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-0.015 (2.65%)

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0.55 - 0.57

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7 people like this.

2,309 comment(s). Last comment by BuildBackBossku 3 days ago

Posted by familymartfan99 > 2024-03-13 15:30 | Report Abuse

you boycott i keep support!


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-13 16:28 | Report Abuse

hehe... sungguh memalukan... hanya berani boikot kedai2 makanan ataupun minuman.. kebodohan tak terhingga ... bodoh...

guess PMX is going to ask Nvidia to balik kampong to USA!

19 hours ago


26,087 posts

Posted by speakup > 2024-03-13 16:35 | Report Abuse

PMX takut Nvidia, tak takut starbuck


12 posts

Posted by rac3ginho > 2024-03-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

everyone can boycott but not everyone can build supercomputer


284 posts

Posted by LaoHaidi > 2024-03-14 09:50 | Report Abuse

Malaysia also boycott Taylor and Formula E ? 😆😆


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-14 10:14 | Report Abuse

yahudi serang sampai menang hehe

The Times of Israel
The Times of Israel
· 11h
Hamas terrorist behind global attack plots killed in strike near Tyre, Israel says

· 4h · on MSN
Israel says air strike on Gaza UN food centre killed Hamas militant


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-14 23:29 | Report Abuse

hebatnya, israel :)

Israeli military says it will move displaced civilians in Gaza to ‘humanitarian islands’ | BBC News

14 Mar 2024

Delta Airlines to resume flights to Israel starting June 7, following months of delays
United, American Airlines, and Delta all suspended US service to Israel in October following the Hamas attack.

By REUTERS 14/03/2024


36 posts

Posted by zkdaniel > 2024-03-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

Malaysia want boycott Taylor also kenot lah, no money for her concert


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-16 07:35 | Report Abuse

Yahudi the strongest & blessed hehe

Reports: Ministers told signs point to successful hit on Hamas number 3 Marwan Issa
Security cabinet informed evidence piling up that top commander is dead after Gaza strike, though terror group has yet to comment
16 Mar 2024, 12:01 am


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-16 07:38 | Report Abuse

Bagus, Arab countries took action against hamas terrorists hehe

Qatar emir proposed expelling Hamas officials in meet with Blinken days after Oct. 7
US diplomat told Thani that Doha should use its sway with terror group to free hostages in short term, but it wouldn’t be ‘business as usual’ for Hamas after war, officials tell ToI
14 Mar 2024, 3:02 pm


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-16 12:14 | Report Abuse

Israel menyerang hamas Arab dengan bersungguh-sungguh, betapa hebat Dan kuat. Hehe

Devastation in Gaza as Israel wages war on Hamas
By Kathleen Magramo, Sophie Tanno, Adrienne Vogt, Leinz Vales, Aditi Sangal, Tori B. Powell and Elise Hammond, CNN
Updated 9:54 PM ET, Fri March 15, 2024

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-16 13:15 | Report Abuse

With the latest nvidia tech called israel-1, all defense, locking target & attack are fully operated and controlled by AI


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-16 16:51 | Report Abuse

Hamas arab, bukan lawan israel, bodoh punya terrorists :) Dah mau mintak ceasefire dengan israel dan berdamai kononnya. dah kecut kini hahaha


With the latest nvidia tech called israel-1, all defense, locking target & attack are fully operated and controlled by AI

3 hours ago


284 posts

Posted by LaoHaidi > 2024-03-18 10:06 | Report Abuse

They established some conditions also, one of which was that they wanted Israel to recognize Gaza as a country


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-19 08:58 | Report Abuse

Tiada negara gaza ataupun palestin dalam sejarah.. sejarah israel adalah beribu-ribu tahun. agak mustahil israel setuju kecuali hamas dihapuskan, dll.


They established some conditions also, one of which was that they wanted Israel to recognize Gaza as a country

22 hours ago


Asal usul Yahudi tradisinya bertarikh sekitar alaf kedua SME kepada patriakh, Abraham, Isaac dan Jacob. Stala Merneptah, bertarikh 1200 SME, adalah salah satu dari rekod arkeologikan terawal dari orang Yahudi di Tanah Israel, dimana agama Yahudi, satu agama monotheisme dibangunkan. Menurut pada akaun Biblikal, orang Yahudi menikmati tempoh keazaman-sendiri pertama dibawah kehakiman Biblikal dari Othniel melalui Samson, kemudian pada (c. 1000an SME), Raja David mendirikan Baitulmaqdis sebagai ibu kota dari Negeri Kerajaan Kesatuan Israel dan Judah (Kesatuan Monarki) dan dari sana memerintahnya Duabelas Suku Israel.

Pembinaan semula perincian awal dari Kuil Sulaiman.
Pada 970 SME, anak lelaki David, Solomon menjadi raja Israel. [12] Kurang dari sedekad, Solomon mula membina Kuil Suci yang dikenali sebagai Kuil Pertama. Selepas kematian Solomon (c. 930 SME), sepuluh suku utara berpisah membentuk Kerajaan Israel. PAda 722 SME orang Assyria menakluk Kerajaan Israel dan mengusir Yahudinya yang bermulanya diaspora Yahudi.

Tempoh Kuil Pertama berakhir sekitar 586 SME setelah orang Babylonia menakluk Tanah Israel dan memusnahkan Kuil Yahudi. Pada 538 SME, selepas lima puluh tahun dari tawanan Babylonia, Raja Parsi Cyrus si Agung membenarkan orang Yahudi kembali membina semula Baitulmaqdis dan kuil suci. Pembinaan Kuil Kedua, telah siap pada 516 SME semasa pemerintahan Darius si Agung selama tujuh puluh tahun selepas kemusnahan Kuil Pertama. [13][14] Apabila Iskandar Agung menakluk Empayar Parsi, Tanah Israel jatuh dibawah kawalan Greek Hellenistik, akhirnya jatuh kepada dinasti Ptolemaik yang hilangnya kepada Seleucids. Cubaan Seleucid untuk tebar semula Baitulmaqdis sebagai polis dihelleniskan datang kepada utama pada 168 SME dengan kejayaan pemberontakan Maccabean dari Mattathias si Paderi Tinggi dan anak lelakinya terhadap Antiochus Epiphanes, dan pengasasan mereka dari Kerajaan Hasmonean pada 152 SME dengan Baitulmaqdis sekali lagi sebagai ibukotanya. [15] Kerajaan Hasmonean bertahan selama seratus tahun kemudian setelah Rom menjadi lebih kuat ia melantik Herod sebagai raja pelanggan Yahudi. Kerajaan Herod juga bertahan selama seratus tahun. Kekalahan oleh orang Yahudi pada pemberontakan Pertama pada 70 EL, yang pertama dari Perang Yahudi-Rom dan Pemberontakan Bar Kochba pada 135 EL yang penting menyumbang kepada bilangan dan geografi dan diaspora, laksana bilangan penting populasi Yahudi dari Tanah Israel telah diusir dan dijual kepada perhambaan sepanjang Empayar Rom. Sejak itu, orang Yahudi telah hidup di hampir setiap negara di dunia, terutamnya di Eropah dan Timur Tengah lebih unggul, terselamat dari diskriminasi, penindasan, kemiskinan, dan malah pembunuhan kaum (lihat:anti-Semitisme, Holokus), dengan tempoh kadangkala dari kebudayaan, ekonomik, dan kemajuan individu di berbagai lokasi (seperti Sepanyol, Portugal, Jerman, Poland dan Amerika Syarikat).

Hingga lewat abad ke-18, istilah Yahudi dan penganut Yahudi telah praktikalnya sinonim, dan agama Yahudi adalah ikatan prima dari orang Yahudi tanpa mengira darjat keanutan. Berikutan Zaman Enlightenment dan saudara Yahudinya Haskalah, satu transformasi beransur berlaku semasa dimana ramai Yahudi datang dilihat menjadi satu ahli dari bangsa Yahudi sebagaimana terpisah dari menganuti kepada keimanan Yahudi.

Kata nama Ibrani "Yehudi" (plural Yehudim) asalnya dirujuk kepada suku Judah. [16] Kemudian, apabila Kerajaan Israel Utara berpisah dari Kerajaan Israel Selatan, Kerajaan Israel Selatan mula merujuk dirinya dengan nama dari suku pradominannya, atau sebagai Kerajaan Judah. Istilah ini asalnya dirujuk kepada orang dari kerajaan selatan, walaupun istilah B'nei Yisrael (Bani Israel) telah masih digunakan untuk kedua-dua kumpulan. Selepas orang Assyria menakluk kerajaan utara meninggalkan kerajaan selatan sebagai satu-satunya negeri Bani Israel, kata Yehudim beransur datang merujuk pada orang dari keimanan Yahudi sebagai seluruh, berbanding dari yang spesifiknya dari suku atau Kerajaan Judah. Kata Inggeris Jew unggulnya dipemerolehan dari Yehudi. kegunaan pertamanya dalam Injil untuk merujuk kepada orang Yahudi sebagai seluruh berada dalam Kitab Esther.


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-19 09:19 | Report Abuse

Sabar je. starbucks bakal pulih soon. hehe

yahudi tak pernah kalah dalam peperangan selepas kembali ke tanahair mereka. Mereka telah berperang dan menewaskan beberapa negara arab seperti syria, lubnan, mesir, dll. Kewibawaan, kebolehan dan kebijaksanaan yahudi/israel diketahui dunia. Orang2 arab bukan lawan yahudi/israel. hehe


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

Stokin berlabel Allah dari KK Mart sama seperti isu kasut Nike 1997 yang tiada niat menghina

Prof Tajuddin
28,826 views Mar 17, 2024
Tular di sosial media berkenaan stokin berlabel Allah. Terlalu cepat orang politik dan influencer mengambil kesempatan meraih populariti murahan dengan memanggil boikot kedai tersebut. Saya mengulas tiga kes kesilapan yang sama dalam kes kasut Nike, Syarikat Lego dan pengalaman peribadi. Janganlah kita menganiaya ramai pekerja anak-anak Malaysia seperti terjadi pada McDonald dan Starbuck. Bulan Ramadhan harus ada kesabaran dan kemaafan, bukan populariti murahan yang mungkin membawa dosa besar.


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-19 23:31 | Report Abuse

Betapa bersemangat israel menentang pengganas2 hamas arab hehe

Netanyahu: 'I made it clear to Biden, we must enter Rafah'
Following Monday's phone call between the two leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized the strategic significance of entering Rafah.
MARCH 19, 2024 16:33
Updated: MARCH 19, 2024 16:39
The biblical Heartland of Israel 🇮🇱💗🇮🇱
Jam packed with Jewish history for thousands of years. 🇮🇱💪


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-20 08:43 | Report Abuse

good good USA supported Israel to fight hamas terrorists in rafah... approaching the end ... the winner is surely israel hehe

www.timesofisrael.comThe Times of Israel | News from Israel, the Middle East and the...
3:10 am. While opposing major Rafah op, Biden says he told Netanyahu 'Israel has a right to go after Hamas' 2:47 am. US says it destroyed Houthi anti-ship missiles, drones and weapons storage...


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-20 08:54 | Report Abuse

USA has given the blessing to Israel to fight hamas terrorists in Rafah... the surrender or defeat of hamas terrorrists is near. hehe....

boycott is useless at all... hehe


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-20 08:56 | Report Abuse

USA & Israel combined, the no 1 & No 4 military power in the world, terrorists like hamas, etc better run fast fast hehe


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-20 08:58 | Report Abuse

55sen seems to be the bottom out price now :)

2024-03-19 0.55 0.555 0.545 0.55 -0.005 (0.90%) 925,400
2024-03-18 0.555 0.56 0.55 0.555 0.00 (0.00%) 815,400
2024-03-15 0.55 0.555 0.545 0.555 0.00 (0.00%) 547,400
2024-03-14 0.55 0.555 0.55 0.555 +0.005 (0.909%) 344,700
2024-03-13 0.545 0.555 0.545 0.55 0.00 (0.00%) 487,300
2024-03-12 0.55 0.55 0.545 0.55 0.00 (0.00%) 593,000
2024-03-11 0.56 0.56 0.54 0.55 -0.01 (1.785%) 1,397,800


52 posts

Posted by IamBen10 > 2024-03-20 21:05 | Report Abuse

In this fasting month, most of the fast food deliveries such MCD, KFC, includes Starbucks is having a good sales...


26,087 posts

Posted by speakup > 2024-03-20 21:42 | Report Abuse

hahaha good joke! You need turun padang to McD and Starbucks and see how many malay buka puasa there


52 posts

Posted by IamBen10 > 2024-03-21 08:14 | Report Abuse

If at the shop definitely looks like no people la... It's a fasting month ... Just check with food delivery guys such grab food, food panda or Mc delivery 🚚 rider ...


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

Above 50sen till now. All analysts failed in forecasting hahaha

Share Price MYR 0.57
12m Price Target MYR 0.40 (-27%)
Previous Price Target MYR 0.52


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 09:16 | Report Abuse

Maybank investment bank punya forecast hahaha

Share Price MYR 0.57
12m Price Target MYR 0.40 (-27%)
Previous Price Target MYR 0.52


284 posts

Posted by LaoHaidi > 2024-03-21 14:32 | Report Abuse

Now it’s KK mart’s turn to be boycotted...?😐


36 posts

Posted by zkdaniel > 2024-03-21 16:04 | Report Abuse

after KK then its 99 turn?


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 16:22 | Report Abuse

boycott till frighten away investors .. msia can go to IMF to beg for a rescue macam mesir hahaha


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 16:24 | Report Abuse

Berjaya group or VT buddies are absorbing the shares.... always above 50sen whether all analysts forecast 30 or 40sen... the key factor determining market price at equilibrium ialah demand & supply, itu je hehe


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 16:39 | Report Abuse

Israel menyerang hamas terrorists dengan hebat... hehe boikot hanya akan meruntuhkan ekonomi tempatan negara yg melakukan boikot hehe...Malaysia's aggregated household debt reaches a whopping RM 1.53 trillion, which may severely impact consumption and the future of our economy.

IDF troops operating in the Gaza Strip, March 20, 2024.
IDF eliminates 50 terrorists at al-Shifa Hospital complex


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 16:41 | Report Abuse

Hilang kerja dan tiada OT akibat boikot , pinjam wang berterusan sampai muflis/p0kai hahaha. Malaysia's aggregated household debt reaches a whopping RM 1.53 trillion, which may severely impact consumption and the future of our economy.


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 16:55 | Report Abuse

ending soon... Israel, endgame strategy in Rafah... mana mau lari/sembunyi, hamas terrorists hehe... Israel lawan mesir, syria, lubnan, dll - israel menang, tiada yang mustahil bagi Israel... luar biasa.

How will Israel evacuate 1.2 million Gazans from Rafah? IDF general explains


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

mesir pun dah bersedia menerima orang pelarian gaza... Israel serang sampai nama mak bapak diaorang pun terlupa hehe... hamas arab bukan lawan Israel... :)
Egypt preparing for Gazan influx and the rising price of leaving the Strip

Egypt preparing for Gazan influx and the rising price of leaving the Strip


969 posts

Posted by Donator > 2024-03-25 12:39 | Report Abuse

Boikot tetap Boikot no matter the war is end or not, sure will drop more


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-25 23:52 | Report Abuse

Isreal tetap menang dan menewaskan arab hamas dengan bergaya hehe


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-26 10:03 | Report Abuse

Korang boikot, dia pulak p@ki dulu kan? Hehe

X · Natsecjeff
100+ likes · 6 days ago
Wait, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh married a 28 year old - his 7th marriage
Wait, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh married a 28 year old - his 7th marriage - in Doha while his people are dying in Gaza? Amazing


284 posts

Posted by LaoHaidi > 2024-03-26 11:41 | Report Abuse

U.N wanted to cease fire but Israel don't want ..


284 posts

Posted by LaoHaidi > 2024-03-26 11:43 | Report Abuse

U.N wanted to cease fire but Israel don't want ..


2,706 posts

Posted by 8u29song > 2024-03-26 11:59 | Report Abuse

still not sure...

Posted by unknown1234 > 2024-03-26 12:00 | Report Abuse

pricing moving up.... whats the news of the war now? anyone can update?


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-26 15:10 | Report Abuse

barangkali hamas arab dah mau membawa bendera putih, ketua mereka sibuk mau poki bukan? isteri ke 7 (the 7th marriage) seperti yg dilaporkan bukan? hehe


pricing moving up.... whats the news of the war now? anyone can update?

3 hours ago


2,706 posts

Posted by 8u29song > 2024-03-26 15:41 | Report Abuse

UN resolution on ceasefire >>> 14/15 for, US .....


1,412 posts

Posted by fortunefire > 2024-03-26 17:46 | Report Abuse

start sailing. top up before it goes back to 0.9x


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-26 18:32 | Report Abuse

The wars will end soon, the leader of hamas arabs busy fxcking, etc after marrying the 7th wife, right? hehe


start sailing. top up before it goes back to 0.9x

44 minutes ago


3 posts

Posted by dydx245 > 2024-03-27 05:11 | Report Abuse

What happen? The price up 4% yesterday.. any news?


25,225 posts

Posted by Good123 > 2024-03-27 06:59 | Report Abuse

Expecting the wars will end soon as hamas head busy fucxking with his 7th wife hehe


What happen? The price up 4% yesterday.. any news?

1 hour ago

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