All the buying and selling queues mostly belong to operator. When they really want to push, the sellers will be gone in split of seconds. Rosie, with your trading pattern, you will always be chasing high
The pattern of this stock is up half cent and stays there for 3 days to weed out the contra players. You are considered good if you just lose brokerage
Have you guys try out SAUDEE product? I tried already and not bad... Last QR they made better revenue .. almost similar to during their hey day... So I believe more upside... 0.0555 not a bad target... though RM1.020 was possible in the history..
Believe or not new target price at RM 1.00 will be on 21st June If you want to be one of the winner, you can consider to pump in now and hold it til June.
*Again, it is only a prediction, invest wisely by your own decision.
The only consolation is the price has hit bottom. Down side is very limited but the upside may take a long while to achieve. Can lock up in safety box and check again half to 1 year later
Anyone got washed out yesterday or this morning? If you have, advisable that you stay next to police station. Even police station also got custodial death., lol
Yeah. Just checked. Indeed theirs are even higher. But their financial are worse off. Hopefully it's Saudee's turn to fly. Do jump back in when it comes
Rowie, none on the list given by you belongs to the Fintec group. Those on the Fintec group are performing badly, like Daya, Kanger, Sanichi , XOX, mtouch, pasuk, lambo, Focus, Fintec, etc. They can't perform probably because they are on SC radar
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Posted by Michael R. > 2022-04-01 15:20 | Report Abuse
BRAHIMS rocket... SAUDEE watch closely..