Sslee blog

Let’s move past the Tanjung Piai by-election and it's time to work together for Malaysia

Publish date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019, 11:02 PM
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Dear all,

Another comment I posted at Tun’s blog.

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

I am saddened and it broke my heart in reading the many racist rant comments on Tun’s blog. So please allow me to remind everyone, if you truly love Tun and care for Malaysians well-being then please takes on your responsibility and play your role to fulfill Tun’s vision and mission for our beloved Malaysia.

September 16, 2019 @ 10:22pm

KUCHING: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wants Malaysians to realise their responsibility to uphold unity and the ethnic, religious and cultural diversity for the country’s stability and progress.

Acknowledging that the spirit of unity will have its ups and downs depending on the situation and environment, Dr Mahathir said it should not undermine the spirit of unity among the people.

“There are attempts to weaken our unity, and this is being done by our own people. The narratives used are often linked to emotional matters, especially involving race, religion, parochialism and ethnic groups.

“It is very easy for us to get trapped in these issues because they are close to our hearts. However, if we are big-hearted, self-confident and think rationally, we will not allow ourselves to be influenced,” he said

And Tun’s unfulfilled vision 2020:

Wawasan 2020 (Jawi: واوسن ٢٠٢٠) or Vision 2020 is a Malaysian ideal introduced by the fourth (now seventh) Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad during the tabling of the Sixth Malaysia Plan in 1991.[2] The vision calls for the nation to achieve a self-sufficient industrialised nation by the year 2020, encompasses all aspects of life, from economic prosperity, social well-being, educational worldclass, political stability, as well as psychological balance. To achieve Vision 2020, Mahathir lamented that the nation required an annual growth of 7% (in real terms) over the thirty-year period 1990–2020, so that the economy would be eightfold stronger than its 1990 GDP of RM115 billion. This would translate to a GDP of RM920 billion (in 1990 Ringgit terms) in 2020

Mahathir outlined nine strategic challenges that Malaysia must overcome to achieve Vision 2020.

  • Challenge 1: Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race).
  • Challenge 2: Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society.
  • Challenge 3: Fostering and developing a mature democratic society.
  • Challenge 4: Establishing a fully moral and ethical society.
  • Challenge 5: Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society.
  • Challenge 6: Establishing a scientific and progressive society.
  • Challenge 7: Establishing a fully caring society.
  • Challenge 8: Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation.
  • Challenge 9: Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.

“IF ONLY” our immediate past BN Government did not succumbed to corrupting tendencies of power and indulged in the politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry, as well as widespread corruption, We Malaysians will surely be celebrating our achievement of WAWASAN 2020 in slightly more than a month time.

And “IF ONLY” our national education policy had set the priority right in preparing Malaysians with the right skills and empower them with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions. Then today we will not have this youth unemployment problem.

November 21, 2019 @ 3:38pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Everyone has to play a part in addressing challenges due to youth unemployment, because if it is left unchecked, it could affect all levels of society.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said this while admitting that youth unemployment could lead to waste in the country’s human resources and potential and, in a worst case scenario, lead to civil unrest.

He admitted that the demands of the current working world had evolved, and workers needed to be creative, adaptable, agile and prepared to expect the unexpected; which were traits that youths may not have.

So please everyone, be fair to Tun and PH government. If not for Tun and PH government, today we will still be in the dark as of the scale of scandals, magnitude of corruptions and many time-bomb pressing problems swept under the carpet and covered up by BN highly paid PR and SPIN doctors. Tun and PH government are working very hard to solve the many problems leave over by the mismanagement and massive covered up of immediate past corrupted BN Government.


The “IF ONLY” belongs to the past and no matter how must you want to turn back the clock and make amend, it can never happen. Our future is “NEXT TIME” and the next time is depends on what you do “NOW”. We cannot change history but together we can help to shape the future. So what kind of future you would like your children and children’s children to inherit?

Would you prefer to leave a legacy of unity, love and respect or a legacy of a nation divide, hate and suffering?  For me the choice is obvious. How about your choice?

Thank you

Yours truly,


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Kembali menyantuni rakyat, buang segala protokol dan laporan agensi kerajaan yang serba warna-warni. Sebaliknya kembali rasailah denyut nadi rakyat.

Demokrasi ini bising, memenatkan parti pemerintah dan tidak akan sempurna, namun inilah tekad kita - untuk mengangkat suara rakyat dan memberi solusi terbaik untuk segala permasalahan mereka.

Masih ada masa untuk berubah jika mahu. Jangan tenggelam dalam politik tamak kuasa peribadi yang begitu hiruk-pikuk sekarang. Ingat, jika rakyat mengangkat kita, rakyat juga boleh buang kita.

Testamen Tanjung Piai jangan dibiarkan berlalu tanpa apa pun perubahan.

2019-11-23 10:13

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