Malaysia actually no need minister, they can function well with the agency. Minister just a waste of tax payer money. And the cabinet like a bloated tyre now....
They suck dry and ask again from us....When election time, beg for support. After election , they are boss...
Stock futures tank, hit ‘limit down’ halt after Trump speech; Dow set to fall 1,100 points PUBLISHED WED, MAR 11 20206:06 PM EDTUPDATED MOMENTS AGO
impact of politics not much. Main is coronavirus which caused a stagnant of the economics, esp, tourism and related business and of course chain effect impacted others also.
Situasi semasa COVIDー19 di Malaysia, 14 Mac 2020.
1. 41 kes baru menjadikan 238 keseluruhan setakat ini. 2. Dua kes telah sembuh menjadikan 35 pesakit telah sembuh dan discaj. 3. 5 pesakit sedang dirawat di ICU. 4. Elakkan perhimpunan awam. 5. Hospital had waktu melawat.
18-Mar-2020 Insider KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN (DIPERBADANKAN) (a substantial shareholder) acquired 5,000,000 shares on 17-Mar-2020. 17-Mar-2020 Insider KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN (DIPERBADANKAN) (a substantial shareholder) acquired 5,000,000 shares on 16-Mar-2020.
NoHopeMedia Malaysia Cabinet 70 GDP 0.38 Trillion China Cabinet 28 GDP 14.2 Trillion Afrika Cabinet 30 GDP 0.39 Trillion UK Cabinet 23 GDP 2.9 Trillion Australia Cabinet 23 GDP 1.5 Trillion Japan Cabinet 20 GDP 5.2 Trillion Germany Cabinet 16 GDP 4.1 Trillion USA Cabinet 17 GDP 20.9 Trillion
EVO118 That is the problem! We create the post that has no function just to satisfy the "party" because worry not fair! A steel CABINET that steal our TAX money, worst that my cabinet in kitchen which has rat!
31 new cases and 1 new death in Argentina. The country will go into complete lockdown starting at midnight and until March 31. There will be no free movement on the streets, with prison terms for those who violate the measure. President Alberto Fernández to make the announcement soon [source] [source]
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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Posted by strattegist > 2020-03-12 12:13 | Report Abuse
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