A dummy's investment experience

Are you ready for the Market?

Dummy Blackie
Publish date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015, 11:06 AM
Note down every mistakes, so you can minimise the risk in future.
Enhance your skills, so you can win against the storm!
Never stop learning


Have you ever wonder, why are so many analysts/ medias/ or even government are still telling you that "NO BIG DEAL" for current market? Have you ever feel or thought of another crisis is near the corner? Yeah, I think is time to sit down and think about this before entering the mist(so hazy). Stop believing the positive news! Why? Well, take a look at these

- world indices(just look at Malaysia will do)



- gold(from highest 1900USD/oz till now around 1100USD/oz)

- RM(depreciated 18% since Jun, just only 3 months? Well... not so much only... Our "smart" ministers said is beneficial for export and so)

- weak commodity price(Crude oil to around 45USD/barrel)

- however, regards the local "Good" news inside Malaysia. We are proud to present GST and 1MDB and "Good" leader(donations from middle east, many more coming) and Foreign fund saying sayonara and Foreign reserve going low and so many more... sigh...


See for yourself, don't positively think the market will be better in near terms as "Many" are covering it up with positive news! This slow down, will somehow benefits to those who are ready but definitely not the newbie(or whom not aware)... In facts, these are signs showing bear is more stronger than bull.


Sigh(disappointed)... go oversea -> think twice(weak RM), stay within Malaysia -> hard(super inflation, money seems so small now), and investment -> difficult(not pro). Only one word can describe "Suffer"! 


Hope you enjoy reading, good luck and to be continued...

Still learning and always will be :)


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Sigh(disappointed)... go oversea -> think twice(weak RM), stay within Malaysia -> hard(super inflation, money seems so small now AND SUPER CRAZY HAZE), and investment -> difficult(not pro). One word "suffer"!

2015-09-14 11:12

Dummy Blackie


2015-09-14 11:18


Malaysians are really nice people. Our neighbor every year give us so much trouble, we just keep quiet

2015-09-14 11:37

Dummy Blackie

IDN MPs only need to say "sorry" = settle(next year still same)...

2015-09-14 11:39


I have been to quite a few countries, and always found Malaysia the best

But this haze thingy is really untolelarble

What a rotten neighbor we have

2015-09-14 11:41


Yes, Malaysians are quite coward

In the west, when certain people cross a red line, the rest will stand up to object

In Malaysia, we just keep quiet both for the haze as well as the rot happening up there

Btw, where the F is the opposition ? Without Anwar, there is nobody left to speak up at PKR ? Why is DAP not going after the crook ? Why our opposition so impotent ?

2015-09-14 11:47

Dummy Blackie

what to do? this should be the job of our "smart" MPs but not citizen like us... MPs no brain already, how do you expect they have bird(guts) to talk?

2015-09-14 11:47


PM support BURSA with rm 2b shares buying......

2015-09-14 13:36

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