Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-25 07:44 | Report Abuse

The worst deterioration of human quality occurs when individuals engage in a cycle of tit for tat behavior, refuse to forgive, show mercilessness, and engage in defamation through slander, shifting blame for unidentified tailoring errors onto others. 1. **Tit for Tat Behavior:** This behavior perpetuates negativity and escalates conflicts rather than resolving them. It fosters a culture of revenge and retaliation, leading to a breakdown of trust and cooperation among individuals and communities. 2. **Refusal to Forgive:** Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and societal harmony. When people refuse to forgive, they hold onto grudges and resentments, poisoning their own well-being and hindering opportunities for reconciliation and growth. 3. **Mercilessness:** Lack of mercy and compassion towards others reflects a disregard for human dignity and empathy. It can result in unjust treatment, cruelty, and the dehumanization of individuals, eroding the moral fabric of society. 4. **Defamation through Slander:** Engaging in slanderous behavior, especially when attributing unidentified errors to others maliciously, not only damages reputations but also contributes to a culture of falsehoods and deceit. It undermines trust, spreads misinformation, and can have severe consequences for individuals and communities. By indulging in these destructive behaviors, individuals not only harm others but also diminish their own moral character and the overall quality of human interactions. Instead, fostering forgiveness, compassion, and honesty can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society.

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6 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-04-10 09:19

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-25 19:21 | Report Abuse

Each has his own niche while ringgit continues to burn- until education is reformed to produce quality thinking human beings who would stand together to brainstorm real world issues of AI-dominant hypermodern era.

Posted by BuyAndHold88888 > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Those racist politicians stayed in a safe seat especially in the places where their race are a majority whether it is Malays or Chinese.Middle of the road politicians can survived in Mixed seats

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-25 20:14 | Report Abuse

Vigilante culture is be highly detrimental to the rule of law in countries that uphold high moral standards. The reasons are:

1. **Undermining Legal Processes:** Vigilante actions bypass legal procedures and due process, undermining the fundamental principles of justice and fairness. This can lead to arbitrary judgments, lack of accountability, and the erosion of trust in the legal system.

2. **Risk of Misidentification:** Vigilantes may act based on incomplete information or personal biases, leading to wrongful accusations and harm to innocent individuals. This not only violates the rights of the accused but also damages the reputation of the legal system in ensuring accurate justice.

3. **Escalation of Violence:** Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.

4. **Diminished Deterrence:** When vigilantes take the law into their own hands, it weakens the deterrent effect of official law enforcement. Criminals may perceive a lack of consistent consequences, emboldening them to commit more offenses.

5. **Unaccountable Authority:** Vigilante groups or individuals operate outside the framework of accountability and oversight that governs official law enforcement agencies. This unchecked power can lead to abuses and excesses that go unchecked.

6. **Legal Precedent and Norms:** Allowing vigilante culture to thrive sets dangerous precedents and normalizes extrajudicial actions. It sends a message that individuals or groups can act as judge, jury, and executioner, undermining the rule of law's foundational principles.

7. **Social Division:** Vigilantism can deepen social divisions by pitting groups against each other based on perceived grievances or biases. This fractures community cohesion and makes it harder to address underlying issues through constructive dialogue and legal reforms.

In conclusion, while vigilantes may believe they are upholding their personal living values, their actions ultimately erode the rule of law, weaken societal trust, and contribute to a less just and orderly society. It is crucial to uphold legal processes, accountability, and the principles of justice to maintain a stable and fair legal system.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-27 12:03 | Report Abuse

Any mature and civilised society must stay united against vigilantes and their instigators:

Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-31 08:58 | Report Abuse

Unity through integration is superior to unity via assimilation for several reasons.

Firstly, integration acknowledges and respects the diversity of individuals and communities within a nation. It promotes inclusivity by allowing people to maintain their cultural, religious, and linguistic identities while still being part of the larger national fabric. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among citizens, reducing feelings of alienation or marginalization that can arise with assimilation.

Secondly, integration encourages mutual understanding and cooperation among different groups. Instead of forcing everyone to conform to a dominant culture, it values the contributions and perspectives of various cultural backgrounds. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to more innovative solutions to societal challenges and promote a richer tapestry of arts, literature, and traditions.

Additionally, integration promotes social harmony and reduces the risk of conflicts that may arise from cultural suppression or forced homogenization. When people feel respected and valued for who they are, they are more likely to participate positively in society and work towards common goals.

Furthermore, integration fosters resilience in the face of external pressures or threats. A nation built on the principles of integration is better equipped to adapt to changing demographics, global trends, and geopolitical shifts without compromising the rights and identities of its diverse population.

In contrast, unity via assimilation can lead to cultural homogeneity, erasing valuable cultural heritage and stifling individual expression. It may also create divisions and resentment among marginalized communities, leading to social unrest and instability.

Therefore, prioritizing unity through integration not only strengthens the social fabric of a nation but also contributes to its long-term sustainability and prosperity.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-02 13:25 | Report Abuse

Akmalkin Skywalker: I Corrupt All Cops? Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender & come clean about bearing their responsibilities:

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear e.g. by exaggerating of human error as intentional provocation

2. Demonize, accuse, slander and call for boikot certain companies, communities or individuals, leading to a sense of condemnation and persecution

3. Exploit existing emotional tensions or religious grievances for personal or political gain.

4. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice by boikotting at any cost" mentality.

5. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante, extremism or terrorism actions.

6. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-10 09:19 | Report Abuse

Boycott options:

A. Fanatically dogmatise paranoid politicians who sow seeds of discord
(Verdict for future: superior choice, progressive, bright days ahead)

B. Slander-plagued supermarts which are run by human who made unmistakeable mistakes (Verdict for future: mediocre choice, stagnation, going nowhere)

C. Misrepresented innocent shoe companies with creative designs (Verdict for future: inferior choice, regressive, doom)

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