Sslee blog

Merdeka: To all Malaysians I pray for you

Publish date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019, 09:07 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

A posting I posted on Tun Mahathir’s blog comment.

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

Please allow me, and pardon me for posting the below article from another forum on Tun’s blog:


Last year, about three months after that fateful date May 9, a day I now regard as accursed, I went out and bought a national flag for the first time in my life. 

I then flew that flag on a tall pole fixed to my gate’s pillar, just like many of my neighbours. The flag flying high was a sight that touched me with various arousing emotions - elation, hope, pride - and at the glorious change heading our way. 

The surprise today is not that these beliefs of optimism seem to have disappeared but the speed at which our prime minister achieved this collapse. After all of his pious preaching and promises, we never reckoned with what really lay beneath his visage of benevolence. 

He led us away from Umno and in its place, he installed Bersatu. People like Syed Sadiq Syed Abdul Rahman don’t really matter as he is a little boy who believes he has grown up and matured just because he prowls with more seasoned and cunning politicians. 

And this year? My flag lies forsaken and hidden somewhere in my storeroom. After all that Mahathir and Bersatu wreaked on us, I will not be flying that flag. The sky in my neighbourhood looks so empty. 
(By vijay47)

So may I ask my fellow Malaysians what happened within this one year? Let’s us begin with Tun speech at 73rd UN General Assembly.

Quote, “Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and Sustainable Societies” remains true to the aspiration of our founding fathers. The theme is most relevant and timely. It is especially pertinent in the context of the new Malaysia.

A new Malaysia emerged after the 14th General Election in May this year. Malaysians decided to change their government, which had been in power for 61 years, i.e., since independence. We did this because the immediate past Government indulged in the politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry, as well as widespread corruption.

Malaysians want a new Malaysia that upholds the principles of fairness, good governance, integrity and the rule of law. They want a Malaysia that is a friend to all and enemy of none. They also want a Malaysia that will speak its mind on what is right and wrong, without fear or favour. A new Malaysia that believes in co-operation based on mutual respect, for mutual gain.

The new Malaysia will firmly espouse the principles promoted by the UN in our international engagements. These include the principles of truth, human rights, the rule of law, justice, fairness, responsibility and accountability, as well as sustainability. It is within this context that the new government of Malaysia has pledged to ratify all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights. It will not be easy for us because Malaysia is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual. We will accord space and time for all to deliberate and to decide freely based on democracy.” Unquote

Tun spelled out exactly what a new Malaysia supposed to be but alas it seems like when the going gets tough, the tough did not get going but choose an easier way out. Malaysia is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual. So may I ask?

1.    Did PH leaders firmly espouse the principles of truth, human rights, good governance, integrity, justice, fairness, responsibility, accountability and the rule of law, as well as sustainability?

2.    How many PH leaders are pure incompetent, having same old UMNO’s mindset and playing the same old UMNO’s political card of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry?

3.    Can PH’s New Malaysia government unite us as one Malaysian “One for all and all for one”?

4.    If PH failed, what will become of my beloved Malaysia? It scared me to think about what the future hold when political and religious leaders espouse ideology of racial and religious supremacy.

Please allow me to remind PH leaders that GE14 is done and over with. PH won and is given a 5 years mandate by Malaysians to govern the new Malaysia. Please stop all the toxic divisive politics, the politics of one-upmanship and a very dangerous Machiavellian politics game of race, religion and numbers to consolidate political base for GE15. We vote for PH (PKR, BERSATU, AMANAH, DAP and WARISAN) and in PH we put our trust; quote, “The flag flying high was a sight that touched me with various arousing emotions - elation, hope, pride - and at the glorious change heading our way." Unquote

We expect PH government with Tun as PM and Ministers from PH component parties to set new political direction and standard for a more united and harmonious Malaysia. But alas either due to pure incompetent of Tun’s cabinet ministers or as the saying “old habits die hard”, PH itself is sliding toward divisive and toxic politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry. Tun, whom people trusted the most to lead the narrative of new Malaysia, appears immersed in Tun’s own political agendas. Tun appears unconcerned about maintaining and preserving unity and consensus with other PH component parties, or listening to the pulse and sentiments of the people on the ground.

Case in point: Third national car, that I’m not totally for it, what more the flying car, that is comical,” Rais said.

I earnestly beg with Tun’s cabinet ministers, please pull your socks up and start to think like Malaysian and work for Malaysians or else please ship out. There is no place for incompetent or bigot in this new Malaysia. Shape up or ship out, no two ways about it.

As for Tun who had crossed the age of 94, how much longer can Tun continue grappling with national’s problems of which some are self-inflicted? I can only pray that Tun does not overstay his welcome but make a gracious exit. We Malaysians would want to preserve and maintain Tun’s rich legacy and remember Tun as a true iconic statesman with whom Malaysia was blessed with and a true Malaysian son that we Malaysians are proud of.

To all Malaysians I pray for you: Merdeka with a difference Wan Haron Wan Hassan - August 30, 2019 7:40 AM

Let us resolve to free ourselves from the trappings of an old mindset where race and religion control our views.

Let us liberate ourselves from all kinds of extremism and choose to walk hand-in-hand to build a new, united, peaceful and prosperous Malaysia.

We must realise that as Malaysians, we have no other option except to work together.

We could build up our strength, dynamism, resilience and resourcefulness through our diversity.

For the Malays, stop feeling insecured and threatened by the non-Malays. You have the numbers, the political power, the institutional support and enough safeguards in the constitution. Do not let irresponsible political masters and community leaders poison your minds and hearts with their toxic politics.

For the non-Malays, embrace the Malays as the dominant community and work with them for the betterment of all.

It is heartening to note that of late, even Utusan Malaysia is prepared to say sorry for stirring up racism and religious bigotry against the non-Malays.

Let us stop the blame game and stand united as Malaysians.

For the young people, especially the three million new voters who will be voting for the first time in the 15th general election, let the next three years serve as an opportunity to learn more about Malaysian politics, national development, and how they want to chart and shape the nation.

In truth, we are talking about their future and that of the generations after them. Let them rise to the occasion and discharge their duties responsibly.

Only then can we hope to one day build a truly egalitarian and democratic society of people whose government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

I wish all Malaysians, “Selamat Hari Merdeka, Selamat Maal Hijrah dan Selamat Hari Malaysia”

Thank you

Yours truly,



It's official! Tun Mahathir sworn in as 7th Prime Minister

The Star Online: Published on May 10, 2018

Pakatan Harapan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was officially sworn in as the seventh Prime Minister of Malaysia on Thursday night. He took his oath of office as Prime Minister before Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V at the Istana Negara at 9:57pm.

Watching the video again, I can’t hold back my emotion as tears start rolling down my face.


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Someone suggested we should even go by the pace of ancient civilizaion like Rome.... though time and tide can wait for mortals

2019-08-30 22:20


Start by changing policies.....every ministry and WHAT GOT US HERE (in such a mess......and beaten as a nation.......with low ringgit value......poor performing GLCs) WON'T GET US THERE (prosperous and happiest nation like the lion of Asia)

.......not simply waving a wishing wand for flying car...and doing all yhe same bailing out........and irresponsible funding here and there.......and turning pathological money borrower

......and childishly hope all ailments will be cured this time round

2019-08-30 22:26


Post removed.Why?

2019-08-30 22:30


DSAI has a unique experience like Nelson Mandela.......

......who understand the power of freedom......more than any katak di bawah tempurung

2019-08-30 22:34


DSAI is the force to hold back all equal partners....peninsular....and two Bornean state

......if GE15 comes prematurely......may need to sing 'Don't Cry For Me, Sarawak'


2019-08-30 22:37


.....and see the rise of Singasia

2019-08-30 22:38


This Merdeka is a meaningless Merdeka for the nation as it entrenches itself into old political mindsets. But this Merdeka is a new Merdeka for all Malaysians who love the idea of living with deep respect to each other’s faith and cultures and working with each other for mutual prosperity.

What we need is a Merdeka from the old rules of the game towards a new game play of global dimension that frees us from the old 90s ball and chains.

To save this Malaysia, our children must ‘leave the present Malaysia’ and embrace the future Malaysia that lies beyond its shores into a global and universal construct rooted in our traditional faiths and cultures.

(Professor Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor at UCSI University.)

2019-08-30 23:16


Orange Juice, is just a date. We are not celebrating the date. We are celebrating the achievements.

2019-08-30 23:30


Not fair.....Time to divide the number of parliamentary seats equally.....among penisular, sabah and sarawak... third each

2019-08-30 23:36


A meaningless Merdeka

By Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

I see no more hope for this country. The Malays will eventually destroy itself and others with it.

Malaysia is on a certain road of destruction with the Malay Muslims driving it to the ground.

Then there is a political party with Islam as its name spew venoms of Islamic brotherhood being more important than citizenry and that those who oppose the peddler of religious evangelism from another country as enemies of Islam, and the police sits quietly without any reaction. Apa lagi nak cerita?

Unless a miracle happens, Malaysia will be the first country to be listed as the ‘fourth world’ of a three world category. We will go nowhere, be no ‘thing’ and simply become stuck to the ground with our old ideas about economy, education, religion and having no sense of dignity to others and the world. When one day, Muslims will be rejected entry into most countries of the world as with their favorite penceramah, then the old Malay proverb of sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga or sudah jatuh baru tertenggadah becomes a stark reality.

2019-08-31 02:16


Agree 110%....

.....can't be more RIGHT

2019-08-31 11:48

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