Sslee blog

Kimanis by-election defeats a bitter pill for Malaysians.

Publish date: Sun, 19 Jan 2020, 03:08 PM
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This is my blog

Dear all,

I just posted the below comment at Tun Mahathir’s Blog.

Dear PM Tun Dr Mahathir,

It is a very sad day for Malaysians that Warisan unable to win the Kimanis Parliament seat for PH government. Malaysians rather choose NAJIB's aka Malu Apa Bossku’s party over PH, something must be very, very damned wrong. They would rather swim in a pool of dirty poop with known kleptocrats and corrupt leaders who stole/robbed/plundered the nation almost to bankruptcy rather than with PH relatively clean and righteousness government who are working hard to rebuild our nation and set it on a course towards unity, justice, prosperity and equitable share of wealth thro’ Shared Prosperity 2030.

What had gone wrong with Malaysians and what sort of upbringing, education, religion and culture would lead one to follow the path of corruption and proudly displaced “Malu Apa Boss Ku” without any remorse or shame?

We have Ugly Mainland Chinese and Malaysians Chinese going around the world and cheat many people; similarly we have Ugly Americans, Ugly Koreans, Ugly Taiwanese, Ugly Europeans, Ugly Malaysian Corrupt Politicians/Kloptocrats and ugliness in every nationality in the world. This is become education, culture, religion guidance failed to instill moral value into them when they are growing up.

As Chinese Malaysian, I was brought up with the influence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

From Confucianism, (Ruler has ruler responsibility, subject has subject responsibility, father has father responsibility, and son has son responsibility.) I learn to take on responsibility, integrity, honor and respect for the elder.

From Buddhism, (Things are in flux never still. It’s begins from emptiness, will end in emptiness and reemerge from emptiness. Life is cycles of birth and death until Enlightenment and Nirvana.) I learn to be kind, be humble, selflessness, compassion, empathy, sharing and let other take over when my time in this earthly world expired.

From Taoism, (Heaven and Earth are one. Nature and Man are one.) I learn to live with nature, at peace and at ease with myself and others by accepting diversity, different ethnicity, cultures, religions, languages and all.

And my primary vernacular school SJK(C) Keat Hwa H taught me my Chinese culture value of Courtesy, Justice, Incorruptible, Shame “”, “”,”, “and to fight for justices, righteousness and give voice to the voiceless.

As Malaysian Chinese, We fully respect and accept Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia grants the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King of Malaysia) responsibility for "safeguarding the special position of the 'Malays’ and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and the legitimate interests of other communities" and goes on to specify ways to do this, such as establishing quotas for entry into the civil service, public scholarships and public education. (Affirmation action policies)

But I cannot accept corrupt politicians/kleptocrats/religion leaders in the name of protecting “Orang Melayu, Islam dan KeSultanan Melayu” misused and abused article 153 to steal, to rob the nation wealth and hijacked affirmation action policies to enrich their personal and cronies’ wealth, brainwashed those suppose to benefit from the affirmation action with upgraded skills and facilities but never received such affirmation and become poorer and forever dependent on handout as god will, and at the same time fanning racial and religion hatred when other communities only trying to maintain/protect their legitimate interests under the Malaysia Constitution.

Quote, “Orang Kelantan yang pilih Pas pun perlu rasa bangga boleh tengok MB, Exco dan Setiausaha Kerajaan mereka – 14 orang semuanya – dalam kesenangan dan kenikmatan.

Jangan peduli sangatlah dengan perangkaan tentang kesusahan dan kepahitan hidup rakyat totok Kelantan seperti kadar kemiskinan tertinggi di Semenanjung, kadar ketagihan dadah tertinggi, kadar perceraian tertinggi dan macam-macam lagi yang tinggi-tinggi.

Orang miskin dan susah selalu dibagi tahu dan diajar oleh Tok-tok Guru dan Ustaz selebriti bahawa hidup di dunia ini sementara saja. Susah di dunia, senang di akhirat.” Unquote

Is teaching of Khat/Jawi writing a top Education priority? My children all passed Bahasa Malaysia/English/Chinese and all the other subjects with flying colors in SPM exam. Just think of those poor “Malays” and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak, some even failed their Bahasa Malaysia and English paper and many other subjects, are they able to cope with Khat/Jawi and heavy religion study? Did BN corrupt leaders tell us the reasons why university graduates unable to get a meaningful employment? What should we priorities our education policy?

Quote, “Someone changed the curriculum in school and now national schools have become religious schools.

“They are all learning about the religion of Islam and not learning anything else. As a result, those who pass in school are not very conversant with subjects that are useful for them to get jobs, but they are very good ulama,” he said.

Noting that the current school system produced many Islamic religious scholars or ulama, he said: “And when you have too many ulama, they always differ from each other, and they mislead their followers and they quarrel with each other.” unquote

To our leaders and future leaders on this honorable Tun Mahathir’s Blog whether you are supporters of PH or BN please empathy with all those in B40 and help them regardless of race and religion. This is my sincere and humble request to you.

I pray and cry for you, my beloved Malaysia.

Thank you 

Yours truly,


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What had gone wrong with Malaysians and what sort of upbringing, education, religion and culture would lead one to follow the path of corruption and proudly displaced “Malu Apa Boss Ku” without any remorse or shame?


No need to do further study on this.....straightforward profiling.

Do pest control - get rid of wahabugs and salafleas

2020-01-19 15:17


To debug and deflea is to Revive and protect the very unique (yet under threat of extinction) local culture (for race for real)

Malay culture is quickly being killed off by the Arab fallacy. Malay and other indigenous cultures originated from three distinct sources. Those indigenous to Tanah Melayu (the Malay Peninsula), Sabah and Sarawak, those who migrated to Malaysia from the Nusantara archipelago, and those who migrated to Malaysia while the Sultanates were riverine rather than territorially defined. Some of the migrants from outside of Nusantara over the centuries from China and South Asia formed a unique Baba culture that has co-existed with Malay culture for centuries. Once, Malays, Chinese, Indians and the other peoples of Malaysia celebrated Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Christmas, and Deepavali together as a symbol of unity, this is now forbidden.

2020-01-19 15:25


He is a liability. Just a zahid 2.0

2020-01-19 15:43


Bamboo river resort back door must be locked for him. No escape

2020-01-19 15:45

johnny cash

Majority are actually the slaves of the MIND but not GOD... shamefull idiots

2020-01-19 21:12


.......failed education

2020-01-19 21:31

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