Posted by Tobby > 2021-12-24 23:29 | Report Abuse


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10 comment(s). Last comment by uncensored 2021-12-25 11:53


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2021-12-24 23:44 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, Malaysia is known for many wrong reason! Our democractic system has come to total failure! We have government or rather governments which did not get majority votes from rakyat!
Instead, our government exist based on corrupt practice of rewarding lawmakers with wealth and power to form alliance!
Where else in the world can we see such practice! We are now world most corrupted democratic nation ever!
We are also rank among the lowest in managing Covid where daily infections are among highest compare to population! Something we all wonder how come we have such high infections when in reality we are nation with tiny population of 32 million! Yeah, 32 million!
But because we are such a tiny populated nation, the level of corrupt practices is beyond tiny! 1MDB will forever seal Malaysia into world corrupted nation! Wait, even Penang undersea tunnel is actually the biggest scandal! I mean, LGE actually promise to give the project by asking for 10% commission! And yet, i guess there exist ingrain denial because you know, LGE is a chinese and chinese politician can do no wrong! Well, except if you are MCA politicians then you are lapdogs and already guilty just because you are working with the talibans!
Or, did i mention how 'tuan melayu' has total wreck multiracial society beyond repair!
The Sikh community were sincere enough provided halal vegetarian foods to flood victims! And yet alot were wasted because you know, some talibans are questioning if vege prepared by the Sikhs are halal! My gosh! Vege is vege!
And of course the rescue effort by Federal agencies were delayed because some ministers wanted to do some 'wayang' in affected areas and they want some space! You see Zahfrul in a boat with so many reporters and officials taking photos in flooded areas! And yeah, so many ministers too didn't want to miss chance to do wayang of their own! They were actually directing poor flood victims to be unpaid actors in their scheme of things!
What rakyat saw was a very embarrassing scenario! It was like living in 3 stooges series!
Society that is falling apart!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2021-12-24 23:49 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is liken to P Ramlee 'Keluarga 69'! Where the father marries the daughter of his son wifey and the son marries the mother his father new wifey! So now the son calls his wifey daughter mother and his son wifey calls her new mother in law who is her daughter, mother too!
Yeah, it's a funny movie but this time, Malaysia is the new 'Keluarga 69'!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2021-12-24 23:50 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is so disfunctional that the title 'Sick Man of Asia' seems mild in comparison!


6,233 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-25 09:50 | Report Abuse

What do you expect if you replaced meritocracy with kakistocracy?


151 posts

Posted by brandon99 > 2021-12-25 09:51 | Report Abuse

Will MCMC request Tobby to erase this as well?


6,233 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-25 10:11 | Report Abuse

Apparently, the two content that MCMC wanted to remove include a tweet where the netizen criticised a flood fundraising event involving Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Harun.

The other content that MCMC took issue with was a tweet that criticised Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Tan Sri Noh Omar over the latter’s statement regarding the eligibility of flood victims to claim government aid.

In a short statement, the commission said they made the request to ensure the law as per Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) 1998 is complied with.

Section 233 of the CMA stipulates offences related to improper use of network facilities or services, and was commonly used to crackdown netizens who upload social media posts that authorities deem as offensive or can potentially incite hatred, among others.

An offence under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) 1998, which carries a maximum fine of RM50,000 or a jail term not exceeding one year or both.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-25 10:39 | Report Abuse

USA and China have two different systems of government. Both of them claim to be systems for democracy, which means "of the people, by the people and for the people."

Which of the 2 systems is really for the people?

Let us examine the performance of the 2 system.

Compare Covid 19 cases in US and China

Currently US has a total of 52.48 million Covid 19 cases and 832,000 deaths. The 7-day average is 157,507 of new cases loh!
That means 15% of Usa populations got covid loh!

The Omicron variant now accounts for 73% of Covid-19 infections being diagnosed in the United States, and in some parts of the country 90% of infections are caused by viruses from the Omicron strain, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said late Monday.

Though it’s been clear from Omicron’s astonishing spread elsewhere that it would rapidly take over from Delta as the dominant variant in this country, the speed is nevertheless startling to witness.

US has the most Covid 19 cases in the world with more than 53m despite talking big of its advance MRNA vaccine like pfizer & moderna loh!
In fact USA with death rate of 832k again it is an outstanding super negative world record loh!
Bcos of Greed in USA, it is a very bad example for the World to emulate loh!

Covid 19 cases in China

China has a total of 101,000 Covid 19 cases and 4.636 deaths. The 7-day average is 27 cases as shown on the chart below. Looking at these figures, General RAIDER in fact can conclude covid19 originate from USA loh! {I begin to doubt that the Western media’s claim that Covid 19 originated in Wuhan, China. }

China record is remarkable, it is a country with the world lowest covid19 infections base on its populations mah!

U can see China score very positively in right way whereas USA the laughing stock of the world loh!


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-25 10:45 | Report Abuse

It is confirmed USA is a Satanic country that intend to destroy the world and only the Great China is a savior who is willing to stand up against this evil force loh!

Why can’t the US control the spread of the Covid 19 Delta and Omicron virus when it wants to control the whole world?

US is the biggest bully in the world

Former US President Jimmy Carter said that US spent 95% of its 245 years history in Wars. This is true and you can verify if you Google.

In 2020 US military expenditure reached an estimated $778 billion, representing an increase of 4.4 per cent over 2019. As the world’s largest military spender, the USA accounted for 39 per cent of total military expenditure in 2020. This was the third consecutive year of growth in US military spending.

The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries worldwide and spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined.

After the 2nd world war, the US has been involved in 32 distinct and separate bombing campaigns on 24 different countries between 1945 and 1999.

If US wants to control the whole world, why can’t the US control the spread of the virus?

The biggest culprit is its liberal democratic system of government. Most Americans want to have the freedom of choice. They do not like lockdown and restricted movement control. They don’t even like to wear face masks and practice social distancing. They like parties and social gatherings.

I often see from CNN news that the people demonstrated against wearing face masks, restricted movement control and lockdown.

Even former US President Donald Trump did not believe in wearing a face mask.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-25 10:58 | Report Abuse

The chinese of China are even more educated than the majority of the Usa citizens loh!

U can Compare how Raider intelligence so far ahead of Uncensored is the same equivalent of comparing the intelligence of China citizens v USA citizens ( CHINA out beat usa very much loh! )

This situation is further confirmed, when u look into the level of china educations in science, maths and intelligence which lead over USA by a very wide margin loh!


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-25 11:53 | Report Abuse

The characteristics of little pink fans communists

1. EVery things CPC did is correct & for good of China & also others. If not good for certain group of people then that group must be evil people & need to be punished.

2. EVery things USA did is evil & purposely against China. All Chinese must to hate the American.

3. Human right is evil tools by the western in order to undermine the China.

4. Democracy is evil scheme.

5. China must be control by CPC if not China will be divided into few smaller countries.

6. Western is jealous of China success hence they are plotting to destroy living hood of Chinese in China.

7. All chinese are China people. 中国人

8. Chinese in China are simple minded people which can be easily influenced by western. Hence they should protect from western media , news, social media via building up fire wall.

9. Capitalist is evil person.

10. Like to twist & turn.

11. It is NOT about the TRUTH, it is all about FACE. CPC only wants the people to see good things or faked good things thru its own controlled media.

12. Racist

13. Hypocrite & Liar

14. Extremely Selfish. Exceeded above the normal human level.

15. FREE speech & street protest , rellies are evil things.

16. Always said the opposite things just to cover themselves. Like to turn black into white.

17. Use threat to quash complaint

18. Lazy & Sloppy in doing things. Never check nor review to present their case. Just simply said & do silly assumptions.

19. Self hypnotised. Make own self in believing China CPC is of good moral status. Every things that they did must be 100% corrected & for good of all everyone. CPC is saints. 自欺欺人

20. Always love to accuse USA doing evil things as form of defencing the evil things happened in China. As if China is love to copy evil things happened in USA. Yes USA is their standard model of evil charater but they never copy the good things did by USA. Ha...Ha...Ha... only love to copy evil... evil in nature ???

21. Always avoid answering a direct questions.

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