Sslee blog

Happy Merdeka: To err is human to forgive divine.

Publish date: Sun, 18 Aug 2019, 03:00 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A comment I intend to post in Tun Mahathir blog:

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

Please allow me to post Mr. Koon’s apologies letter:

Dear Malaysians, My Sincere Apologies: By Koon Yew Yin  Posted on August 14, 2019

Dear fellow Malaysians,

Regrettably, I would like to retract the statement I made in my blog on 12th August 2019. I claimed that the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) personnel does nothing but eat and sleep, and this is untrue.

To this end, I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest apologies to every person who has served and is currently serving the MAF proudly.

I regret the tone of the statement but it was not my intention to defame or belittle the army. I completely retract my statement and apologize for my mistake.

It was never my intention to cause this much ruckus and to insult the army.

I am proud to be a Malaysian and I am forever grateful for unwavering loyalty and dedication of our army.

Having been through World War II myself when I was a kid, I experienced first hand the sacrifices that our army made to defend their fellow citizens and our beloved country.

It was really, really foolish of me to momentarily forget all that during the heat of the moment when I wrote the article. Reflecting back on it now, words cannot describe how truly sorry I am. Again, I would like to apologize.

Alas, I know actions speak louder than words. Thus, moving forward, I will thoroughly reflect on my actions, and make sure that I’ve gotten all my facts right before saying such comments again.

Respectfully yours,
Koon Yew Yin

Both Tan Sri Harris Salleh’s and Mr. Koon’s statements are “regretful”, “misguided” and one that is formed by “sheer ignorance”.

I do not condone wrongdoing nor do I deceive myself by pointing to other’s wrong to justified two wrongs make a right. To err is human to forgive divine. It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive. Let’s the hypocrite politicians, (Who in the past had said worst things toward fellow Malaysians) who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.

Back to another topic, I am totally dumbfounded that my fellow Malaysians were allowing a foreign preacher wanted by his own country and cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia a free hand in commenting about Malaysia foreign policies, talking about other religions that are not his, questioning the royalty of our Indian Malaysians, labeling Chinese Malaysians as old guests and and if you want the new guest to go, first ask the old guest to go back, Worst of all split Malaysian Malay Muslim into Malay first or Muslim first. How about we are all Malaysian first?

Islam is beautiful and so are all religions. Every religion is scared to the believers.  Many preachers in Indonesia whether it is Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or Hindu preachers are preaching the beauty of their respective religions. So may I ask our Muslim brothers and sisters in Tun's blog, is this foreign preacher, preach in Bahasa Malaysia and only preach about the beauty of Islam? Can our Malay brothers and sisters that packed the stadium understand what this foreign preacher said in English?

Dennis noted that many others had similarly voiced out against Dr Zakir.

“I might add that I am not alone in my views ― several ministers, former ministers, politicians and thousands of ordinary citizens from across all Malaysia’s ethnic and religious groups have also spoken out against him. Indeed, there are currently more than 100 police reports against him.

“Even the prime minister was recently quoted as saying, “We will need to take action to prevent him from making such speeches, which pit the races against each other. Sarawak has also reiterated its entry ban on him for the same reasons. I am not sure if he plans to file police reports against them all as well,” he said.

Our neighbor country Indonesia just celebrated their independent day on August 17 and on August 31 it will be our turn Malaysian to celebrate our Merdeka Day. So please reflect on our coming together as a nation for more than 60 years and what have we achieved or not achieved?

Once we were beautiful Art Harun, TMI: On Jul 24, 2013

Years of political posturing utilizing religion and race have now begun to show its ugly consequences. The so-called Islamisation that we embark upon, which is shorn of any meaningful spiritual understanding of the religion, but rather born out of political necessities, convenience and mired in political one-upmanship has now produced a nation which is unsure of itself and a people who are fractious, angry, suspicious and at odd with each other.

We need to take a real good look at ourselves and examine our ways. And we need to reboot our operating system if we want to avoid a total crash. And we need to reboot fast

“Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different results”- Albert Einstein

PH Government must have the courage and will to do many different things to reform and rebuild our country and set it on course toward unity, justices, shared prosperity and shared responsibility. Or else we will be left far behind by our ASEAN neighbor countries and a day will come Malaysians will be a cheap labor source for ASEAN countries.

Thank you

Yours truly,


PS: An Indonesia Puisi for us to reflect:


Tanah tempatku dilahirkan

Disana, dimana aku dibesarkan

Ditengah hamparan sawah dan ladang

Aku menghabiskan waktu sambil berdendang


Kudendangkan lagu kekagumanku padamu

Ibu pertiwi  tanah tumpah darahku

Maha karya indah dari yang Kuasa

Sang empunya alam semesta


Kini, puluhan tahun tlah berlalu

Ku arungi hidup dalam dekapanmu

Sebuah negeri yang sangat kucinta

Dan takkan pernah bisa kulupa


Negeriku yang dikagumi banyak bangsa

Kini sedang mengalami banyak derita

Bukan dari kaum penjajah nun jauh disana

Tapi anak - anak bangsa yang saling mencerca


Hatiku pilu, melihat bangsaku yang gaduh

Berebut posisi dan tak peduli saudaranya jatuh

Berbeda beda tapi satu, semboyan yang mulai memudar

Berganti caci maki yang makin sering terdengar


Kemana perginya janji dan sumpah setia

Yang dahulu telah merekatkan kita

Satu nusa, satu bangsa dan satu bahasa

Indonesia, yang kita cinta


Semoga derita ini segera berlalu

Karena kita sedang bergerak maju

Menjadi sebuah bangsa yang patut ditiru

Janganlah kita saling berseteru


Aku, dia, dan kamu. Kita adalah satu

Hentikan semua sengketa itu

Selamanya kau adalah saudaraku

Karena kita bukanlah seteru


Demi Indonesiaku dan Indonesiamu

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