PP at the pathetic share price would increase the shares base substantially. Though the gearing ratio would become even lower as a result of the substantial shares , it creates the wrong impression that their gearing ratio is healthy. In actual fact , it is worse due to its massive capital base in disguise.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
10,577 posts
Posted by joyvest > 2023-08-14 09:18 | Report Abuse
From your post below, since the accumulated reserve is RM 315m, why cant Jaks pay dividend to shareholders as rewards? it is the fact that Jaks has never been paying dividend for the past 19 years. Why ? Jaks just doesnot want to pay and instead gives the excuse of " in need of fund as working capital". This can be evident from their recent proposal for DRP ( Dividend Reinvestment Plan). It can be inferred that the company is cash stricken and faced with cashflows problems as highlighted by some commentors here.
> Accumulated Profit : 324,951,000 ( Audited as on December 2022 is RM 310,874 ,000 )