KLSE (MYR): WASCO (5142)

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-0.01 (0.95%)

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1.03 - 1.05

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nothing to do with PMX lah. correction onli. wait for correction to finish.

2023-10-06 15:36


oil up wasco up. need break higher 1.00 to finish correction

2023-10-09 10:46


Sold land with almost 400% gain!!


2023-10-13 17:05


Major project announcement soon

2023-10-26 16:58


gud closing at 1.01. Hehe. Correction finished! Gogogo again

2023-11-03 18:46


Big boss also top up recently!

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016) - DATO' SERI ROBERT TAN CHUNG MENG | https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/announcements/view/5798745

2023-11-03 19:49


Land disposal recently for consideration of RM 40 million, disposal gain about RM30 million. Use to repay load and as working capital for new projects!

TRANSACTIONS (CHAPTER 10 OF LISTING REQUIREMENTS) : NON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS | https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/announcements/view/5804583

2023-11-03 19:51


Open on WASCO`s 1 year chart, you will find a 45° uptrend line. Consistently moving up.

QR report is coming maybe within this week, more project construction progress recognized in this quarter. The results is expected a good one.

2023-11-20 23:02


Q3 announcement coming soon. Expect good results.

2023-11-23 14:39


3 consecutive quarter recorded profit! Well-done WASCO !

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/09/2023 | https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/announcements/view/5975435

2023-11-29 10:53


Congratulations! Wasco back to 1.00. let's challenge the next level !

2023-11-29 16:01


Congratulations to thus holding Wasco from RM 0.5x almost 100% gain!!

Analysts upbeat on Wasco’s outlook after 3Q earnings meet expectations | https://www.klsescreener.com/v2/news/view/1240587

2023-11-29 17:07


Post removed.Why?

2023-11-29 17:26


Post removed.Why?

2023-12-14 11:51


New project announcement coming soon!

2023-12-19 14:58


Merry Christmas to all !!!! 🎄🎉🎊

2023-12-25 10:58


Happy new year!!! Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year! 🎉🎉🎉

2023-12-29 10:06


Hohoho challenging 52 weeks high today!!

2024-01-12 09:42


Today’s Stock Picks|WASCO could rise 42% as demand for oil and gas picks up
Chinapress Thu, Jan 18, 2024 09:11pm - 1 hour

Brokerage: RHB Investment Bank Research
Investment recommendation: Buy
Target price: RM1.43
Closing price: RM1.06 (as of January 18)
Earnings per share: 14 sen (estimated for FY2024)
Price-to-earnings ratio: 7.44 times (FY2024) Year estimate)
Dividend yield: - (FY 2024 estimate)
ESG score: 2.8 points (out of 4 points)

Thanks to the strong demand for floating production, storage and offloading vessels (FPSO) and natural gas projects, which has led to an increase in recent profit potential, order volume and bidding volume, we are optimistic about WASCO (WASCO, 5142, main board energy), with a target price of At RM1.43, it is expected that there is still room for growth of 42%.

In the long term, we believe Huasike can seize the opportunities brought by the global energy transition wave and leverage engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) and pipe-coating capabilities to achieve sustainable growth in the bioenergy sector.

As of the third quarter of 2023, Huasike holds orders worth RM3.6 billion, 92% of which are related to energy services, followed by bioenergy services (8%). The company is bidding for about RM7 billion in projects, mostly in the oil and gas sector in West Asia, Australia, Africa and Malaysia.

2024-01-18 22:40


Wasco is a Bursa energy services company with a volatile ROE over the past decade. It ranged from negative 34 % to postive 12 % with an average of negative 3%.

Over the same period the ROE of my reference Bursa energy company – Dayang - ranged from negative 27 % to positive 22 % with an average of pos-tive 5%. https://ujianehc.blogspot.com/2023/12/dayang.html

Wasco did not perform as well as Dayang. But Wasco 2023 ROE based on Sep 2023 LTM results show that it is around its historical high. And with the news about coming high crude oil prices, it may mean that the 2024 ROE will also be good.

When you compare Wasco ROE trends with the market price, you can see a reasonable correlation. But the current market price has yet to reach its historical high. Is this a short term investment opportunity?

2024-01-19 08:48


WASCO already RM1.25 congratulations to thus bought below RM 0.60!!! 100% gain already!😊😊😊

2024-01-31 18:53


still have story can carry on the uptrend ? or reverse to downtrend ?

2024-02-03 12:10


Post removed.Why?

2024-02-03 16:12


hopefully can get another round up

2024-02-05 20:04


1.50 incoming. hehe

2024-02-14 16:30


when ? sure or not ?😀

2024-02-14 17:15


HODL. hehe. 2.00 after 1.50. Correction no problem. Janji don't break below 1.0

2024-02-14 21:55


Incoming incoming. Hehe

2024-02-20 16:08


WASCO posted highest revenue 800 million and highest profit 35 million since Dec 2017.

On 28th Feb 2018 WASCO reported the highest revenue, highest profit ever for QR ending Dec 2017. Share price peak at RM 1.65 and moving south after the peak.

This round how far the share price could go??

2024-02-27 19:16


1.50 >> 2.00

2024-02-27 21:30


Sold one batch today at 1.38. Hope I can get back below 1.00.

2024-04-22 21:10


Sold 2nd batch 1.50 on Friday. Time to harvest the return from now. Next batch target 1.69 😘😘😘

2024-04-28 09:42


hope another YLT, hehe

2024-04-28 19:48


Wasco already hit 5 years high. Next week`s QR report should be another impressive quarter. Stay tuned!!

2024-05-22 15:31


Wasco registered best profit since 2017. 57m profit this quarter with 643m revenue! 😃😃😃

Next quarter could give record breaking profit!!!

2024-05-30 19:30


Wasco should be bright again once the oil price going up. I think when the US begin cutting interest rate, the oil price will go up. Wasco as one of the best oil stock will benefit from it.

2024-07-18 15:49


Walaoeh, oil price spike up like mad !
Brent closed at=> $80.93 +2.88 +3.69 %
Heng ah, Ong ah, Huat ah !

2024-10-08 08:22


If you examine its price chart carefully, you will notice that it has been dropping in the last 3 months. But its share price recovering in the last one month. It is floating between Rm 1.07-1.09 in the last one month. It is very safe to buy at this current level.

2024-10-18 08:41


No major project in 2025. Huge expense includes pay worker wages, OT, equipments, and etc. Major shareholder regret and cease. Why KYY still want to trap people to buy
? Why

2024-10-25 07:50


waseong, if you check your track record, you will notice that you have been losing money in the stock market. That is why he is telling people to sell Wasco now, Koon Yew Yin

2 months ago


I am very hopeful for Wasco's upcoming QR as well! The profits are solid and so is the oil price, they are most certainly in relative comfort. Next quarter, I wouldn't be shocked if the profits were unprecedented. Just have to watch out for those market trends.

2 months ago


Hello, its 2025. Anyone here to monitor Wasco's uptrend?

3 weeks ago


good uptrend, keep it up for 5 days

3 weeks ago

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