Publish date: Sun, 05 Oct 2014, 12:14 PM
A personal opinion in stock trading

Hello friends and winners,

A long weekend.. .. Be happy,? Yeah of course. But it's only if one able to catch how meaningful it is. Oh, yes, like usual I have nothing to sell here, no tips, no predictions. 

A letter from someone.


"I was fortunate enough to know that I will be leaving soon. Two months ago I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I kept to myself because I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me and people acting differently around me.

If you're reading this, it is because I have already gone. I didn't want to deal with all the tears and goodbyes and all the bad stuff, I want people to remember me as always smiling, always taking pictures and always has a great time.......

It ends with:

And I will be at the big parties waiting for all you guys with my camera. I will. Ha ha ha. I LOVE YOU ALL. "


We are not meant to waste away in a cubicle and the couch in front of the box. We are not meant to worship people on the movie screen, in magazines, those who have it all or anyone at all.

We are not meant to dwell on the thoughts of others who themselves are dwelling on the thoughts of others, seeking validation from those who seek validation. 

We are not meant to quietly tip toe around on the surface, safe from judgment, from others, careful not to be ridiculed or rejected, carefully avoiding failure at all costs.

We are not meant to worry about things that simply do not matter, or even the things that matter the most. 

We are not meant to worry at all. 

We are not meant to buy the fables in our head that tells us that we can't, we shouldn't or we better not or else....

Or else fuxking what? 

Or else we might truly live?

We were not meant to let our fear of the edge paralyzed us to boldly moving up to the unknown. 

We were not meant to seek sanctuary in distractions, hold up in the room of our mind or seek refuge on the sympathetic shoulder of complacency.

We were not meant to be cowering in the corners of existence. 

We were not meant to drag around the ghost of the past, our lingering for those who have one-upped us.

We were not meant to believe our clothes, our haircut, our house, our car, our bank account, or the person on our arm have anything to do with who we really are.

We are not meant to hold tight to anything or anyone. 

Breathe, live and bleed.

We were not meant to be live unsecured and without enemies.

And you even got your ass kicked, you become stronger and wiser and more willfulness to evolve.

Even it is hurt.

Even the odds are against you.

Even when your back was against the wall. 

Even they're all laughing at you.

If you can lie down on your deathbed, knowing you loved with everything you had, gave everything you could and live the way you want, at your own rules, then there will be nothing tragic about your passing. 

Because we've lived fully.

We will never escape that day. The deathbed waits for all of us. Do you know when you will be lying down on it? You will never know. And it could even be tonight. 

If we can greet it with a smile, there is no better time to do it now.

I wrote this with two reasons. 

One: I miss my friends, that goes before me. Some more than others. But I miss them all. Each one touched me in a different way. 

And two: Life is awesome. 

But it's so easy to forget just how awesome it is. We get to live, breathe and love today. Just the simple fact that we exist is far beyond a miracle. Our bodies and our ego are temporary. Here one day gone the next. 

Today is what we got.

Focus on what's important. I got to be honest here. This is tough to write here. Yet we are here. We're alive. But don't forget, life is fragile, we can go anytime, literally. 

I have witnessed the 1000th reasons of why, how, when, what, but, if, and another 1000th soon... so what?
I have seen how one coward or more, anonymously attacking each and every person in the circle, so what? 
I have heard 1000th of reasons of stupidity and wise to buy, to hold and to sell, so what? 

I am grateful for my life. Hope all of you too.

Till then.

P/s: Nobody will admit they're stupid. Yeah, nobody is stupid for sure. Then anyone can admit oneself is truly happy? Anyone? 

The stock market/asset bubble has risen spectacularly for a straight 5 years, if there's no happiness, and wealth created, you really need to admit, talk is cheap.




3 people like this. Showing 2 of 2 comments

Kevin Wong

Be sad and sorry for those who lives in sadness, fear, hate, pain...
Be happy & glad for those who lives in joy, freedom,love, grace...

2014-10-05 18:16


with giving,we eliminate greed with morality,we let go of afflictions with patience,we dissolve hatred with enthusiastic effort, we overcome laziness with concentration,we calm pointless thoughts with wisdom,we leave delusion behind.ideally we help others.if we cannot help at least we should not harm.(quote)

2014-10-05 20:23

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