KLSE (MYR): LKL (0182)
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3 month trend lowest price 14.5 sen..
Can it touch 14.5 sen in another two days of trading before year 2023 end?
2023-12-28 09:00
Still at base building stage???
I think operator / insiders already finished year end sale... TAYOR
2024-01-04 19:45
Murray Hunter is giving away his e-book *"Malaysia's Deep Corruption: the Malaysian Deep State"*.
According to James Chin, "You should be very fearful after reading this".
2024-01-08 20:24
2024-01-11 17:05
I'm not a chartist...
RSI(14) Neutral 39.8
Stochastic(14) Oversold 20.0
Average Volume (3M) 9,288,100
Relative Volume 0.5
But based on technical, it's still not so good...
I hope it's already building its support price @14-14.5... How long??? I don't know. HE HE HE
Hope it won't fall further to test new low..
2024-01-11 21:15
Based on technical, it's still not so good...
2024-01-19 20:32
@Lyon91.. It's just a technical readings....
If there is nothing in a near future which can make fundamental of the company WORSEN... Its for me normal...
Technical reading from oversold can be changed to overbought in a short of time...
2024-01-20 02:11
dah cash out, pengasas, duit parked kat oversea enterprise kini :)
theedgemalaysia.com › article › restaurant-operator-overseaLKL International co-founder Lim Kon Lian now a substantial...
Nov 19, 2021 · Oversea Enterprise Bhd said on Friday (Nov 19) Lim Kon Lian emerged as a substantial shareholder of the restaurant operator on Thursday after he subscribed to 261.92 million shares representing a 23.077% stake in the company's expanded number of issued shares via a private placement of new shares.
2024-01-20 17:39
pengasas sendiri tak yakin pada LKL, kini berada dalam oversea enterprise, pemegang syer kedua terbesar dalam oversea enterprise kini haha
Name of Shareholders
No. of
Shares Held
1. Affin Hwang Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd.
- Exempt An for Lazarus Securities PTY LTD
363,459,176 32.02
2. Lim Kon Lian 261,916,000 23.08
2024-01-20 17:41
Oh.. Saya faham. Ini senarai dari AR 2023 bagi Oversea Enterprise Berhad.
Bukan AR LKL.
Buat apalah susah-susah Good123 postkan data syarikat lain di sini!!! He He He
Lagipun saya rasa Lim Kon Lian pun dah jadi sejarah di LKL kan?
2024-01-20 22:07
Maklumat ini lagi penting... Siapa pemegang saham terbesar LKL sekarang... dan adakah Lim Kon Lian masih tercatat dalam senarai atau tidak...
Based on LKL's Annual Report 2022 :
Total Number of Issued Shares : 388,057,256 ordinary shares
(without aggregating securities from different securities accounts belonging to the same registered holder)
No Name No. of Shares %
1. Botanical Distribution Sdn. Bhd. 47,010,000 12.11
2. AMSEC Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. 44,579,720 11.49
Exempt An for KGI Securities (Singapore) Pte. Ltd (66581 T CL)
3. M & A Nominee (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd. 44,341,200 11.43
Exempt An for Sanston Financial Group Limited (Account Client)
4. Attractive Venture Sdn. Bhd. 19,317,665 4.98
5. Ace Edible Oil Industries Sdn. Bhd. 19,100,000 4.92
6. AE Multi Industries Sdn. Bhd. 19,000,000 4.90
7. Perusahaan Saudee Sdn. Bhd. 12,399,600 3.20
8. Ang Kian You 11,005,880 2.84
9. Ang Kian You 9,968,780 2.57
10. AFFIN Hwang Nominees (Asing) Sdn. Bhd. Exempt An for Sanston Financial Group Limited (Account Client) 8,688,100 2.24
2024-01-20 22:21
BOD of LKL.. Based on AR 2022.
Datuk Chong Loong Men - Executive Director
Zulkarnin Bin Ariffin - Executive Director
Lim Ming Chang - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Chan Jee Peng - Independent Non-Executive Director
Ling Chi Hoong - Independent Non-Executive Director
Ng Fun Kim - Independent Non-Executive Director
2024-01-20 22:29
tiada yg mustahil... geng tangan ghaib cuma nak serap wang retailers yg jahil :)
2024-01-21 16:05
pasukhas, dibawah geng tangan ghaib, dah buat consol syer 2 kali dah... geng tangan ghaib cuma mau rompak duit retailers yg naif... tiada biz yg menjana keuntungan.. asyik rugi dengan related party transactions ataupun beli syer penny related parties yang cuma rugi haha... jaga diri, ya!
2024-01-21 16:07
Nilai pemegang syer dimusnahkan dengan hebat
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Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/09/2023
Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Financial Year End: 31/12/2023
Report Status: Unaudited
Submitted By:
Current Year Quarter Preceding Year Corresponding Quarter Current Year to Date Preceding Year Corresponding Period
30/09/2023 30/09/2022 30/09/2023 30/09/2022
RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 RM '000
1 Revenue 8,821 0 28,638 0
2 Profit/Loss Before Tax 1,045 0 (7,038) 0
3 Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent 1,058 0 (7,022) 0
4 Net Profit/Loss For The Period 1,045 0 (7,038) 0
5 Basic Earnings/Loss Per Shares (sen) 0.54 0.00 (2.37) 0.00
6 Dividend Per Share (sen) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
As At End of Current Quarter As At Preceding Financial Year End
7 Net Assets Per Share (RM) 0.4400 1.3400
The Company had on 22 April 2022 announced the change of financial year end
from 30 September to 31 December. Hence, there are no comparative figures for
the preceding year corresponding quarter/period.
You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access
the Bursa website at http://www.bursamalaysia.com
27/11/2023 07:00 AM
Ref Code: 202311273100356
2024-01-22 08:55
Lkl founder sold n left lkl & jumped ship to Chinese restaurant group called oversea enterprise bhd pulak.
Without fraud, everything an excel, etc ;)
Chinese restaurants, like any other business, can thrive if they are properly managed without resorting to fraud. Several factors contribute to their success:Quality of Food: A focus on providing high-quality, authentic Chinese cuisine can attract and retain customers.Customer Service: Good customer service and a positive dining experience can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.Ambiance: A pleasant and inviting ambiance can enhance the overall dining experience, encouraging customers to return.Cost Control: Effective cost management, including efficient sourcing of ingredients, can contribute to maintaining reasonable prices without compromising quality.Marketing: Strategic marketing efforts, both online and offline, can help attract new customers and keep the restaurant visible in the community.Adaptability: Being adaptable to changing consumer preferences and trends in the food industry is crucial for long-term success.Community Engagement: Involvement in the local community and understanding customer preferences can help tailor offerings to meet the specific needs of the target market.By focusing on these aspects and running a transparent and ethical operation, Chinese restaurants can build a loyal customer base and achieve long-term success.
2024-01-23 08:51
As per my observation, there was none of direct insider (the parties which is the director, principal management or substantial shareholders whom must report to BURSA if any shareholding changes had occured). No filings @BURSA from entire Disember 2023 until today.
None of any bad news has been filed at BURSA on the same date...
I concluded that, this phase of share price downtrend could be the play of "indirect insider" or operator.........
Personally, accumulation completed...
Hope for the best...... TAYOR
2024-01-23 09:45
Q4 Dec 23 Revenue RM 15,940,000 Profit before tax RM 4,147,000 Net profit RM 44,000 EPS 0.01 sen NTA 44 sen Performance Quarter on Quarter Down 96% Year on Year Up 100%
2024-02-29 21:29
Base on my BRIEF study on QR1 2024 (The latest QR) of LKL:
(Note: A comparative info from QR4 2023 included)
The summary on the company from QR1 2024:
A: The profitabilty of this quarter compared to the last QR4 2023 substatially dropped.
B. Still sitting on a negative reserve.
C: A cash rich company with RM 25,014,000 cash and cash equivalent.
D. Total assets > Total liabilities (Reduced total liabilities), Total current assets > Total current liabilities: Means still has a low indebtedness risk.
1. NTA 42.0 sen _ , QR4 2023 @ 44.0 sen
2. NOSH 388.06 mil _ , QR4 2023 @ 388.06m
Share capital RM 240,262,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM240,262,000
Merger deficit (RM 29,580,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ (RM29,580,000)
Accumulated losses (RM 46,253,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ accumulated losses of (RM 39,021,000)
Equity attributable to owners of the Company RM 164,429,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 171,661,000
Non-controlling interests ( RM 633,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ (RM 638,000)
TOTAL EQUITY RM 163,796,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 171,023,000
4. Cash and cash equivalent:
Fixed deposit with licensed bank RM 20,534,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 20,380,000
Cash and bank balances RM 4,480,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 16,190,000
5. Assets:
Non-current Assets RM 122,855,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 115,876,000
Current Assets RM 69,041,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 97,952,000
Assets included in disposal
group classified as held for sale RM 5,913,000 ¬_ , QR4 2023 @ RM 11,811,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 197,809,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 213,828,000
6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 25,583,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 34,138,000
Non-current liabilities RM 8,430,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 8,666,000
TOTAL LIABILITIES RM 34,013,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 42,805,000
7. QR1 2024 Results
Revenue RM 9,585,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 15,940,000
Profit before tax / (Loss) (RM 7,227,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 4,147,000
Net profit / (Net loss) (RM 7,232,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 44,000
2024-06-01 07:00
Note 1:
For 1Q 2024, the Group posted revenue of RM9.585 million mainly contributed by the orders delivered from the manufacturing segment of medical/ healthcare beds, medical peripherals and accessories. Geographically, the local market remains as the largest revenue contributor at RM8.391 million or 87.54% of the group revenue where the remaining revenue of RM1.194 million or 12.46% of the group revenue was generated from exports, mainly from other Asian region for the 1Q 2024.
The Group reported a gross profit of RM3.773 million and gross profit margin of 24.54% for the current financial period.
The Group posted a LBT of RM7.227 million for the current financial period mainly due to losses in the fair value on investment in quoted shares of RM5.186 million, depreciation and lease expense of RM1.755 million and interest expense of RM0.414 million. In addition, the pharmacy operations incurred a loss before tax in the current quarter of approximately RM0.937 million. However, excluding the effects of losses incurred by the pharmacy business and the fair value loss of quoted investments, the Group generated positive EBITDA of approximately RM1.065 million for the current quarter.
Note 2:
The Group’s revenue for the current financial quarter under review decreased as compared to preceding quarter, from RM15.940 million to RM9.585 million, due to lower sales of medical peripherals and accessories due to lower project sales in the current quarter.
The Group registered a loss before tax of RM7.227 million in the current financial quarter as compared to profit before tax of RM4.147 million in 4Q 2023 which was mainly due to fair value loss on investment in quoted shares of RM5.186 million. On the contrary, the preceding quarter recorded a fair value gain on investment of RM3.769 million.
Note 3: Prospects
Despite all the challenges and difficulties faced by the Group, we are committed to ensuring the Group’s long-term growth by continuously exploring and pursuing available opportunities that are prospective in increasing shareholders’ value. Looking ahead, the Group strives to improve the sales volume by expanding and offering a wider variety of medical devices to our customers.
The Group continues to leverage its long-term strategic relationships with the existing and potential business associates and partners that would improve the business process efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Group also continues to pursue progress in its joint venture arrangements to meet its objectives.
Broadening our distributorship scope, we believe the existing engagement with SECA and MEDITOP’s products enables us to further introduce more medical devices to the market. We strive to build a more resilient organisation, upholding operational efficiencies and sustainable initiatives to navigate through business challenges, thereby reinforcing our position as a reliable, one-stop solutions provider to the medical and healthcare industry.
2024-06-01 07:00
You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access
the Bursa website at http://www.bursamalaysia.com
01/07/2024 07:00 AM
2024-07-03 16:30
Announced EX Date Subject Ratio Offer
10 Feb 2023 24 Feb 2023 Rights Issue (warrant) 3.0000 : 1.0000 0.1700
29 Sep 2022 13 Oct 2022 Share Consolidation 1.0000 : 10.0000
3 out of last 4 years of losses
Check P/L and Capital Changes
NOSH = 388,057,256 after share consolidation & massive fund raising via Rights Issue in Feb 2023
WA = 193,931,375
Maturity 2026-03-21
Strike value 0.1700
Expect directors to restart and continue massive fund raising via shares issuance to PP, ESOS, RI, asset acquisition, etc
Expect NOSH to increase and shareholder equity % and EPS to be diluted with massive share issuance in near future
Continue to monitor
quarterly results
directors plan for utilisation of company funds
directors plan for more fund raising via shares issuance to PP, ESOS, RI , asset acquisition, etc
Expect Cindy Kate to play the price to attract & trap newbies, punters, fomo oldbies etc
2024-07-17 15:04
Lkl 14.5 cents and minetech 14.5 cents.who will win.let see before 16 august.
29/7/24 12.15am
2024-07-29 00:13
HC up, this rubbish not move. HC down, this rubbish will further down.
2024-08-22 11:22
Base on my BRIEF study on QR3 2024 (The latest QR) of LKL:
(Note: A comparative info from QR2 2024 included)
The summary on the company from QR3 2024:
A: Revenue, profitability and NTA.
Revenue PBT Net Profit EPS NTA QoQ(%) YoY(%)
11,166K -7,927K -7,926K -2.04 sen 0.40 sen Down 232% Down 849%
B. Still sitting on an increasing negative reserve of RM 56,568,000.
C: A cash rich company with a RM 25,582,000 cash and cash equivalent.
D. Total assets > Total liabilities (Reduced total liabilities).
Total current assets > Total current liabilities: Means still has a low indebtedness risk.
1. NTA 40.0 sen _ , QR2 2024 @ 42.0 sen
2. NOSH 388.06 mil _ , QR2 2024 @ 388.06m
Share capital RM 240,262,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM240,262,000
Merger deficit (RM 29,580,000) _ , QR2 2024 @ (RM29,580,000)
Accumulated losses (RM 56,568,000 ) _ , QR2 2024 @ (RM 48,642,000 )
Equity attributable to
owners of the Company RM 154,114,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 162,040,000
Non-controlling interests ( RM 624,000) _ , QR2 2024 @ (RM 623,000)
TOTAL EQUITY RM 153,490,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 161,417,000
4. Cash and cash equivalent:
Fixed deposit with licensed bank RM 20,884,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 20,681,000
Cash and bank balances RM 4,698,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 4,548,000
5. Assets:
Non-current Assets RM 122,821,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 124,398,000
Current Assets RM 65,441,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 67,277,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 188,262,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 191,675,000
6. Liabilities:
Non-current liabilities RM 10,490,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 8,217,000 Current Liabilities RM 24,282,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 22,041,000
TOTAL LIABILITIES RM 34,772,000 _ , QR2 2023 @ RM 30,258,000
7. QR3 2024 Results
Revenue RM 11,166,000 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 9,716,000
Profit before tax / (Loss) (RM 7,927,000 ) _ , QR2 2024 @ ( RM 2,243,000)
Net profit / (Net loss) (RM 7,926,000 ) _ , QR2 2024 @ ( RM 2,389,000 )
4 weeks ago
Note 1: Q3 FY2024 vs Q3 FY2023
For the current quarter ended 30 September 2024 (Q3FY24), the Group registered a higher revenue of RM30.467 million, a marginal increase of RM1.829 million or 6.39% from the corresponding quarter in the preceding year (Q3FY23).
The Group posted revenue of RM30.467 million, mainly contributed by the orders delivered from the trading and retail segment of medical peripherals and accessories, medical devices, healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Geographically, the local market remains as the largest revenue contributor at RM19.415 million or 63.72% of the group revenue where the remaining revenue of RM11.053 million (Q3FY23 : RM3,704 million) or 36.28% of the group revenue was generated from exports, mainly from another Asian region.
The Group reported a gross profit of RM6.588 million and a gross profit margin of 21.62% for the current financial period. In Q3FY23, the Group reported a gross profit of RM9.349 million and gross profit margin of 32.64%. The reduction of 11.02% in the gross profit margin is primarily attributed to higher material costs and loss from pharmacy operations.
The Group posted a LBT of RM17.397 million (Q3FY23 : RM7.038 million) for the current financial period mainly due to losses in the fair value on investment in quoted shares of RM10.367 million (Q3FY23 : RM6.108 million), depreciation and lease expense of RM3.841 million (Q3FY23 : RM2.542 million), interest expense of RM1.247 million (Q3FY23 : RM0.411 million) and impairment loss on glove inventories of RM1.253 million.
Note 2: Q3 FY2024 vs Q2 FY2024
Revenue for the current quarter increased by RM1.450 million or 14.94% as compared to the preceding quarter (Q2FY24) mainly due to increased sales of medical peripherals and accessories, medical devices, healthcare and pharmaceuticals in the current quarter.
The Group registered a loss before tax of RM7.927 million in the current financial quarter as compared to a loss before tax of RM2.243 million in Q2 2024 mainly due to higher impairment loss on trade receivables of RM0.706 million (Q2FY24 : RM0.169 million), losses in the fair value on investment in quoted shares of RM3.582 million (Q2FY24 : RM2.058 million) and impairment on glove inventories of RM1.253 million. The current quarter’s losses in the pharmacy segment were RM1.305 million. Excluding losses of the pharmacy business, the EBITDA for the medical/healthcare beds, medical peripherals and accessories was positive at RM1.463 million.
4 weeks ago
As expected.
Recorded a gross profit of RM 1.5 million, but the profit was "eaten" by the fair value loss on investment in quoted shares of RM 10.367 million! TAYOR
4 weeks ago
The volume has been decreased.....
2023-12-27 17:08