Posted by bsngpg > 2013-10-29 20:49 | Report Abuse

股神點出散戶投資三盲點 (美國‧紐約29日訊)“股神”巴菲特建議廣大散戶“別自己打垮自己”,並提醒散戶最容易犯的3大錯誤。 巴菲特在《今日美國報》(USA Today)的專訪中說:“投資股市的好處是,長期而言股票總會有好表現。美國企業和總體經濟未來將有好表現,因此局勢對你有利。” 巴菲特提出散戶最可能犯的3大錯誤: 第一、嘗試抓進出市場的時機。巴菲特說:“投資人以為自己能夠預測股市短期波動,或聽信其他人(時機操作者)的方法,那就犯了大錯。” 第二、試圖模仿高頻交易員。巴菲特表示,買進優質企業股票,並以長線獲利為目標,強過頻繁變換持股。他說:“如果頻繁買賣持股就犯了大錯。” 第三、買基金支付過高手續費及管理成本。巴菲特說,既然投資跟隨標普500指數的指數型基金成本很低,投資人沒理由付昂貴管理費買共同基金。(星洲日報/財經)

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4 comment(s). Last comment by bsngpg 2013-10-30 23:18


2,842 posts

Posted by bsngpg > 2013-10-29 20:52 | Report Abuse

Disclaimer :I am not an agent of Public Mutual.


1,121 posts

Posted by lcng123 > 2013-10-30 16:38 | Report Abuse



2,689 posts

Posted by BBB79 > 2013-10-30 16:46 | Report Abuse

it depend. If you earn in share then better than mutual; if lose in share then mutual is better...


2,842 posts

Posted by bsngpg > 2013-10-30 23:18 | Report Abuse

If you get thru one round of Bear market, your thought that direct investment in Bursa is better than Public Mutual may change. I need to stress that investment in Public Mutual has to be long term and cost averaging (do not time the market).

Let us assume the annual return is just 8% on Public Mutual, I doubt many retail investors in Bursa can beat this mere 8%. Yes, I know that currently quite a number of retail players have return >8%, but be warned that most of the return even your initial capital will be taken back by the big bear at one. I welcome those old senior drops few lines on this.

Disclaimer : I am not an agent of Public Mutual at all.

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