Sslee blog

New Year wishes for 2021: “Returning to the Constitution’s Path of Moderation”

Publish date: Thu, 31 Dec 2020, 12:07 AM
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This is my blog
Dear all,
I wish all a Happy New Year 2021.
Another comment I posted at Tun Mahathir’s blog:
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir,
Cry My Beloved Malaysia
We wanted to be part of the new nation.
Our leaders laid the foundation
For a multi-racial nation.
We strived and toiled to make it happen.
Everyone was united then.
Alas, now that I have retired,
I see the country being squandered.
Race and religion are touted,
Law and order are flouted.
The economy is in tatters.
From which everyone suffers.
Ya Allah, give us compassion,
Show us the way to salvation.
Cry my beloved country.
O, what will the future be?
Alwi Jantan,
Perth, 1st January 2017
I’m crying reading some of Tun’s Blog commentator’ comments (racist rant):
We wanted to be part of the new beginning/Malaysia with GE14 PH’ Government but alas it is not to be.
  1. On a leap day in a leap year of Feb 29 2020 Malaysia Political Frogs (MPs) leap from one party to another party and brought down the people elected GE14 PH’s government with a backdoor PN’s government. Meanwhile the Covid-19 outbreak was confirmed to have reached Malaysia in late January 2020, when it was detected on travelers from China arriving in Johor via Singapore on 25 January. Reported cases remained relatively low at first and were largely confined to imported cases, until by March a localized cluster began to emerge linked to a Tablighi Jamaat religious gathering held in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
  1. By 16 March, a nationwide "Movement Control Order" (MCO), where non-essential services, business, travel activities are on lockdown. On 25 March, the MCO was extended by an additional two weeks, until 14 April, as the rate of new cases per day remained consistently high. The MCO was further announced to be extended until 28 April on 10 April, and to 12 May on 23 April. A gradual easing of restrictions was implemented, first phase after the lockdown is the "Conditional Movement Control Order" (CMCO) on 1 May, which allows most businesses to open on 4 May, followed by a "Recovery Movement Control Order" (RMCO) as the second phase from 10 June. Originally slated to expire on 31 August, the RMCO has been further extended to 31 December 2020 due to second and third wave of outbreak, no thanks to Sabah State snap election on 26th September 2020 which was won by PN at a heavy cost to Malaysia as the outbreak first spread by returnees form Sabah election campaign and election worker are now more wide spread with many local clusters all over Malaysia States with daily cases in thousand and covid red zones under EMCO lockdown. 
  1. In the year where we are supposed to achieve our “Vision 2020”, we Malaysians have failed as a Nation and we can kiss our Vision 2020 goodbye. Not just we failed to become a developed country, we fail miserably to overcome the nine challenges under Vision 2020 - fostering a united country “Bangsa Malaysia”, a society with a liberated spirit, a democratic society, a moral and ethical society, a liberal society, a scientific and progressive society, a caring society, an economically just society and a prosperous society.
  1. “Sesat di ujung jalan surut ke pangkal jalan” Listen carefully “Returning to the Constitution’s Path of Moderation” by Emeritus Prof Datuk Dr Hj Shad Saleem Faruqi:
The Constitution, with all its flaws, has survived 63 years and has given us peace, stability, and prosperity. Its spirit was the spirit of shared destiny. It walked the middle path of accommodation, moderation, and compassion. We adopted a federal system which, by its nature, divides, disperses and shares power between regions and accepts unity in diversity. The drafters of our document of destiny gave citizenship, fundamental liberties and electoral rights to everyone irrespective of race or religion. Freedom of religion and vernacular languages are allowed.
We should recognise our diversity as an asset. We should acknowledge that our cultures are intermingled and interdependent. For centuries Malay, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Thai, Kadazan-Dusun, Iban and European cultures have mixed in our soil to constitute our rich cultural mosaic.
Our educational system must be revamped to nurture tolerance, mutual respect and intercultural dialogue. It must bring the learners together, not separate them on grounds of race, religion or language.
We need to impart in our education system knowledge of the Constitution’s glittering generalities, especially its provisions on inter-ethnic relations. If we read about the making of the Constitution, we will see that by far and large the forefathers of our Constitution especially Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, was animated by a remarkable vision and optimism of a shared destiny among the various peoples of the peninsula.
  1. As the year 2020 comes to an end, a new beginning awaits us. The rollout of Covid-19 vaccine is a light at the end of the tunnel, but for Malaysians we are still have a long ways to go before we emerge from the darkness. Our only hope is “Returning to the Constitution’s Path of Moderation” but sadly, I can’t see the light at the end of tunnel for my Beloved Malaysia. 
  1. May good triumph over evil; light dispel darkness; wisdom replace ignorance; humility defeat hubris; love overcome hatred and peace instead of war. Let’s celebrate the return of light inside us and may the light from within shine brightly a path towards a fulfilling life, love, joy, peace, racial harmony and prosperity.
I wish all Malaysians in the coming new decade “Sesat di ujung jalan surut ke pangkal jalan”; let us pray that our nation recaptures the spirit of accommodation and moderation for which it was an exemplar for the rest of Asia and Africa. Learning to live with each other in peace and justice is the true mark of civilization.
Thank you
Yours truly,
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