Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-09-27 23:24 | Report Abuse

Apparently foreign funds are making a slow but sure return to bursa! My guess is they are back as Anwar Ibrahim is making a comeback! Like Anwar said, Malaysia need to focus on good governance and economy! Let's see if he really do what he said! He has too since his approval rating is quiet low compare to Azmin Ali! Anyway, it's good because this will force Anwar to focus on essential instead on his rheotics! I believe Azmin Ali will add pressure to Anwar to perform! As i said, bursa should see flow of foreign funds with this feel good factor and if Anwar wins in PD, then expect some heavy flow in from investors! We certainly need a feel good sentiment! Anway, Mahathir has promise to handover to Anwar when the time comes! Let's hope that Mahathir actually fulfill that promise and not bring in UMNO warlords into PPBM!

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1 comment(s). Last comment by Speedy Boy 2018-09-28 00:50

Speedy Boy

888 posts

Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-09-28 00:50 | Report Abuse

The good shining days are returning!

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