1M Talking Kangkung

RESIGN PLEASE, To Save Malaysia

Publish date: Fri, 14 Aug 2015, 12:12 PM


"God," so people used to say in the era of military conflict, "is on the side of the big battalions."

These days it is the big talkers and big spenders who pray that the divine force will be with them. Perhaps God is, perhaps God will hear their prayers. But even if not, a good public show of piety and pious conventionalism is never wasted - among the unimaginative and desperate.
It may not convince God, but it can impress the gullible. Meanwhile, on PM Najib Razak's bold initiative, let us all pray together to the Almighty to save Malaysia from its failing, doomed PM.
Even if the captain drowns in the storm, let us pray that the national ship will reach port safely, ready to sail again in the future under a better navigator.
The Najib years have been an unprecedented shambles and humiliation for Malaysia. They have seen Umno go from being a tough but capable political party to a gaggle of mediocrities, a rabble of opportunists and bully-boys.
Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad's policies may have been questionable. But he had policies. Najib has only delusions, schemes and disasters to show for his years at the top.
In most countries, six years is a very long tenure for a PM. Normally they have something, a lot, to show for their time. Najib has nought to show - and still begs to be given a chance. Begs not personally but through his surrogates and "talking chiefs". He will not speak for himself.
When a man cannot be a capable DIY politician in his own cause and interest - if he cannot and will not himself face and persuade people whom he would lead and to whom he is accountable - he has no business being PM.
He's in the wrong job. He should resign - and do something else more suited to his talents.











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Well said...

2015-08-14 12:22


Najib start lying through his teeth the day he became PM. One big lie after another. From submarine until donation scandal. All involve billion and billion of under-table money. And worst DAP supporters are targeting the wrong race. Malays are victims as much as chinese or any other minority race in Malaysia. The only group of race that prosper are the umnoputra race. Remember only one race enjoy too much benefit, and they are the umnoputra, not malay, not bumi. Too many talk politic but don't even get it right. Why would Najib resign now? He is born liar and those billion and billion will not stop coming to him

2015-08-14 12:23


Agree! He feels that you oppose him, you ought to pay the price. Same as using the rakyat money to win election because you are punish for not supporting him

2015-08-14 12:23


Malay know they are victim of the umnoputra race. And chinese don't understand, they thought just because you are malay everything is wonderful. And now Zahid is bringing another 1.5 million new malays to serve the umnoputra race to win next general election.

2015-08-14 12:26


yea, bring along "his" Rm2.6bil to graveyard. "no one" cares.

2015-08-14 12:28


Next time police stop you for driving without seatbelt, help his family by donating rm50.00. It is not wrong to make donation. Najib just make corruption a general acceptable culture

2015-08-14 12:29


The mammoth task to unlodge Najib rest in Ku Li hands. He is the only uniting factor to pass a vote of no confidence now.

2015-08-14 12:34


I really do hope Najib can stepdown..he is a disaster to all Malaysians.

2015-08-14 12:35


Just look at index. Najib don't even care nor have the urgency to do anything. As always when things turn worst only then he wake up. He was lucky for first few years. Now bad luck will fall unto all of us.

2015-08-14 12:37


He just care himself only..as long as money is safe inside his pocket, he dun care anythings else, but just use the mouth to said Malaysia still good with my leadership, bla..bla..bla..We all suffer, he comfort there..

2015-08-14 12:42


When Najib talks, his only concern is his boss in middle east. Notice how all his talk is out of touch with reality. Najib use money to buy his position, he openly bribe umnoputras, he openly bribe all malaysians.

2015-08-14 12:48


Generally all races are united and helpful to each other but only umno divides and rule to gain control of the people.

2015-08-14 12:51


Beside umno, dap also play racial card. Both party must go. We need new multiracial party

2015-08-14 12:53


do you guys really think jibby step down can save this market? it doesn't mean 1mdb solved, 2.8billion scandal solved, ringgit over-depreciation solved...(but, at least we will be "soong" if he got jailed tgt with hippo wife

2015-08-14 12:53


Absolute yes, Najib is corrupted to the core. Making one big lie after another. Stop him and the rout stop too.

osted by hissyu2 > Aug 14, 2015 12:53 PM | Report Abuse

do you guys really think jibby step down can save this market? it doesn't mean 1mdb solved, 2.8billion scandal solved, ringgit over-depreciation solved...(but, at least we will be "soong" if he got jailed tgt with hippo wife

2015-08-14 12:58


for long term it will solve a lot of issues..
most importantly it will make the foreign investors trust the government of ethical conduct.

but the worst impact / image to the country is when:

"foreigners see some supporters at ministerial level / chief police / head of central bank twist facts which are too obvious"

then it truly becomes tak bolehland to invest...

2015-08-14 13:03


dont be stupid ! changing PM wont solve problem. it just solve your ego ! Most Malaysians are really bunch of stupid people

2015-08-14 13:08


A takeover government if vote of no confidence successful. Ku Li as PM and committee of all political parties to reform all sectors especially education, transparency and abuse of powers.

2015-08-14 13:13


Najib already 6 years as PM. Bought nothing but misery.

2015-08-14 13:24


I wonder why it takes such a long time to investigate? all these issues without any finding makes everyone in doubt not only the nation but also the foreigner! i think it is a matter whether u want to do it or not! sigh........

if we can refer to the recent huge corporate case in Japan, the finding was so fast and those involved got summon.

i oso find amazing that indonesia jokowi reshuffle those ministers that cant perform well within a certain period. whereas, here the reshuffle is because you dont support me! sigh.........

2015-08-14 14:23


I think foreigners worry is at the highest level on the market now..
as Zeti had submitted her report to AG.
Its going to be concluded soon..

2015-08-14 14:34


or is it coz of the fuel price drop?

2015-08-14 14:34

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