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TEKSENG (7200) - 德成的公关灾难

Adam Khoo
Publish date: Wed, 05 Oct 2016, 01:46 PM
Sharing my view.
TEKSENG所持有的51%的子公司TS SOLARTECH SDN BHD在9月26日下午发出一封内部裁员通知信,涉及裁员的员工主要是来至第4至6条的太阳能电池生产线,受牵涉的员工多达180名。
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Hi Adam Khoo, regarding your article, I would like to highlight a few points. The news was purely just a business decision and had no harm as announced. There is an email for the IR dept. in the website which you can send in inquiries. The Company has then announced it's merely a business decision. Also regarding shareholders' value, do keep in mind that the Company has always set out dividends almost every year. You're very much welcomed to email in and we will be pleased to reply you. Thanks

2016-10-05 15:48



2016-10-05 15:50


engchun, if you are from the management, then you surely don't know anything about Public relation disaster.

Please google yourself to see what is public relations disaster management!

2016-10-05 15:56



Also regarding shareholders' value, do keep in mind that the Company has always set out dividends almost every year. You're very much welcomed to email in and we will be pleased to reply you. Thanks

2016-10-05 15:58

Adam Khoo

[Losing 24% of market value is really a big disaster]

Mr engchun, I do understand from the publicly available information that this is a normal internal measure. But the leaking of the internal memo has been turned to a PR disaster & I think any company losing 24% of market value is really a big disaster. This clearly show Tek Seng is lacking of crisis management in PR. It is time Tek Seng CEO make a bold statement to address this confident crisis. It is not a very difficult steps to take, for e.g. doing an interview with The Star, providing the latest quarterly output figure should stop all the speculation that the company is running into trouble.

2016-10-05 16:23



which one is the email contact for tekseng IR personnel. or ??

2016-10-05 16:53


con job

2016-10-05 17:49


Nothing wrong with tekseng, management cant provide all info to you one ma, if you wanna know more just write in la, you want you sell la hahah, free money to brave hearts

2016-10-05 19:47

Edmund See

Tek Seng only issued a short memo to Bursa to clarify the matter after their memo leaked out. They clearly underestimated the magnitude of the crisis, it show they are slow & not decisive enough in crisis management.

Transparency, on time & disassemble of appropriate information is paramount to a Public Listed Company (PLC). Asking investor to write in is a joke, how could they answer thousand of mail from each investors? Again as a public listed company, they are responsible to thousand of investors, not one or two unhappy customer. The company should instead hold a proper press conference to clarify the matter.

Now the company not only losing substantial market value, the crisis also affecting the confidence of the whole investment community which include not only the individual investor, but also the fund manager, lender, investment bank, and even their business partner, supplier and customer.

2016-10-06 09:03


Definitely Tekseng didn't handle well in this crisis. It really impact the confidence level of the investors.

2016-10-06 10:56


As a listed company, retrenchment consider corporate exercise? I do not know, just asking

2016-10-06 11:48


Instead of wasting time arguing whether it is bad PR just do some research and it will tell you there is a global supply glut and panel prices have been falling. Mere bad PR will not cause a company to lose millions in market value, don't be so naïve (or lazy).

2016-10-06 17:27


China Solar cell demand & pricing start to rise in Oct, below latest news from Taiwan.

2016.10.04 / 工商時報 / 記者王中一

對於市況回溫,太陽能電池廠昇陽科 (3561) 予以證實,認為這一波的最低點已經過去。該公司強調,隨訂單的價量見到回溫,預期10月的生產線稼動率將拉高到7成,比現在的5成水準足足高出2成水位。

不過,太陽能矽晶圓和電池的報價是在9月中旬創新低,因此,對於國內相關的業者來說,9月份營收仍是持續下探,再創近年單月新低。以昇陽科來說,9月份營收4.49億元、月減22.8%,連續第3個月出現衰退,甚至還低於2月份春節長假水準;至於太陽能矽晶圓廠達能 (3686) 的9月營收更降至4,100萬元,比起前月的8,650萬元腰斬。

所幸,這波太陽能產業景氣下探期間已有半年,市場對於矽晶圓廠和電池廠9月份營收續創新低並不意外,甚至頗有「利空鈍化」意味,反映在股價上也有提前落底跡象。以昨(3)日太陽能族群股價表現來看,包括綠能 (3519) 、昱晶 (3514) 、茂迪 (6244) 和昇陽科等都有1%以上之漲幅。




2016-10-07 01:42


In Q3 2016 , Global solar module average selling price been drop from usd 0.45 to below usd 0.40 per watt . If you refer to Nasdaq listed solar company, majority share price been drop around 30% to 40% in last few month . The main reason of price war is supply is more than demand after China Mfg is over expand their capacity . Y2017 will be very tough business situation for solar industry .

2016-10-07 22:17

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