Attention to TY YAP

Attention to TY YAP! 988 大城心事 | 020721 - 输手套 倾家荡产 企图自杀

Publish date: Sun, 04 Jul 2021, 11:39 PM
群里这5位尊贵的白金大师,我好心你们不要再出来招生了. 你们已经害到不少人倾家荡产,企图自杀,欠债累累了. 你们没有料的就不要出来教课了咯.
打从我去年7月加入你们白金群组,手套叫我们don’t ask just buy. 然后讲tg supermax 可以去到外太空酱高. 你们高傲自大的信心已经蒙蔽了你们的判断力. 讲什么2020你们不会看好任何股票,只是会看好手套. 我们7月打着上的会员全部去接高票. 他妈的今天还给我看到你们的小鱼讲她在supermax 最高峰的时候出完票!你们几位大师有没有出票你们自己心知肚明. 我也不想去知道.
讲回你说2020不会看好任何股票,除了手套股,试问你们这样说有哪个学生听了不会去sailang? 过后在手套跌到有点不寻常的时候再加上科技,复苏,银行全部去了高位才来叫学生进场买. 够力
啤酒,tenaga 半生不死
penta, frontkn 赚一点点
msm 也是半生不死
jaks 应该等死
arbb讲到天下无敌,然后一句管理层不老实就close case
mmc 比较威,limit up一天
serba 更威,limit down两天,1.8 跌到3毛还在抱着希望公司会没有事. (请问投资应该是这样的吗?一家涉嫌假账的公司出问题不是应该叫学生当机立断砍掉跑而不是死抱着在等,这个过程不像赌博吗?然后那位无牌医生还要讲一大堆鸟话,什么每跌一毛双倍买着下。)

我真的好心你们不要再出来教课了. 不要再出来害人了. 没有料,就不要出来教课.你们赚学生的学费,拿学生的学费来投资,学生是拿自己的血汗钱来投资,买你们全部的荷兰股, 接你们的高位票. 他妈的,如果真的是有人自杀,你们过意的去吗?你们晚上睡得着吗?还吃和牛盒红酒. 去集一点功德吧. 把那些钱拿去帮助有需要的人.




Attention to TYYAP  -- 输手套 倾家荡产 企图自杀







3 people like this. Showing 37 of 37 comments

Ricky Yeo

Good one. Guru or no guru, you have to remember it is extremely hard to predict where a stock price is going to go 3, 6, 12 months in the future.

Share price moves on market expectation. I'm not confident with my ability to predict market expectation given I'm part of the market.

Word of advice is focus on buying good business. Avoid trying to find winning stock for 2021, 2022, 2023 etc. When people tell you something like 'stock picks for this year', just translate it as BS.

2021-07-05 07:01


Big fish eat small fish, the nature is. I think the most blame you should is why Bursa reintroduce RSS.. If no RSS, the holders might not loss so much....

2021-07-05 07:29

Bgt 9963

Post removed.Why?

2021-07-05 07:38


tyxxp ; stoxxpixx2u gurus now believe hide in the cave. platinum member fee rm 15k per person. if 500 persons mean can earn 7.5 millions per annum. They really earn big money from platinum member fees . Do u still believe they earn big money from share market ?? No lah !!! They earn big money from your member fees......wake up guys.....

2021-07-05 07:50


Might be they earn big money as students only have had second hand information. Any information would ran ahead of you because they are the source.

2021-07-05 08:22


But i still RSS is the cause as investment information from Guru is under your control, ie. whether to buy or not whilst RSS is outside your control. Although RSS is only 3 or 4% but that is enough to suppress down the market unless a big cap goes against them.

2021-07-05 08:26


Give you a "like" for being "awakened".

The best guru in investing is actually yourself if you really spend time on reading on investments rather than just listening to tips by these so-called fake gurus who 101% always have conflict of interests.

2021-07-05 09:35


this post is related to this call?

2021-07-05 09:47


wa2u fakebook already deleted last week.
cant see anymore.

2021-07-05 09:57


if the guru so pandai, they b a richman liao, no need to open class earn small money lo

2021-07-05 10:27


this post should be pinned to the top of i3 reminding all how many fake/dishonest guru in the market

2021-07-05 10:45


I guess both Louis and David game over liao. Cant access their fakebook this morning. lol....

2021-07-05 10:51


watapss is 14/7/2020...but 31/8/2021 supermx almost 25.. so i think this guy didnt sell

2021-07-05 11:12


股票这种东西都是有风险的,所以why not get an SC license person. why ppl still like to worship unlicense ppl????

2021-07-05 11:13



2021-07-05 11:15


thia guy joined 14/7.... supermx rm18, but 10/8 supermax almost rm25...!!!

2021-07-05 11:18



2021-07-05 13:10


Don't put the blame on others with your own greed. You are free to make your own investment decisions. These articles are slandering at best.

2021-07-05 17:38


Your students paid you rm15k each and you expect them to only hear you bullshitting?

2021-07-05 17:45


SC should take action against these unlicensed people, not just put their names in the caution list only

2021-07-05 20:22


Post removed.Why?

2021-07-05 21:16


sp2u doing live now. go ambush him. lol

2021-07-05 21:28


Wow Fake guru brought students to Holland.

2021-07-05 21:48


I always heard the plat members said HTT. Then after a while HTTTH. Only plat will understand this.

2021-07-05 22:35


The sharks are very smart la. Know all of your ikan bilis keep promoting glove. That's why they already target the glove counters since beginning. Just that we are blind with the price movement. Just remember nothing is up forever in bursa even for good fundamental company. Bursa are just waiting to chop by foreign sharks only once the vegetables grew fat fat.

And what's more worse those sifu proclaim themselves are sifu all looks so young yet no material inside. Move away from bursa when you trying to invest in fundamental company. Bursa don't have so call have fundamental company.

Now the question will topglove come back again? Most likely not but current price are just fair enough but still stay away until covid end then only consider.

2021-07-05 22:38


read book better, dont waste time on Fake Guru

2021-07-05 22:40


Guru so guru, diam diam buy..... why need to earn by enrol students

2021-07-05 22:49


now the gurus push the responsibilities on members. Said we didn't ask you to go all in gloves and you must know the time to take profit because our entry prices are different. When ask you to buy, don't ask just buy. When selling, gurus just sell themselves without informing members.

2021-07-05 23:18

Bgt 9963

Post removed.Why?

2021-07-06 08:52


To the person being taken a ride n lost most of ur savings, go after the perpetrator.

2021-07-06 09:10



2021-07-06 12:45



2021-07-06 14:58



2021-07-06 16:19

Bgt 9963

Post removed.Why?

2021-07-07 08:46


Their Platinum members should start a class action lawsuit against these Guru. With all the evidence and misleading information, they can bankrupt these liars

2022-06-15 14:37

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