
Tien Wah(7374) - 一切如计划进行,想大赢恳请耐性 - bluefun

Publish date: Thu, 04 Aug 2016, 10:10 PM



今天2016年,8月4日,Tien Wah 天华公布了 FY16Q2的季度业绩。整体上表现还不错,可惜盈利下跌,但净利比FY15Q2微增。不过令 bluefun 感到欣慰的是 interim dividend与FY15Q2持平,共 4 cents。 原以为天华会减少派息,而把盈利用于 business expansion和 repayment of borrowings,想不到公司还是愿意与股东们分享“丰厚的果实”,算是对股价跌了至少 25%小小的回馈与安慰吧 XD。








1. Revenue下跌 5.3m,从 FY15Q2的 86.5m跌至FY16Q2的 81.2m (-6.13%),因为 deconsolidated 越南公司 Dofico 的 subsidiary position 至 JV。


2. PBT 上升 1.7m,从 FY15Q2的 5.8m 上升至 FY16Q2的 7.5m (+29.3%),因为 improvement in productivity and waste reduction, lower depreciation on PPE


3. Net profit 上升 1.4m,从 FY15Q2的 5.2m 增加至FY16Q2 的 6.6m (+26.9%)


4. EPS 上升 0.64cents, 从 FY15Q2 的 5.7 cents 微增至 FY16Q2的 6.34 cents (+11.2%)




从 FY16Q2里,天华的管理层带出了几条重要的讯息:


(1) New Multinational Tobacco Company???


天华在季度业绩报告里提起说 revenue下滑的冲击 会被强势的 USD 和 新的 MNC Tobacco customer 所淡化??


到底 天华和BAT在 2016年10月尾即将到期的 contract会不会被 extend 呢? 而天华也许已经找到了替代 BAT的新 MNC香烟制造公司,等待官方的宣布? 或者天华正在和新的MNC 香烟制造公司洽谈着合作的机会??






(2) Future Prospect 


天华对于严峻的未来挑战感到乐观,也对海外业务的 business expansion有信心,将会继续找寻新的 customer,以提升 volume的成长,增加 revenue & net profit。  


Existing customers over the longer term 这一句话bluefun觉得好像”话藏玄机“。与现有的客户打好长期的伙伴关系,会不会就是说大户 BAT?这是不是代表即将逾期的 agreement会顺利的获得三年的延长期限??


那么 sales to new MNC tobacco company就是说第二家香烟制造公司大户? 会不会是 "one stone hit two birds"? 就是说天华与 BAT group的 agreement会获得延长? 还得到了新客户 MNC Tobacco company的合作机会??


这只是 bluefun个人的大胆假设与大胆推测,怎么突然间投资理财文章好像变成了“推理悬疑剧情”了??





(3) EPS diluted after right issue? dividend forecast?



在16年的文告里, 天华宣布派息政策维持 50%。 那到底 right issue/过后的天华 FY16 EPS会达到多少呢? 那 forecast的 dividend又是多少??


Net profit:

FY16Q1 - 5.6m

FY16Q2 - 6.6m

FY16Q3 - 16m(forecast)

FY16Q4 - 15m(forecast)


Total Net profit FY16 = 43.2m

No. of share issued after right issue = 96,495 x 1.5 = 144,893m

Estimated EPS = 43.2m / 144,893m = 29.8cents


Dividend policy = 29.8cents x 50% = 14.9cents


Interim dividend = 4cents


Final dividend(forecast) = 10.9cents!!!!


Current share price = RM1.60(4 Aug 16)


Div yield = 9.3%, WOW






废话不多说,随手附上bluefun对于 Tien Wah 的calculation与analysis。


1. ROIC (RM1.00 invested capital earn RM0.15)




2. EBIT multiple (6.55 < 10.00), average 6 years =7.71






3. Cash Yield (average 24.20% > +5%)






 4. Dividend policy (average 55% > 50%)





 5. Dividend Yield (9.31% > 4.3%)
















P/S: This article is just for sharing, this is not a buy call or sell call, any trade please on your own risks.


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3 people like this. Showing 12 of 12 comments


bluefun, the dividend amount is actually higher because 4cents is now for higher number of shares after rights

2016-08-04 23:11

SuperMan 99

Good writing & timely analysis. Thank you.

One last thing, why not miss call or phone call? :)

2016-08-04 23:26


bro superman, your idea enlighten me, moving forward i will change to phone call XD

2016-08-04 23:32


Why Q3 2016 and Q4 profit can jump so much?

2016-08-04 23:46


SG leadership give lot of assurance to investors.

2016-08-05 09:33


Another Good Analytical Report.

2016-08-05 18:58


@newbird, i forecast based on historical FY15Q3Q4 result, made the assumption that net profit is better compare with prior year :)

2016-08-05 20:33


@yistock, totally agreed with you, since SG management took up the business, tien wah well plan for its future

lets hold tight tight, i believe after 2 years, tien wah will be one of our big win stock

cheers :)

2016-08-05 20:35


oh, above had responded for the question I had.
Is there any seasonal effect or the 15m profit fluctuation consistency on TIENWAH, or else I think the 15m and the 16m might be due to forex fluctuation ....

2016-08-06 18:44


base on previous 2015QR4 , I saw there are 7.5m are exceptional gain.

just my 2c profit projection, Fair assumption should be given is approx 6m per qr , because of the stable revenue basis.

Annualize basis will be 24m profit per year, translate into 15.6c per share, from 50% dividend yield basis, i believe it will give you 7.6c dividend per share.

So i just project the 4th QR will announce another 4c dividend.

Assumption given is pari passu.

2016-08-06 18:51


Can I ask a question ? I would like to know the new business expansion's will expand how much volume, how much profit, the cost of expansion , completion time for the new expansion etc etc for projection of the future profit ?

2016-08-06 18:55


Dividend yield looks so attractive... and share price also not expensive.. But for me.. most possibly won't buy this.. just dun wan involve with any tobacco-linked stocks..

2016-08-07 20:46

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