Posted by Latuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-04-15 19:29 | Report Abuse


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1 comment(s). Last comment by Latuk Seri Rick Walker 2020-04-15 19:34

Posted by Latuk Seri Rick Walker > 2020-04-15 19:34 | Report Abuse

Mahathir is not happy about Anwar Mohiden meeting! Anwar hinted that Harapan will not push for vote of no confidence against Mohiden!
I think it's a positive development! Because eventually Bersatu will have to get back to Harapan and Mohiden is qualify to lead Harapan in coming GE15!
The Lims and Amanah must accept that Mahathir is rubbish and toxin! Please move on! Mahathir is no longer ticket to Putrajaya! If Mohiden able to perform consistently in the next few years, then Harapan leaders must back Mohiden now!
This Muafakat does not need Bersatu! It's just redundant! Too many malay muslim parties is just toxin! In fact Pas is also toxin! Umno alone is enough provided the moderate leader like Tok Mat leads BN!
DAP is a big nono among majority malays! But with Mohiden, there's a chance GE14 can be repeated!
So to Harpaan leaders, it's better for Mohiden than Mahathir to be part of Harapan!

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