Corporate Fraud Movies

The Fraud - a Protasco story. Mini 1mdb movie? Want to know where "your" RM4.2 billion money goes?

Publish date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018, 05:58 PM

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The Fraud - TraitorMovie Present a Chong Ket Pen Production with Protasco, starring Chong Ket Pen, in Collaboration with Ho Chun Fuat, Hadenan, Kenny Chong Ther Nen, Tan Yee Boon, Banker, Lim Yew Ting, and The Foreigner.



14 June 2018, Bollywood - TraitorMovie present the preview of action/drama movie "The Fraud", a production by suspected con artist Chong Ket Pen with fraud story produced in Protasco Bhd, a public listed company in Malaysia, starring Chong Ket Pen, in Collaboration with Ho Chun Fuat, Hadenan, Kenny Chong Ther Nen, Tan Yee Boon, Banker, Lim Yew Ting, and The Foreigner.

The story circles around the prime suspect (Chong) which involved in series of fraud, scam and cons surrounding Protasco Bhd, to defraud Protasco Bhd real controlling share owners Ooi & Tey, and his greed in taking money from Protasco for himself, at all cost, being his true intention.



Trailer Preview: (source: )

Story References: 
The Study of corporate fraud (Episode 1)
The Study of corporate fraud (Episode 2)



Chong Ket Pen's Fraud formation

Chong Ket Pen fulfil the profile of a Fraud, which includes "motive, opportunity, and rationalization". 

(References: " Fraud explained. by Frazier & Deeter Forensic Accounting Partner David Sawyer. Frazier & Deeter Forensic Accounting Partner David Sawyer discusses fraud prevention, detection and deterrence. Sawyer is a Certified Fraud Examiner and licensed Private Investigator as well as a CPA." )

Chong Ket Pen's motive is to take control of Protasco Bhd by cheating his alibi. Being an employee with just 13.14% shares in Protasco Bhd working under Protasco Bhd beneficial owner Tun's proxies, his pressure looms when he was demoted by Tun on 26 June 2012 when other executive directors were appointed into Protasco Bhd board which took away his control in Protasco Bhd. Chong was desperate to find an alibi or new investors to take over Protasco Bhd in hope to secure his position and save his career.

Chong Ket Pen induced, deceived, and lied to 2 fund raisers, namely Ooi Kock Aun and Tey Por Yee by signing a 3 November 2012 agreement, knowingly cheated Ooi & Tey to find and promised an acquisition of oil asset by Protasco Bhd in hope to attract investors to buy over Protasco Bhd controlling shares. Chong intention is never to fulfil his promises in the agreement.

Opportunity arises when Ooi & Tey found investors which bailed Chong Ket Pen out of his fate from being fired. Chong Ket Pen knowingly and agreed to engage Ooi & Tey's advisory firm Global Capital to completes the oil asset deal (PT ASU), which successfully took him out of his demotion fate, and Chong later fabricated false reports & abuse of court process to cheat and taken over Ooi & Tey rightful ownership of Protasco Bhd.

Chong  Ket Pen taking his mandate given to the advisors in the oil asset dealing as excuse to claiming they "are so connected and intertwined" shown the fraud was committed by Chong himself by twist and turn of the facts on a deal "originated" from Chong himself. In actual fact, Chong Ket Pen and his son Kenny Chong Ther Nen were actually the parties being "so connected and intertwined" in their entire cheating plan, which involved their direct involvement in 3 November 2012 agreement, oil asset due diligence, sales and purchase agreement and later the 2nd & 3rd conspired amendment agreements to defraud PT ASU. Entire process of the alleged blame was actually carried by Chong Ket Pen and his son Kenny Chong Ther Nen. As the matter of fact, it's Chong Ket Pen's desperation that caused himself to "took the risk" by not disclosing his 3 November 2012 signed agreement to Protasco Bhd board, and himself which induced, deceived and defraud Protasco Bhd board to bulldoze the deal in order to save his career, including signing of the sales and purchase agreements. 

Such facts were hidden from Ooi & Tey, and PT ASU, in order for Chong to easily set them up just as alibi to get what he wants - power and money from Protasco.

Chong Ket Pen's secretive ambush and setup was proven when he did not seek discussion nor clarification with Ooi & Tey during the 3 November 2012 until August 2014 period, which Chong & son Kenny both "are so connected and intertwined" in the entire project setting up a grand "scam". Chong would have found any issue or problem, and would be abnormal not to seek commercial discussion for solution, is clearly with bad intention. PT ASU on the other hand, was fooled when Chong Ket Pen along the process forged 2 amendment agreements to "stage for a grand blame". PT ASU was also cheated to lower the agreed purchase price of US55 mil to US22.5 mil, and had further suffered economic loss of the oil contract which could amount to US65 mil on their 36% shareholding in PT ASI (the oil asset company held and sold to Protasco Bhd).

Chong Ket Pen further unveil his true motive which is to obtain sole control of Protasco Bhd in order to facilitate his self-gratification activities.  Chong Ket Pen after being bailed out by 2 investors and regain his power in Protasco in year 2012, has raised his own salary and pay packages to RM4 million per year, up significantly by 400% (2012-2017). Protasco Bhd's increasing bank loans which forms part of unrealistic dividend which ends up in Chong Ket Pen's own pocket, had trailed over RM50 million cash taken by Chong Ket Pen himself after his scam plan successfully out-stead Ooi & Tey.

Rationalization of Chong Ket Pen for his self-gratification and greed which took RM50 million cash out of Protasco Bhd paying himself during year 2012-2018, is to manufacture a blame to character assassinate Protasco's real owners Ooi & Tey, and bury away their true "ownership" of Protasco Bhd. At the material time, the pressure for Chong Ket Pen to save himself from authorities probe and his desperation in need of money for himself to cover up the loan he took from banks (especially UOB Bank) to buy more Protasco Bhd shares for himself, had further rationalised himself to perform scam.

It was reported in Bursa Malaysia Protasco's annual reports that during Chong's sole control of Protasco Bhd after substantial share owners Ooi & Tey was outstead, hundreds of millions of Ringgit went missing from Protasco Bhd's balance sheet, which raised serious governance issue when Chong Ket Pen proxies in the board colluded in allowing the potential siphoning plan, especially Chong's personal benefits. such "rationalisation" of self-gratification is clear evidence for Chong to convince himself to made Ooi & Tey his scapegoat.

Driven by the 3 elements to motivate a corporate heist, with clear "motive, opportunity, and rationalisation", fraud further escalated when Chong Ket Pen's lies inducing his finance manager Ho Chun Fuat, and colluded with Protasco director Tan Yee Boon, and Chong's personal assistant Lim Yew Ting, by misleading and twisted PT ASU's employee, Tjoe Yudhis to fabricate and forge a fake statutory declaration, was later on 25 September 2017 proven a sham when PDRM (Police) found the evidence that Ooi & Tey were not the shareholder or director of PT ASU from Indonesia authorities.  The manufactured "charges" were dismissed, and Ooi & Tey had reported police the potential criminal conduct by Chong and his team. Ill-gotten illegal government document obtained and used by Chong Ket Pen's proxy chairman, Hadenan Abdul Jalil, the chairman of Protasco Bhd, were also reported to relevant authorities.

The arbitration court in Indonesia was denied by Chong Ket Pen through his possession of Protasco as the shield to hide himself from his true faces. PT ASU's right in PT ASI is in a junction with no progress where 74% PT ASI shares still held by Protasco Bhd and kept silence. 


Highlights: Chong Ket Pen's self gratification and dubious government contracts and dealings with ex- prime minister Najib Razak's former government is causing serious harm and damages to Protasco Bhd public shareholders and Malaysia as a whole. What can the authorities do and what will happen next? Is Chong's betrayal to Najib Razak despite being awarded RM4.2 billion road maintenance contract on 4 April 2018 by Razak's government (as per reported in Utusan newspaper), and by pretending to be loyal to Tun Mahathir in recent "Tabung Harapan" donation show would save him and Protasco's fate from being probe and procecuted?  Would Chong's earlier betrayal to Tun Daim business proxies (Protasco's original beneficial owner, and now part of Pakatan Harapan "elite advisor") back fired? What would Pakatan Haparan do to a "serial traitor" and how Tun Mahathir answerable to Anwar's manifesto to replace all corrupted culprits in the system?


The indi movie preview is targeted on 14 July 2018, and release in 4th quarter 2018 / early 2019.


IMDB-hack reviews



Disclaimer & Credits: Despite the facts, evidence, references and truth being used also 100% as per as close as to the truth obtained publicly, this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Special thanks for Protasco, Ikram, Roadcare, JKR, KSN, Ministry of Works, Bursa Malaysia, Securities Commission, PDRM, SPRM, IRB, Barisan Nasional, and of cause Pakatan Harapan crews.


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protasco gone case. run for life. no wonder share drop from 1.50 to 0.50 even with dividend. drop even more.

2018-06-19 19:03


Bursa and SC uselss punya anjing. Gigit tulang yang di kasi Chong sahaja, apa lagi tahu. Chong curi banyak wang masuk saku sendiri, boleh bayar polis, bank, surat khabar, JKR dan orang Najib rasuah dan dapat RM4.2 billion JKR contract. Bila di periksa sprm boleh buat “donation” kasi tutup mata Mahathir. Ada banyak saksi JKR tapi bayar sahaja agent Bursa dan SC, kempen makan wang Protasco dilanjutkan sampai habis. 1.50 jatuh sampai 0.50 masih tinggi. Kalau Chong masih belum masuk, jadi kosong je.

2018-06-20 09:56


bought 0.50 and waiting Hong Leong's target of 0.47. Forget about Bursa and SC useless people. They never gets to catch big croc Chong Ket Pen. Buy.

2018-06-21 11:29


your movie outdated.
some reporter did a better job show us all the evidence and proof.

2018-11-26 21:11

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