if the teacher said he will help to make a lot of money while he is stil struggling ? If you believe .. will it show how uneducated you are and how stupid you are ?
2013-06-29 23:18
and then some will pop up say, let him do what he want la... you don't like don't read la
2013-06-01 10:14
I don't know la, even though I hav black heart, jus want to tell the new one to ask questions like this..
2013-02-01 09:37
Anyone still remember how the old jerk whack OTB when OTB try to invite ppl for free talk ? Hahaha ... the teacher is a jerk la..
2013-06-29 23:04
and now the teacher's tail has surfaced out ... asking for money for sharing... hahaha I'm so childish.. after so long now only we know his intention, don't you feel stupid only find out now?
2013-06-30 00:10
if you want ppl to respect you.. you also respect others.. as simple as that.. the teacher does not have my respect for sure!!
2013-06-30 00:21
sunday bla bla.. teacher have your turtles or runners pass you the information ?
why you can write from heart other ppl cannot write from heart one ler ? like you lor, write from heart using some common sense lor.. no theory one la dont worry .. but maybe you scare is competitor hahaha
2013-06-30 10:17
rule of thumb. only consult those who are 30 times better than you. my sifu said. in anything in life.
thats why u dont see standard 2 ppls teaching standard 1.
in that respect. Sifu kcloh is not qualified to be my sifu. wakaaaaakaaa.
u dont like what i say here dont read la. other can benefit from what i write here wat.
2013-06-30 11:08
Alexlulu, where your other kindergarten mate tubby cat? Nobody wants to be your sifu la. 20% gain in few days ka, your sifu said? Cheebai is your sifu ka? I don't see his face in Forbes magazine LoL
2013-06-30 11:16
Hahaha let you win again! Don't trumpet your own entry as per your 11.23am post is! LoL
2013-06-30 11:30
everyday u just want to attack those who are better than u. u want to be no.1, show us your record. u want to be the no.1 sifu u must accept challenge. go watch yip mun if u dont understand la.
instead of learning and improving your lowyah approach, u choose to attack on others to make urself feel better. thats not the worst, u start a cult and recruit idiots to be your followers. and u think u own the whole forum. even if so, so what? there r millions of forums. anyone can set up one easily. its the participants contribution that give a forum value. your jealousy is so strong. u cannot tolerate contrarian view. u think u r the grandmaster sifu and all u said must be right. and u attack and ridicule everybody with whatever they have said. shame on u kcloh. u have changed into a monster from a kcloh i knew a yr ago.
2013-06-30 11:41
Hahaha talk cock champion! Continue la. Won't validate your own myopic conclusions!
2013-06-30 11:44
And I thought you claimed to be newbie and now know me for a year already? and raising very old thread to praise yourself! Sifu of all sifus! OMG!
I thought you were a straight talker just like me, putting facts straight, but sadly you turned out to be nothing but another attention seeker also just like a fat tub I know! Phuii......
2013-06-30 11:48
aiyoyo. kcloh get mad already. "phui" kkakkakaaakka. no standard la mr kcloh. thats not u la. lmao.
2013-06-30 11:50
kcloh u need help. try sunway medical..i know some good specialists. its noon now u go for breakfast? let me ask my boss whether i can mix with a moron first. kakakkakkakakakkkkakaakakkak.
2013-06-30 12:06
Let you win. Need to enjoy my breakfast. Cannot be thinking of muck now! LoL
2013-06-30 12:09
Oh, why are you always checking into sunway medical? Hmmm food for thought... after breakfast! LoL
2013-06-30 12:11
u just wanna WIN, everyday say let u win, but deep down u want to win every argument irregardless of facts infront of u. or u dont see it at all.
i never want to win, i never ever disclose my real name or my background unlike u broadcasting all your background n "expertise" to attract admirers.
i dont even tell ppls how much money i have made unlike u, telling ppls its the 4th 7 figures. pathetic...
2013-06-30 12:12
I dunno where I first heard the 7-figure. Do you?
You gf got sick after having you as bf and admitted there ar? You called her a specialist because you cannot accept the fact? LoL
2013-06-30 12:18
Nothing against your gf, but your reading of facts and jumping to conclusion is so bad, I only question if you are accepting facts! If she is not sick,good for her. Hope she leaves a temperamental moron like you for her own health!
I will repeat one last time: I am not grandma! Why do you attack me first? DumbwitN
2013-06-30 12:21
i dont remember cursing your wife or any family members. and never have suggested any of your family members to leave u bcos u r moron or sick.
now! thats the REAL KCLOH.
open your eyes guys and gals.
2013-06-30 12:26
the biggest Bully cum Fake sifu in this stock forum.
1. talk nonsense all the time thinking he is warren buffet, but infact a Moron buffet.
2. anyone disagree with him. he attack. his method
2a. attack english standard first. then attack his job. ie. factory worker
2b. dig out past posting of the victims, laugh on anything that is turn out differently from now. or ridicule his past failure. ie. fatcat tim cases.
3. attack on the victims family. ie. cursing his wife or galfren sick. or ask the family to leave the victim.
4. say let u win! then think of something else to attack / bully on the victim again.
5. repeat step 1.
2013-06-30 12:40
That the example of jumping to conclusion and formed your own opinion! Feeling hurt? LoL
As for the gf thingy, I won't even bother to start what the admin removed some of the threads of your vulgarities after you thought I am grandma. Do you remember what you post as kccloh? Think hard. Wanna act innocent, go talk to the priest la
2013-06-30 12:48
i suddenly feel for fatcat tim and other victims that has been hurt by you. as for me. i dont give a damn. its to expose your ugly self to everyone that is my mission here.
i come n go as diff nicks. i have no ego to take care. why would i get hurt over a moron statement or curse? think abt it idiot kcloh. u r a small guy everyday must bring out admin to scare ppls. your admin is najib isit? lmao.
2013-06-30 12:52
from Kcloh: "Feeling hurt? LoL"
see his intention is to hurt anybody who sing a different tune.
everyone, pls dont say no to kcloh, if he ask u to suck, u suck, ask u to blow, u blow. or else.......
2013-06-30 12:56
Hahaha... didn't answer my question but switched topic! We all know where he stand now.
Now blow me, boy! Hahahahaha......
2013-06-30 13:00
OK since your mission accomplished. Go play with your Lego and monopoly 7-figure money yeah? Uncle wants to read now! LoL
2013-06-30 13:04
Fat cat tub has been hurt by me? You said it, not me. No wonder he is seething! Did he cry to you? Hahahahahaha
Priceless LOL
2013-06-30 13:06
cant say u r 100% moron. maybe i revised it to 99%.
so many models waiting for us now. no time to f u kcloh. wakakakaakakakakaaaaaaaa.
2013-06-30 13:39
Uncle reading, don't disturb. Said mission accomplished, but still got plenty to talk ar 100% moron?
Later uncle got time, uncle will buy you new Lego set OK? LoL
2013-06-30 13:43
you can say I hav black heart ...
just some simple questions, if someone know the secret of making money.. will he share it with you with a peanut fees ?
2013-02-02 03:45