Sslee blog

JAKS “The Conspiracy Theory” Part (II)

Publish date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018, 07:56 AM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

The last few days had saw Mr. Koon revealing his JAKS holding fast and fury with a devastating consequent to JAKS market price. Should market react to it or should market response to it after a careful study. Many articles had been written in i3 blog speculating on the many reasons why Mr. Koon make a 180 degree U turn from a bullish to a bearish on JAKS near term future and even put a question mark on the prospect of Vietnam IPP in long term. Some suggest since Mr. Koon had sold all his JAKS holding hence the damage from another Mr. Koon’s margin forced sold is done and over with thus it’s time to accumulate.

I for one would like to take a more caution stand and would wait till 2020 to see whether the real profit from IPP is rolling in before making a careful study respond.

Dear CharlesT,

I refer your comment:

In 2014 i also fell in love ( or mayb kena jampi..) in one holland stock n my exposure in it was more than 10 times of yr current 4% in jaks...
Suddenly i wake up in yr johotin call n decided to cut loss n all in johotin wa..
The rest is history.

Since I had wrote a blog on JAKS “The Conspiracy Theory” and people love conspiracy theory so please allow my imagination to run wild and give you the whole story on this conspiracy theory.

One upon a time there was this one man super fund Mr. K and with the help of his capable portfolio manager Mr. O had manage to earn super profit from investment in these stocks (Latitude, VS and Liihen) The fund size is now a few hundred million. And because Mr. K is a well known opposition supporter (MCA enemy Number 1) and know for his big ego. Thus he become a political and a pump and dump insider/syndicate target. An elaborate conspiracy/pit fall was set up to lure Mr. K to the trap. Agents Q was assigned to PLP Mr. K big ego and arranged Mr. K to meet the insider to confirm everything written by Agent Q’s son RB report were true. Mr. K then pumped in his fund to buy JAKS share which in fact were shares sold by the insider/syndicate. The insider then purposely on 1/3/2017 reported a poor q4 2016 of 32 million losses to spook the market in order to collect back the share cheaply, to their surprise Mr. K was pumping in more fund to support the price and even wrote many articles to promote JAKS. (By now Mr. K was so hoodwinked (kena jampi) and totally in love with JAKS, he even gone against Mr. O repeat advice and abandoned his own K’s golden rule and come out with his pivotal moment and exception proves the rule theory) Insider/syndicate then manipulates the quarterly result for Mr. K to pump and they dump for many rounds as what Agent Q had told (profited again and again). In between syndicate was feeding Mr. K with manipulated information/ fake call example I received this WhatsApp from Mr. K (One Institution investor want to buy 10 million JAKS from me. That’s why you can see big buyers at RM 1.54 yesterday) Agent Q even invited Mr. C to help promote JAKS which Mr. C had confided his regret and say sorry to Mr. K and i3.

Finally Mr. K wake up from (kena jampi) after someone must have prayed very hard at temple to break the evil spell and talk sense into him. Mr. K now wake up and know that he had been taken for a ride for so long makes his empire strike back, selling JAKS stock slowly for the insider/syndicate to collect and then boom the big day Nov 30 2018 (129 million traded price range 0.46-0.555) Mr. K, Mr. I and many more traders were running for the exit door. The hunter becomes the hunted, insider/syndicate now have so many JAKS in hand at initial price of 80cents (and the commitment/obligation to subscribe for the warrant) and Agent Q had even convince them to average down their cost by buying more at 50 cents as he was very confidents insider will report a good Q4 to lure Mr. K to push up the price for them to dump again. Will insider/syndicate cut loss now or can Agent Q convince some other big water fish (Sohai) to push up the price for syndicate to dump? Time will tell and this time when the syndicate cut loss they will also cut off the Agent Q kuku bird for real.

Thank you

Disclaimer:  Ability to tell good story is a god given gift as we human being is the only species in Planet Earth that can use our limitless mind’s imagination to invent things or write imaginary story that unite us in hundred, thousand, million or billion for better or for worse. Above is my imaginary story and any resemble with real life characters are pure coincidence.

PS: I derived no pleasure in writing this friction story because Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t. What is truth now? Who can I trust now? My dream of redwood community is my fiction (possibilities) pipe dream that seem so near yet so far now as I wake up to the reality that i3 is a jungle out there full with quicksand trap please navigates with care. I now only trust KC, OTB, Alex, Choi and CharlesT in i3, how about you?


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Post removed.Why?

2018-12-11 09:15

Jonathan Keung

KYY was in his own words too greedy and over confident and over exposed in JAKs. Vietnam investment { or any overseas investment takes a longtime to mature and comes with lots of hidden costs } Whether Vietnam, INdonesia or Cambodia ! why the existing shareholders or promoters wants to sell their business to a overseas investor. ?

2018-12-11 09:17


KYY's involvement with Hengyuan, Lionind, Jaks and Sendai reveals the weaknesses inherent in his golden rule, his business sense and his investing philosophy.

2018-12-11 09:19


Post removed.Why?

2018-12-11 09:29


3iii...its a wild ride...what is the problem?

2018-12-11 09:30

Ricky Yeo

It seems everyone is more interested in knowing what others are doing than trying to understand the business itself i.e making their buy/sell decisions based on another person's buy/sell decision. And automatically assume he understand the business because everyone is talking about power plant, property and construction. And automatically think it is 'safe' to buy after huge fall when he doesn't have a clue what he is doing.

2018-12-11 09:30

Ricky Yeo

A lot of discussion on Jaks create an illusion of familiarity that gets mistaken as "I know the business of Jaks" after reading a few blog posts about power plants. Volatility movement in the share price creates excitement to seek out profit opportunity, which is justified and reinforce by the familiarity bias and illusion of knowledge that he knows more than others. Throw in the ego of wanting to be right and look smart "Look how daring I am to buy at the dip and make xxx profit." And you create a behaviour of overconfidence that take on immeasurable amount of risk. That is how 99% investors die in the market, of dabbling in things they know very little about, and a total lack of humility.

2018-12-11 09:39



Nov 29, 2018 01:38 PM | Report Abuse

Everybody has to pay for tuition fees.
But outcomes are different.

Some pay and learn something, not going to commit same mistake (or less mistake)

Some pay and learn nothing, all tuition fees go to the drain

Some keep on paying and learn very slowly, they believe one day they will become sifu too

Some have graduated and enjoying their golden year right now

Some pay but dead half way, they are having meeting in holland

So which category do you belong to?
Ask yourself sincerely.
Nobody is going to judge whether you are right or wrong
Only to measure how successful you are in this market

2018-12-11 10:59


Seems to me Sslee is at type 3 category

He need to pay more tuition fees

2018-12-11 11:01



Nov 27, 2018 07:09 PM | Report Abuse

To me Jaks worth only 40 sen
Sendai even worse, can consider only below 30 sen

2018-12-11 11:03


jaks 40cts,jaks-wa??? 10cts ar? hahaha

2018-12-11 11:04


Ricky Yeo === A lot of discussion on Jaks create an illusion of familiarity that gets mistaken as "I know the business of Jaks" after reading a few blog posts about power plants. Volatility movement in the share price creates excitement to seek out profit opportunity, which is justified and reinforce by the familiarity bias and illusion of knowledge that he knows more than others. Throw in the ego of wanting to be right and look smart "Look how daring I am to buy at the dip and make xxx profit." And you create a behaviour of overconfidence that take on immeasurable amount of risk. That is how 99% investors die in the market, of dabbling in things they know very little about, and a total lack of humility.


Similar incident happened in HYR forum toward the end of 2017, where every sifu spoke high and low of crack spread/ expected profit growth, sailang and sialang non-stop.

All these sifu now having meeting in holland..........

2018-12-11 11:18


Sometimes i scare seeing many TA FA sifus masters talking a lot of figures or terms i dunno...

2018-12-11 11:40


tqvm sslee , i want dig out that one black heart agent then throw shit to him also .

2018-12-11 12:19


this ss guy...worse than sam gu lok poh.....

no stock market skill....only gossiping skill.

call yourself an engineer.....a professional.

a management level chap.

2018-12-11 12:24


i think think think may be qqq3 not agent . because qqq3 never go vietnam visit .

2018-12-11 12:35


Sslee, honest opinion, i think by write this article you bring your own credibility lower

2018-12-11 12:37


Public Investment Bank analyst for Jaks is Tan Siang Hing

Since SSlee said that the Public Investment Bank analyst is qqq3's son

Does that mean that qqq3's son is Tan Siang Hing ?

2018-12-11 18:42


no.....not true

2018-12-11 19:17

qqq3 more reason to be bullish about Jaks....very well hidden....Jaks suppressed the Vietnam revenue....drastic drop in Vietnam revenue to $ 90 million to $ 60 million to $ 30 million last first look, last quarter report look disastrous.

$ 42 million loss from property division
$ 56 million profit from construction .Everyone knows Vietnam profit no cash flow.

but only $ 7 million of the $ 56 million is from Vietnam....meaning local construction profit is $ 49 million....I think from Suke.

and $ 20 million from the $ 42 million is LAD.....LAD will end one LAD todate is $31 is much less than $ 10 million per quarter and this will end one day.....small matter.

On the surface, the results looks disastrous......easy to sell seeing the results.......takes time for people to through and analysis properly...takes time and takes next result which can be enormously good.

2018-12-11 19:24


bro , you know I am 100% with you on this

2018-12-11 19:26


qqq3, I got wind that Jaks might revalue the evolve concept mall and that might lead to huge impairment

I personally think that it is a good thing because future depreciation charges will be lower

What do you think ?

2018-12-11 19:29


Oldman abandoned the ship and now is likely eating curry mee happily...

Still Jaks ah?

2018-12-11 19:34


to be honest, on first night of results I was extremely bearish....only when I see your work about the drastic drop in Vietnam.....then I think I know the whole is manipulation of accounts.

KYY same...became extremely bearish....on the surface, it is easy to be extremely bearish.

if construction no cash flow and properties loses $ 40 million every quarter sure

2018-12-11 19:34


Dear all,
I repeat: I derived no pleasure in writing this friction story because Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t. What is truth now?

I humbly accept your criticism and mistrust on me with open minded and humility. I thank you. I was told long ago never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it. But as engineer sometime I need to roll up my sleeves and get my hand dirty in order to get things done that the price I prepare to pay.

If anyone interest in what happen to my first visit to Mr. and Ms. Koon you can read the below link:
Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,
Good Afternoon.
It had been almost 15 hours into year 2017. So for most people how many of yours resolutions had been flushed down the toilet?
For me, I had asked forgiveness to all I had wronged or hurt intentionally or unintentionally. I am sorry please forgiven me. From today onward I only make one resolution. To Be A Better Man.
I cannot do it alone myself so please; all the people I had met or haven’t yet to met do inspire and help me to become that Better Man for many years to come. I hope to meet more great people in this year.
Allow me to tell my first meeting with a great man and his wise wife last year.
It was a very pleasure and an honor to be able to met Mr. and Mrs. Koon Yew Yin.------- You can read the full text from the link.
Thank you

2018-12-11 19:34


impairment no effect.....Genting M $ 1billion also no impairment.

2018-12-11 19:36


I still very convince it will go up woh

You go read KYY latest article and see

There is a secret there

Posted by CharlesT > Dec 11, 2018 07:34 PM | Report Abuse

Oldman abandoned the ship and now is likely eating curry mee happily...

Still Jaks ah?

2018-12-11 19:37


Without Koon's money very tough loh

RM80M to RM90M into Curry mee better than viagra....hari hari naik

As simple as money no talk

qqq3 yr master got give u tips to buy curry mee?

If not I give u now...dont have to plp me...Ok?

2018-12-11 19:38


I wrote to KYY if every time $ 1.80 u call buy, 50 sen call sell, how much money also not enough.....I say I have shares at 50 sen...3 months money, should beat the market...KYY wish me luck.

2018-12-11 19:40


You guys don't have business sense

uncle Koon has business sense

You guys laugh at him, he quietly laugh back at you guys

Go read his latest article. He buried some hints there

2018-12-11 19:41


Uncle got biz sense n also money to lose...

I dont have

2018-12-11 19:42


I wrote to KYY if every time $ 1.80 u call buy, 50 sen call sell, how much money also not enough to lose.....I say I have shares at 50 sen...3 months money, should beat the market...KYY wish me luck.

2018-12-11 19:43


I have already admitted my expensive Rm 64 million mistake because I was focusing too much on its power plant in Vietnam and ignored its property and contracting businesses.

It can only report losses in the next few years.

Why should you buy when the company cannot report any profit?

What hint? This one?

2018-12-11 19:45


Whoever that is slightly familiar with Jaks can see the hint

2018-12-11 19:46


Remember Jaks in not the only listed companies that you must buy. There are so many companies with profit growth such as FLB, AWC, Carrimin, MBMR, FPI, GCB, Muda Holdings etc, etc.

Shit i can only find this hint

2018-12-11 19:47


If you still need to ask me, that means you are laughing at a topic that you not very familiar with

2018-12-11 19:48


Posted by qqq3 > Dec 11, 2018 07:43 PM | Report Abuse

I wrote to KYY if every time $ 1.80 u call buy, 50 sen call sell, how much money also not enough to lose.....I say I have shares at 50 sen...3 months money, should beat the market...KYY wish me luck.

qqq3 so scared to answer me ah...not yr style leh...

Did yr master give u tips to buy curry mee?

A simple yes or no this also no balls to answer meh..aiyo

2018-12-11 19:49


Even rubbish stock like Hibiscus also can goreng till sky high

Show me the power of Koon Bee again

2018-12-11 19:54


don't know...after wish me luck, didn't hear from KYY.....except non stock market stuffs.....

2018-12-11 19:54


U seems to be useless to Koon now if u are not lying on this

2018-12-11 19:55


After Koon lost more than RM70M+ (including margin interest) he must be damn desperate now to make back ASAP

Will be fast n furious

2018-12-11 19:57


Icon is also kena Jampi. Omg Still thinking jaks will rebound?

2018-12-11 19:59


Truth be told...Jaks people are Wing Tek people....his father is KLSE goreng King......

Its all history now.

2018-12-11 20:00


Jaks is already gone case. Hahahaha. This is the karma from wat u have conned people in PUNCAK when it was 1.20++

2018-12-11 20:01


Jaks $ 1.00 some time in 2019 enough to buy cigarettes already....don't need much ........this will be the only bufalo stock...the rest will come from trading.

2018-12-11 20:06


Dont curi curi go eat curry mee while pretending to promote jaks here...i got 6 sense one

2018-12-11 20:11


old man wan to show debt very high, interest very high, by adding payables into the debt per share? so koon la

2018-12-11 20:20


son, electricity bills are not payables.

Posted by i3lurker > Dec 11, 2018 08:24 PM | Report Abuse

his wish will come true coz companies with negative yields go under very very fast. interest becomes principal very fast.

electricity bills are hundreds of thousands per month and not all are recoverable from tenants due to unrented units.

2018-12-11 20:28


WHY CHARLES said Bunga Merah is rubbish counter ler ?
Bunga merah merah hantar good money to me wor .

2018-12-12 11:23


Icon8888, you mean this sentences?

"I do not have any more interest in Jaks. Nevertheless, I wish to help investors to make money."

"Remember Jaks in not the only listed companies that you must buy."

KYY said want help investors. He said you must buy Jaks.


Icon8888 I still very convince it will go up woh

You go read KYY latest article and see

There is a secret there


I have openly stated that I have already sold all my Jaks shares and my rights to buy the warrants and admitted my Rm 64 million mistake. I do not have any more interest in Jaks. Nevertheless, I wish to help investors to make money.

Just like the last quarter, it reported losses due to interest charges, it is most likely continue to report losses due to interest charges for the huge bank borrowings.

Remember Jaks in not the only listed companies that you must buy. There are so many companies with profit growth such as FLB, AWC, Carrimin, MBMR, FPI, GCB, Muda Holdings etc, etc.

Profit growth prospect is the most powerful catalyst to move share prices.
Koon Yew Yin

2018-12-12 15:46

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