Sslee blog

GE14: 1999.99 is not less than 2000?? : 26-9=15???

Publish date: Fri, 04 May 2018, 01:00 PM
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Dear all,

Let’s all of us learn some primary School Mathematics

Objective questions: Please select your answers: A. 2000.00: B. 2000.01: C 1999.99

  • Q1. More (>) than 2000? Answer B. 2000.01
  • Q2. More or equal (> 0R =) to 2000? Answers A. 2000.00 and B. 2000.01
  • Q3. Not more (NOT >) than 2000? Answer. C.1999.99 (Not>) mean Less (<)
  • Q4. Less than (<) 2000? Answer C.1999.99
  • Q5. Less or equal (< OR =) to 2000. Answer A.2000.00 and C. 1999.99
  • Q6. Not less (NOT<) than 2000????

On April 28, Chua's nomination was rejected by Anwar, who said he was advised by the EC to disqualify the nomination due to the RM2, 000 fine imposed in a 2017 court case. The decision to disqualify Chua was made according to Section 7(1) (c) of the Elections (Conduct of Elections) Regulations 1981, read together with Article 48(1) (e). Anwar read the law which stated "not less than RM2,000" to mean Chua would only be qualified to contest should the fine be RM1,999.99 or less. So which answer is correct for Q6?

  • A. 1999.99 is not less (NOT <) than 2000?
  • B. 2000.01 is not less (NOT<) than 2000?
  • C. 2000.00 is not less (NOT<) than 2000?
  • Let us re-phase NOT less (NOT<) mean More (>)
  • So again which answers is correct?
  • A. 1999.99 is more (>) than 2000?
  • B. 2000.01 is more (>) than 2000?
  • C. 2000.00 is more (>) than 2000?

Ask your primary school children which of the above three answers  is correct?

26-9=15? No wonder you screw up 1MDB big time and Malaysia National debt now is RM 636,270,800,000 and counting.You had imposed GST to all Malaysians to save yourself and cover your mismanagement. Or perhaps you unconsciously remember the so called Arab’s donation of RM 2 billion in your personal account that you would like to use it to cover the RM 2 billion shortfall.

Have our education failed us so badly or we have failed our education? I refer below link and make your own judgment the answer to the question.

In which school did you learn your mathematics that you cannot even do addition and subtraction? (26-9=15?) No wonder you never able to meet budget target and the Auditor General Audit reports year in and year out the sum did not add up.


For those afraid of change due to various kinds of fears and racist propaganda stoked by BN of another 13 May 1969 racial riot, please read the below link: Why Tun Dr. Mahathir?

Mahathir solves Pakatan’s lack of credible leader at the centre

The Opposition’s campaign to take over Putrajaya in the 2008 and 2013 general elections had been handicapped not only by the ‘zero-experience-in-governing’ factor, but by the popular impression that it had no credible leader acceptable to all races and religions to become prime minister.

Mahathir attracts Malay support from traditional Umno constituents

Another factor explaining Why Dr Mahathir? is because he would be able to assist Pakatan Harapan in reaching out to specific Malay groups, hitherto considered as part of Umno’s traditional supporters. Evidently, many former civil servants and veterans who previously served in the police and military, as exemplified by the Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan, have rallied behind the Opposition as never before. This is due to the Mahathir pull factor.

Uncertainties after polls?  (Mahathir provide stability after polls.)

There is a final reason why Mahathir’s leadership of the Opposition might prove critical. Malaysia has never experienced a change of government at the centre. How might the security forces and police react upon defeat of Umno-BN and Najib? More than any other leader, Mahathir will have the wherewithal to persuade the security forces to remain within the barracks. Already, he has reminded the military and police top brass that their loyalty is to the king and country, not to the prime minister and the Umno-BN government of the day.


There is a clear choice between Umno-BN and Pakatan Harapan. Various kinds of fears and racist propaganda have been stoked to undermine the call for change. With Mahathir as Pakatan’s candidate for seventh prime minister, many of these claims ring hollow. With his ability to tap into Umno’s traditional sources of support, like the veterans, retired civil servant and Felda settlers, more Malays, not just non-Malays and urban-based educated Malays, will push for change. With Mahathir in charge, the takeover of Putrajaya by a new government, which is unprecedented, promises to be smoother.

For whom still living/dwell in unforgiving and sorrow past. Perhaps the below link will be of some helps:

In fact, there is an important lesson here for the young, as well as others who have suffered at the hands of Mahathir. Are we able to open our hearts and be magnanimous – like Anwar, Wan Azizah and Nurul Izzah – to set aside the past, in order to move forward together, for the sake of the country we all love.

For whom accused PH supporters of our persistence, un-waving and un-tiring efforts of getting Malaysians to vote for PH as “can’t accept different views and My WAY is the only right way.” Perhaps below link will be of some helps in understanding us:

By now all right-minded Malaysians knew that the GE13 was stolen from us by the corrupt money from MO1. Tun had pre-warned “HOW NAJIB PLANS TO WIN”
It is my understanding that this time around our chance of winning will be very much tougher because by hook and most certainly by crook MO1 must win. Hence every one of us needs to stand behind Tun and unite as one to vote out the corrupted MO1 and his decadent, Kleptocratic Government. Every vote counts and every vote does matter, so! I beg you all true Malaysian to please turn out and cast your vote; else GE14 will be stolen from us yet again. Our motto: “It is either NOW or NEVER.” Another 5 years under MO1 will be too late to save our beloved Malaysia!

For whom still undecided fence sitters. Perhaps the below link will be of some helps for you to make up your mind who to vote for?

MO1 & BN’s Kleptocratic Government had lost the mandate of haven to govern Malaysia again as had been foretold in R.A.H.M.A.N prophecy. It did not happen in GE13 even though opposition won the majority votes. It is destined to happen in GE14 because the missing stars in GE13, the Tun Dr. Mahathir factor, PPBM, Amanah replaced PAS, PR became PH (PropHecy) have arrived to complete the jigsaw. All the stars are now on alignment and it is our destiny to fulfill the prophecy as mandated. I now call upon every Malaysians irrespective of Race, Religion and Region to carry out their sacred duty and responsibility to cast their votes. It was the 1MDB money that saved MO1 and BN in GE13 and it will be the same 1MDB scandal that cause the downfall of MO1 and BN in GE14.This is Karma at work: Actions of individual (cause), influence the future of that individual (effect)

Dear Malaysians,

We each get what we deserve and I desire for institutional reform to secure our future.  I quote the below irony of life for everyone to ponder:

What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) & a Political Thief (PT)?

  • 1. The Ordinary Thief steals your Money, bag, watch, gold chain etc.
  • But, The Political Thief steals your future, your children future, career, education, wealth, health & business!
  • 2. The hilarious part is :
  • The Ordinary Thief will choose whom to rob. But, you yourself choose the Political Thief to rob you.
  • 3. The most ironic one :
  • Police will chase and nab the Ordinary Thief. But, Police will look after and protect the Political Thief!
  • That’s the travesty cum irony of our current society! And, we blindly say we are not blind!

Tun Mahathir sudah ramal soal rasuah dan salahguna kuasa wang yang teruk dalam UMNO dan BN akan jatuhkan mereka sendiri tetapi mungkin ketika beliau berucap tidak terlintas dalam fikiran beliau yang hendak jatuhkan UMNO dan BN itu diketuai beliau sekarang tahun 2018. Tolak UMNO dan BN beri peluang kepada PH.

On 9th May 2018 GE14. Malaysians will decide, cast your vote by following your heart calling.

Thank you

Yours truly,


PS- Breaking News;

Your judgments’: Has not BN abuse the Attorney-General's Chambers and Judiciary?

  • Our Judiciary where the A-G is directly appointed by the PM and given absolute power under Article 145(3) at his discretion to institute, conducts or discontinue any proceedings for an offence; will most likely do what was told by his Boss, the PM.
  • Judges appointed by the PM will most likely deliver judgment in favor of his Boss, the PM.
  • Judges who do not uphold our constitution law and are biased towards his own religion and race will most likely deliver judgments that favor his religion and race.
  • Judges who are corrupt will deliver judgment in favor of the highest bidder.
  • Mediocre Judges who are there not by merit but by other consideration will most likely deliver sub-standard judgment.
  • Only judges that are brave, upright, impartial and well-learned are able to dispense justices, uphold the law and serve the people well. These judges had become a rarity now due to judge-promotion which is not based on merit, ability and competency but by other consideration.
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Dear all,
Title: GE14: 1999.99 is not less than 2000?? : 26-9=15???
I quote the below irony of life for everyone to ponder:
What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) & a Political Thief (PT)?
1. The Ordinary Thief steals your Money, bag, watch, gold chain etc.
But, The Political Thief steals your future, your children future, career, education, wealth, health & business!
2. The hilarious part is:
The Ordinary Thief will choose whom to rob. But, you yourself choose the Political Thief to rob you.
3. The most ironic one:
Police will chase and nab the Ordinary Thief. But, Police will look after and protect the Political Thief!
That’s the travesty cum irony of our current society!
And, we blindly say we are not blind!
Tun Mahathir sudah ramal soal rasuah dan salahguna kuasa wang yang teruk dalam UMNO dan BN akan jatuhkan mereka sendiri tetapi mungkin ketika beliau berucap tidak terlintas dalam fikiran beliau yang hendak jatuhkan UMNO dan BN itu diketuai beliau sekarang tahun 2018. Tolak UMNO dan BN beri peluang kepada PH.

Thank you

2018-05-04 18:00

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