My trading

EPF become moral police ? Sin stcoks in trouble ...

Hiu Chee Keong
Publish date: Sat, 14 May 2016, 09:40 AM
Some of my trading

EPF said they will take 'social reponsible' to slowly get out of the sin stcoks like tobacco, gambling, and alcohol. EPF will be completely syariah compilant in future whetehr you like it or not. For now,  they will start with syariah compliant EPF scheme soon, which target about RM80billion converted. This is not a good news for Bjtoto, Magnum, GenM, RGB, BAT...and the other non-syariah compliant companies. But i think Genting will be least affected as it is a favorite for foreign fund. 

Without EPF, the biggest investemnt body in Msia, i guess the non-syariah compliant companies will be less shining in future, except for those big shots that grab internatioal investor fund attention. Now EPF shariah complaint investment is about 50%. But, do EPF really need to play moral police with our money ? 

- The above mentioned figure just roughly, pls refer to authority source for more accuarte figure :)

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The reason for them to do this is simple, less stocks to invests then they have all the reasons to lend to Govt and IMDB liked projects and gone all our monies.

We the workers have all the moral rights to know where our monies goes and not for them to is dissolved this compulsory saving and let the workers keep for themselves rather than letting them do what they want..............seems EPF are going the way like Tabung Haji, LTAT, MARA ways of doing things.

2016-05-14 10:35


Well loan to 1mdb more holly and syariah.....

2016-05-14 11:16


after the split the investment to syariah/nonsyariah. ...the return will definitely a lot lower. what a stupid move.....tied everything to religion

2016-05-14 11:18


or we may have two different dividend rate in future? one for believer and the other for non-believer

2016-05-14 12:15


you forgot to mention banks....banks charge interest and not syariah.

2016-05-14 14:00


1 MDB is of course syariah.

2016-05-14 14:01

Hiu Chee Keong're right, i wonder if maybank, cimb, rhb are consider sysriah complaint or not...

2016-05-14 14:17


Sick ppls with public money..

2016-05-14 14:23


In Malaysia u can expect all sorts of funny ideas in prepared unless new generations with really educated n talented taking over the country!

2016-05-14 14:47


We are now in digital world. All the transactions be it sukuk . Bond , salary, payment , dividend . Sale, taxes, transctions mostly no more in in hard cash . All the digital transaction going round in electronics , tell me wat the fuk shariah got to with
Digits . Really stupidity has gone into some head giving so much credit to irrelevant terminology. Tell me which digit is shAriah compliant and which one is not . Even come to the notes we receive for our salary can you be sure it was not shariah compliant meaning not involving in sinful transaction.

2016-05-15 23:05

Hiu Chee Keong

Well, we have to accept the fact that muslim and malay population is increasing while others are dropping. And malaysia is going to be more islam in future bcos parties politic are going to compete who is more islam than the others to woo for their votes. and syariah compliant is the way of future in msia. Khazanah, PNB, EPF KWAP, Amanah Saham, all are going to be syariah compliant sooner or later. Whether we agree it or not, in term of investment, we must take this into consideration in future.

2016-05-16 06:51


So does that mean EPF, PNB, KWAP, etc. can only invest in foreign stocks that are syariah-compliant? M'sia only trade with countries that are s-c? M'sia cannot buy commercial aircraft, ships, trains, and other big ticket items from non s-c countries? I'm totally baffled by this?

2016-05-16 07:53


in other words, we are going backward to be like Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Hence, do not surprise there will be more brotherhood infighting like what happened in most Islam countries........own race killing own kind because of power, greed, monies. corruptions.........and using religious issue as camouflage.

But one thing is good about this.......lesser human on the planet and no need God interventions........self extinction.

2016-05-16 08:56


Let me try to highlight the real issue here about syariah compliant , if epf , ltat pnb really giving money , loan, directly to the company and involve partly in the mangement of "sinful business " i could accept it,

However in today scenario we just select any company in bursa or any stock in the whole world and make selection base on the whatever digital data that are available like , paid up capital , balance sheet , pe, roe , and other useful info, and make decision to buy the share base on FA and TA,

We make choices base on the digital data, graph, indicators to trade and make investment .. really to make more digits added to your initial digital investment that is available . eg if says your trading limit in one account is 500k , four trading accounts will give you 2M digital money to trade within 3 days or even T+7 , if you are good can do it,can make more digits or loose digits..really appear as money if withdrawn thru atm a few days later ,lol.

Needless to say epf and other institutions actively do daily trading of buy and sell and make profits..why got to consult the ularmak who know nut about electronic trading ( manipulation),

tell me are we still in the dark ages whence the ruler have to consult the religious prick to manage the country economy and the science of electronic trading. Electronics were not even known 1400 years ago.

2016-05-17 00:06

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