The Board of Directors of Scanwolf CorporationBerhad ("the Company") is pleased to announce that all the resolutions set out in theNotice of Seventeenth Annual General Meeting ("17thAGM") dated 31October 2023were duly passed at the Company's 17th AGM held on 30 November 2023.
The voting in respect of all the resolutions tabled was carried out by way of a poll, results of which were validated by the Independent Scrutineer, Asia Securities Sdn. Bhd.
The details of the poll results are set out below and is attached for reference.
This announcement is dated30 November 2023.
Voting Results |
1. Resolution 1 |
Description |
To re-elect Tan Sri Dato' Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin Bin Syed Mohamed Tahir who retires by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 36 | 4 |
No. of Shares | 69,020,292 | 1,700 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9975 | 0.0025 |
Result | Accepted | |
2. Resolution 2 |
Description |
To re-elect Dato' Tan Sin Keat who retires by rotation pursuant to Clause 95 of the Constitution. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 33 | 4 |
No. of Shares | 59,293,111 | 1,700 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9971 | 0.0029 |
Result | Accepted | |
3. Resolution 3 |
Description |
To re-elect Ms. Lee Pei Fen who retires pursuant to Clause 102 of the Constitution. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 36 | 4 |
No. of Shares | 69,020,292 | 1,700 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9975 | 0.0025 |
Result | Accepted | |
4. Resolution 4 |
Description |
To approve the payment of Directors' fees and benefits amounting to RM384,000.00 for the financial year ending 30 June 2024. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 31 | 5 |
No. of Shares | 52,112,811 | 2,000 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9962 | 0.0038 |
Result | Accepted | |
5. Resolution 5 |
Description |
To re-appoint Messrs. PKF as Auditors of the Company and authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 35 | 5 |
No. of Shares | 69,019,992 | 2,000 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9971 | 0.0029 |
Result | Accepted | |
6. Resolution 6 |
Description |
Authority to issue and allot shares of the Company pursuant to Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016. |
Shareholder’s Action | For Voting | |
Voted | For | Against |
No. of Shareholders | 34 | 6 |
No. of Shares | 69,019,892 | 2,100 |
% of Voted Shares | 99.9970 | 0.0030 |
Result | Accepted | |