Malaysian Economics and Politics

National Transformation Policy Is A Success?

Publish date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013, 03:20 PM
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The moment I was elected Prime Minister in 2009, I was determined to continue the struggles of our past leaders who were committed in ensuring the continuous success of Malaysia. With this in mind, I introduced the 1Malaysia concept of practicing People First, Performance Now.

In ensuring the success of each effort carried out by the Government as well as its ability in benefitting the rakyat, I have introduced the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). The programmes, introduced in 2010 and 2011 respectively, were established together with the Political Transformation Programme and the Social Transformation Programme, all of which form the National Transformation Policy. These initiatives were introduced with the aim to ensure that the country achieves its goal in becoming a high-income nation by 2020.

Alhamdulillah, the GTP and ETP annual reports I presented yesterday reflected that we have achieved much so far. This continuous success is the result of everyone’s hard work from the rakyat, right up to the private sector and the civil servants. As a result, the rakyat’s standard and quality of life has improved, the country’s economy has expanded, and the country’s financial standing has become stronger each day.

The planning and implementation of the GTP and ETP have not only reflected the Government’s commitment in developing the country, but is also the Government’s most daring experiment in adopting transparency and accountability to the people. Through the GTP and ETP, the rakyat can evaluate the Government’s performance through annual and periodic reports issued from time to time.

The country’s excellent performance is evident from the increase in its per capita Gross National Income (GNI) to USD$9,970 in 2012 compared to merely USD$257 in 1957. This is an amazing increase of 4,000 percent within a period of five decades. Another indication of success was the country’s Household Income Survey (HIS) for 2012 which showed an increase to RM5,000 from RM4,025 in 2009.

I am also happy to note that that the nation’s poverty rate is now standing at just 1.7 per cent compared to 60 percent during the early period of independence. The country’s inflation rate has also remained at 1.2 percent, the lowest in the region.

Besides all that, I am also proud the Government’s initiative of helping about 100,000 rakyat out of poverty. A total of 100,000 units of affordable homes have also been built in an effort to enable home ownership amongst the rakyat. The Government has also allocated a RM3.78 billion fund to subsidise efforts in reducing the daily expenses burden faced by the rakyat.

These show that each move taken and introduced by the Government has given much benefit to the rakyat, in line with the 1Malaysia concept of People First, Performance Now. As such, during the presentation yesterday, I had also announced that the Government has decided to make the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) an annual initiative for the rakyat.

These successes are the result of the Government’s initiatives, in its fight to ensure that each of the seven National Key Result Areas (NKRA) are being successfully implemented. The seven NKRAs are, Addressing the Rising Cost of Living, Raising Living Standards of Low-Income Households, Improving Rural Basic Infrastructure, Improving Student Outcomes, Improving Urban Public Transport, Fighting Corruption and Reducing Crime. Alhamdulillah, all of these NKRAs have been successfully executed, providing lasting benefits to the rakyat.

With such excellence in the country’s performance, I hope the rakyat will continue their support for the Government to ensure that all plans made for the country’s future can be equally successfully carried out. Let us build a brighter future for all of us, a future promising fair returns to those who work hard, those who are highly creative, innovative, and those who are willing to take risks. Let us build a Malaysia that promises a garden of happiness for each and every one of us.


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I am totally, completely, absolutely converted. Sure!

2013-03-22 15:25


Transform to what? Better organised crime and corruption?

2013-03-22 22:36

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