1M Talking Kangkung

Najib Kangkunged Again, This Time On BBC World Service Radioshow

Publish date: Sun, 19 Jan 2014, 12:17 AM

BBC covers kangkung issue on popular World Service radio show

JANUARY 18, 2014

The McKangkung... just one of the many forms of satirical works which came out following the prime minister's remarks last week. - January 18, 2014.The McKangkung... just one of the many forms of satirical works which came out following the prime minister's remarks last week. - January 18, 2014.The kangkung issue took another leap beyond Malaysian shores tonight with it being covered on BBC’s World Service radio show. The broadcast highlighted the fact that social media in Malaysia, including blogs, Twitter and Facebook were flooded with various kangkung stories and satire this week.

In the 7.30pm show, presenter Mukul Devichand said Malaysians have been talking and avidly joking about kangkung the past week and it was impossible to get away from the topic.

He was referring to the widespread anger of Malaysians who mocked and made fun of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for attempting to use kangkung to garner praise from the rakyat.

The radio show - entitled #BBCtrending: Be careful what you say about spinach - looked back at the events of the past week in Malaysia following Najib's ill-judged example.

Devichand also noted that the BBC report which was posted on the website on Tuesday was reportedly difficult for Malaysians to access.

"On Wednesday, many Malaysians reported difficulty in accessing the report although they did not have problems going to BBC's homepage," he said.

"There were conspiracy theories swirling about government censorship. Telekom Malaysia said any questions on blocking should be referred to the authorities.

"However, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission said they had not blocked any pages nor had they received any such instructions," Devichand added.

He also noted that at the time the MCMC responded, many Malaysians had managed to access the BBC report.

"It was a small story about vegetables but showed a lot of the issues at play, including cost of living, prices of goods and services, freedom of speech and politicians," Devichand said. – January 18, 2014.


Prior to listening to the radio, how about a remix to go with the kangkung at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwy5MH14i8M

Listen to how he is ridiculed and mocked at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01pnzhq





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If he does not increase electricity cost, there would not be price increase in everything.

2014-01-19 19:11


If PM Najib does not increase electricity cost then the debt of Malaysia will go up. And Fitch, Moody, Standard & Poor will give negative ratings for Malaysia. Then Foreign Funds Will Dump Malaysian assets including bond & equities. Then our cost of borrowing will also go up. Followed by high interest rate.

These chain of events will lead to a further collapse of ringgit and a collapse of property prices due to high interest rates. And imported stuff & all things will go up anyway. Either way there is no escape from fiscal responsibility. If we don't discipline ourselves. The International Free Market will discipline us by a loss of confidence and sell down Malaysia.

Even now Foreign Funds are selling Malaysia in a low key manner.

2014-01-19 19:37


The root cause of these problems are the escalating debt borne the najib umno government after he took over from pak lah due to mismanagement, corruption and excessive spending to remain in power !!

2014-01-19 19:54


Please check lah, of all the oil producing countries, where there is such a country like this with so much debt and its people suffer. Think first before answering stupidly.

If got not money, get investors to come in like what Mahathir did last time.

2014-01-20 00:10


Tenaga Nasional Bhd posts higher net profit of RM4.61bil for 2013

Profit increase still want to put burden to its people.


2014-01-20 00:24


Post removed.Why?

2014-01-20 00:31


: )

2014-01-20 00:37


Agree with you Andy....this guy is the one who are either plain stupid or plain lazy due to cronyism?!

2014-01-20 00:59


In the first place are you one of the cronies?

Have you been to other countries and see how advance they are?

The Indonesians and Philipphinos can speak much better and improved english than your fellow malaysians.

The Myammar people are here as a transit points to US. And some of them are very educated people and speaks very good english.

The Indonesians and Philipphinos have already stop coming here as maids.

Indonesians are no more construction workers. There are the sub contractors now. Most of them are bosses now. The Banglas are the workers.

The Bangladeshis are here and married your malay gals and open business here and then send money back to their country.

The Chinese, Taiwanese, Singapore are the properties buyers here jacking up all the property price. You cannot even buy a decent home in KL less than 500k.

Can you see where this country heading in years to come? Where you people stand?

From the way you are answering, you seems to be living in the 80's. Plain stupid.

If you are staying in Singapore or pretending to be one, please do not talk cooock here.

2014-01-20 00:59


Thanks ktrader for supporting me. If this calvintaneng is a malaysian and working in singapore, he is definitely scuking the singaporens' banana and balls.

2014-01-20 01:11

Frank Soweto

hehe go Andy - seems that fella is completely lost like HILANG after consuming too much Tudor dark chocolate. he should be channeling some of his thoughts as advisor to chedet blog :)

2014-01-20 01:13


Post removed.Why?

2014-01-20 01:20


whoever u r,calvintaneng is the most busuk name in i3.many here oredi know

2014-01-20 01:25


Don't know why you guys are so negative. Go and buy these shares and keep for one year to make some good money:
1) PM Corp on weakness.
2) MUI Berhad
3) SILK Holdings

See my comments on their respective Forum sites. Not for short term gambling. Invest until you see good results.

Best Regards & Good Night.

2014-01-20 01:43

Frank Soweto

And I am no crony. I only vote for Lim Kit Siang Party.
boy you sure need some hard knocks on your head from uncle LIM - by the way you know Uncle Lim is in DAP and Not UMNO hehe. how about this IF the BN gov did not squandered all our natural resources through corruption, cronyism and wastage we might NOT even need to be raising electricity in the first place. we would be on Par with Singapore if not better :)

Let me tell you Malaysian Roads Are The BEST IN THE WORLD
just like tudor is the best chocolate in the whole world :)

Don't know why you guys are so negative.
we're 'negative' on how can any sane person if you're one be blinded by the antics of our Bolihland leaders. by the way looks like u have juz been kangkunged :)

oh good night to you too and No thanks for your selections especially on PM corp and No I did not lose money on PM corp - juz that I do not trust the management especially the big boss :)

2014-01-20 02:10


Thank you Frank and Wattapi for supporting.

If this calvintaneng wants to debate, i can spend 24/7 to debate because i do not need to report to work like him being a singaporean baalls scuker. Tell me, why do you live in Singapore?

Also, what has the ROADs in malaysia got to do with this topic? If he really traveled to all the mentioned countries, he would not have talk coock saying that malaysia roads are the BEST. Have you travel to Sabah? Seen the roads there? Do you know we need to use Big Foot to travel there? DO you know what is Big Foot? Not the orang hutan, you know.

Do you know UEM tried to promote Iskandar to the Arabs but failed. Not only they UEM merged with Sunrise only did the projects are successfully carried out. And who are the buyers of Iskandar properties? Its the Singaporeans.

This Singaporeans rented their properties in Singapore at higher rate and buy properties at JB for cheaper cost. To then, it is cheap because they are earning Singapore dollar.

From the way you answered, i guess you are in your late 50's. You do not even know what is happening now. You already have your money and have properties to collect rental to support you in your old man golden days. You do not even care what are most younger malaysians are suffering now.

Maybe you are waiting for retirement. If you really work with Pan Malaysia, that really put a bad image to them. That is why Pan Malaysia has already 'ta pan'

For your info, i am in my 30's. So do not talk about family matters. I am not even married.

Also, on the stocks counters you recommend, those are all old mans counters. Counters of the 80's . Self played counters. Please do not buullshiit.

Also, if you are a share consultant (or any), i pity all your followers. Its going to be one way ticket to grave.

And also what the hecck is best chocolate got to do with investments? Are you telling us that 'life is like a box of chocolate'? You never know what come next?

2014-01-20 02:57


@Calvintaneng you said Malaysian road are the best and claim you visit Sabah and Sarawak? I wonder if you had travel the Pan Borneo road? if you haven't so don't claim you visit East Malaysia.

2014-01-20 05:54


Sorry boys, I think I made a mistake here. I should rephrase my words as, "Our West Malaysian Highways and especially the New Ones In Iskandar are among the best in the world".

Yes, and by all means vote out BN in the next election. I fully agree with you that BN has wasted a lot of money. Singapore Has ZERO Resources and did SO WELL. Malaysia Has All The Resources like palm oil, rubber and tin and forest and what not - yet the ringgit has fallen less than half of Sing Dollar.

So get rid of BN and get rid of cronyism. Hear Ye! Hear He! BN people - Better Change Your Wastrel Ways!

Happy Now?

2014-01-20 08:31


You made a mistake means a mistake is made. You do not "THINK" you made a mistake. Mistake like THIS is so obvious!

"Yes, and by all means vote out BN in the next election. I fully agree with you that BN has wasted a lot of money. Singapore Has ZERO Resources and did SO WELL. Malaysia Has All The Resources like palm oil, rubber and tin and forest and what not - yet the ringgit has fallen less than half of Sing Dollar".

"So get rid of BN and get rid of cronyism. Hear Ye! Hear He! BN people - Better Change Your Wastrel Ways!
Happy Now?"

What is this? Making a decision just to make us Boys happy? You do not even know why are you making that decision. And that is also a problem with most lousy educated malaysia here making wrong decision selfishly.

2014-01-20 10:36

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