The Board of Scanwolf Corporation Berhad (“the Company”) would like to announce that, save for Dato’ Othman Bin Talib, who is not seeking for re-election, and thus retired from the Company at the conclusion of the Tenth Annual General Meeting ("AGM"), the shareholders of the Company had approved all resolutions as set out in the Notice of Tenth AGMdated 31 October 2016 at the Tenth AGM of the Company held on 28 November 2016.
All the resolutions were approved by way of voting on poll and the results of the poll are as per the attachment herein.
The results of the poll were validated by Ms Choong Hooi Leng of Tricor Business Services Sdn Bhd, the independent Scrutineer appointed by the Company.
This announcement is dated 28 November 2016.
Please refer attachment below.