Publish date: Sat, 10 May 2014, 02:48 PM
My name is Chris Choo. Practising remisier for 18 years. Currently working as remisier attached at Jupiter Securities Sdn Bhd. Specializes and uses the "Price Action Technique" in selecting winning stocks for intraday and short term trading with great success.


The arm chair analyst and the freebies dispenser...are they for real ?

Very early on in my working career ...30 years back... .I remember receiving this "hot share tip " from a well meaning friend and without giving second thoughts sunk my life savings , hoping to make some quick returns..as it turned out ,I lost most of it in double quick time ....I remember getting excited on the buy date as the prices seem to move up only to fall back and then way below cost as the due date approached...like most novice punters I panicked ,sold all the shares and gave my friend a good scolding...I found out much later that he got burnt himself and that hot tip was gotten from a free seminar he attended.!

Fast forward to the present....not much has changed...except that the composite index is now around 1860 compared to about 400 then..!...it bewilders me when my friends and even some experienced traders / investors in current times still choose the "easy " way out to make fast money...not keen to do any research or at the very least ask a learned adviser before jumping in on seemingly free tips obtained from the hundreds of blogsites or free seminars...don't get me wrong...some of them do make handsome gains..only to lose back later ...worse they may lose their capital as well as I did back then..one peculiar remark many followers have made is that the share tip is "usually " accurate on the first hour or first day and only turn bad subsequently..without even considering the "accuracy" ie share price goes up could very well be the combined buying frenzy of the followers on receipt of the "tip " ! and not due to strong fundamentals or impending positive developments ..For obvious reasons once the buying tapers of prices naturally fall and those without a chair once the music stops end up paying dearly...There are of course professionally run seminars or training courses but I doubt they come free....On the flip side shady ones could be used as bait to trap the gullible retailers while they exit unwanted shares at a good price...

Speaking of freebies , the other category that one should be wary of is the arm chair analyst..Though he/she may have good intentions more often than not free advice is freely dispensed without an indepth thought of repercussions to the novice retailer..eg overly bullish just on the strength of a strong Dow performance or vice versa...one only need to sit in front of a live trading terminal for a full day to realise actual realtime stock performance is a net effect of non quantifiable permutations of factors affecting players ..not unlike a battlefield where the soldiers need to think and save his neck if not trying to beat the foe in question..main factors like developing news flow (not historical like the morning papers ) ,company announcements, economic and political changes and so forth will alter the trading environment by the seconds literally...then there is the quantifiable statistics like quantum of due date contra selling.broker restrictions .authority queries to name a few ,all of which have bearing on the individual stocks and broad market...perhaps it may be pertinent to check whether these freebie dispensers ,either a stock broking house research analyst or some broking head has actually bought or sold a single share in his life...With this in mind it is imperative one does need to go back to basics..ie do some homework..develop an independent mind and avoid taking short cuts...

Remember the old adage...There is no free lunch !

Thank you

Chris Choo



2 people like this. Showing 3 of 3 comments


Well said, Chris. U can read my mind. A good piece of advice to be seriously taken note of by all the novices. Fully agree with the idiom of 'there's no such thing as free lunch.' Unfortunately, most of the investors r lazy to conduct stock research themselves for better understanding of the risk factors pertinent to their targeted stock b4 committing themselves to buy in.

2014-05-10 16:10

Kent Lee

yes Mr Chris…. i love reading your post… was wondering what happen to you…. WELCOME BACK !! Good reading for all… keep writing please...

2014-05-10 19:26


aiyoyo Chris, you want investors/swingers to do research... aiyoyo... after reading, hearing, reading profile of the companies ...aiyoyo... they are mostly sugar coated... then look at the quarterly reports... aiyoyo...

aiyoyo... then adding everything together to finally make a decision after adding biases into them... a well-informed deluded state of mind...

aiyoyo...forming a deadly mixture concoction ... then jump into the targeted stock...

aiyoyo... then immediately realised that it was a blunder... the beginning of the fall into a bottomless pit ... aiyoyo help.... but aiyoyo ... it is too late. You knowlah, history repeats and keep on repeating aiyoyo

2014-05-10 19:49

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