Got 8 days contra play....Kenanga (RI manager) stock broker house is very good at goreng.... Most Kenanga customers are retailers (biggest among all broker houses ) I think easily push to 1.50 to make RI very attractive. Kenanga own remisiers will be marketing Jaks this week and next week
csk. you look at the Bankers' portion of RI and today trading Vol....Can dispose so many shares if Volume stay at current level???? I think atleast 3--4 days Vol got to get up to 200---300million
ok so the OR is available for trading since what date? 14/10/2020 12:45 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despatch Date 30 Oct 2020 Date for commencement of trading of rights 28 Oct 2020 Date for cessation of trading of rights 05 Nov 2020 Date for announcement of final subscription result and basis of allotment of excess Rights Securities 18 Nov 2020 Last date and time for : Sale of provisional allotment of rights 04 Nov 2020 05:00 PM Transfer of provisional allotment of rights 06 Nov 2020 04:30 PM Acceptance and Payment 12 Nov 2020 05:00 PM Excess share application and payment 12 Nov 2020 05:00 PM Available/Listing Date 26 Nov 2020
firehawk 。 。 Actually, the overall amount received for Ver. 2; 3 and 4 is almost the same, the differences btw these ver. are the subscription price and ratio, why he reversed to ver. 2 (ver4 is actually same as ver.2, will very little, 0.005 subscription price difference) ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if u think the subscription price reversed from 12 to 22, is due to the market condition was improved .... than u r totally wrong, u can checked how the klse indexes performed during this period. Only Jaks was purposely pushed up !!
then, what is the difference? the amount of money holders fork out for subscription is almost the same! those sold their holding earlier and hope to buy back later, cheaper to participate the RI would truly realize the difference :-) Big boss know how to cope with this type of persons, just like he knew how to cope with kyy :-)
by the way, the reversed version benefits the WB holders, is easy to verify. e.g. assume that u bot WB @0.50, u plug in the figure in both versions for the excise-price and quantity adjustment, u can see which one is better. :-)
Is quite sure that, the RI will be fully subscribed or even over subscribed (bcos some holders do excess application :D) .... or big boss /underwriting IB would be more than happy to take up the portion :D
The RM200m minimum proceeds to be raise is secured by RM50m undertaking by ALP and balance RM150m is jointly underwritten by Kenanga and Malacca Securities.
You need to use the i3messenger to access the group chat ---------------------- investor77 how to access the private discussion room ?have forgotten how as already accepted. thanks 15/10/2020 11:19 PM
Disclaimer: This is not a Buy, Sell or Hold recommendation but a one man quest to exercise his minority shareholder’ rights. Will this be an exercise in futility? Only time will tell. If only KYY had exercised his substantial shareholder rights in making requisition to hold an EGM to vote in his nominees to the JRB Board of Directors. If only many more minority shareholders will to exercise their shareholders’ rights to hold the Board, Management and External Auditors accountable and answerable. Then investment will be more informative less manipulative, more transparent less speculation, more rewarding less pitfalls, more value play less value trap, more fulfilling less heartbroken, more wealth generating less wealth destroying and make Bursa a great place to build your wealth.
I change my mind to wait for Jaks-OR, instead now accumulating back jaks that is now cum right in order to firmly entitle all right and free warrant. The reason is because anytime from now in Oct, Jaks will announce commecial operation of it power plant, cannot afford to lose out these opptunity wait later next month in which jaks-OR only start trading.
Remark: JAKS Resources Bhd will see a recurring income totalling over RM720 mil per annum over the next 25 years from its upcoming power plant in Vietnam, according to JAKS’ CEO Andy Ang.
The Jaks Hai Duong Power Plant which will comprise of two 600MW units, will see the first unit come online some time in Oct 2020, ahead of the original timeline of Nov 2020.
Now the ratio change to more reasonable level, less dilution with 8 right for 5 exiting share + 4 free warrant, issue at right 22sen.
Such dilution can easily cover back by upcoming steady power profit RM 200m pa. With disposal of loss making property development, Jaks future profit will no drag down anymore. The claim against star is wild card if manage to win over.
As the power progress is at fact track since May, the upcoming Jaks should record lump sum high progress billing from power plant construction
hi sifus , i got 6000 shares on hand , how much cash i need to prepare if i wish to subcribe the RI after exdate .. first timer for this RI thing .... thanks
You need 6,000/5x8xRM0.22=RM2,112. You will get 9,600 Jaks shares and 4,800 Jaks-WC. ------------------ specializedvenge hi sifus , i got 6000 shares on hand , how much cash i need to prepare if i wish to subcribe the RI after exdate .. first timer for this RI thing .... thanks
Remark: JAKS Resources Bhd will see a recurring income totalling over RM720 mil per annum over the next 25 years from its upcoming power plant in Vietnam, according to JAKS’ CEO Andy Ang.
The Jaks Hai Duong Power Plant which will comprise of two 600MW units, will see the first unit come online some time in Oct 2020, ahead of the original timeline of Nov 2020.
Yearly revenue is over RM720mil but how about net profit? Net profit affect eps, pe and eventually the share price. Since the total shares go up to 1.755bil shares after RI.
Pls advise if anyone has idea on the profit of the RM720mil revenue.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2 posts
Posted by sky8080 > 2020-10-14 12:42 | Report Abuse
Somehow the icon for the private discussion group went missing in Malaysia site but if you shifted to another country, it will reappear