James的股票投资James Share Investing

[转贴] [IBRACO BHD:未开单销售为2.6781亿令吉及未完成的订单总额为2.4186亿令吉,这集团有信心未来几个季度的财务业绩将会大幅上升,有632英亩的土地储备] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James Ng
Publish date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018, 12:14 PM

[IBRACO BHD:未开单销售为2.6781亿令吉及未完成的订单总额为2.4186亿令吉,这集团有信心未来几个季度的财务业绩将会大幅上升,有632英亩的土地储备]

2Q18 vs 2Q17:
这集团于二零一八年第二季度的收入由2017年第二季度的2,234万令吉增加121%至4,934万令吉。这季度,这集团的收入主要来自Small Office Home Office(「SOHO」)及位于Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3及Bintulu Town Square的SOHO Commercial的销售,吉隆坡ContiNew的公寓套房销售,住宅Tabuan Tranquility Phase 2的房屋销售,Park Residence的公寓销售,Stutong Heights的公寓销售,Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3和Bintulu Town Square的3层店铺销售,NorthBank办公楼的销售, Mukah沙捞越的新机场和投资物业的租金收入。


YTD18 vs YTD17:
这集团于6M2018税前利润增加45%至1,133万令吉,而2017年首6个月的税前利润为783万令吉。这集团于6M2018的收入由2017年首6个月的4,140万令吉增加至8,184万令吉。物业发展部门仍然是这集团收入的主要贡献者。于本财政期间,这集团的收入主要来自Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3及Bintulu Town Square的SOHO及SOHO Commercial的销售,吉隆坡ContiNew的公寓套房销售,Tabuan Tranquility Phase 2的住宅销售, Park Residence的公寓销售,Stutong Heights的公寓销售,Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3和Bintulu Town Square的3层店铺销售,NorthBank办公楼的销售,Mukah砂拉越新机场的建设和投资的租金收入。


2Q18 vs 1Q18:
这集团于2018年3月31日结束的前一季度录得的税前利润为324万令吉,而这季税前利润为809万令吉。这集团截至2018年6月30日止的本财政季度收入增加至4934万令吉,而截至2018年3月31日止的前一季度的收入为3249万令吉。两个财务季度的收入来源相似,即正在进行的开发和已完成的项目的认可,即ContiNew吉隆坡的公寓套房销售,Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3和Bintulu Town Square的SOHO和SOHO Commercial销售,在Tabuan Tranquility第二期住宅销售,Park Residence的公寓销售,Stutong Heights的公寓销售,Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3和Bintulu Town Square的3层商店销售,NorthBank办公楼的销售,Mukah砂拉越的新建筑机场和投资物业的租金收入。


由于这集团于二零一八年六月三十日的未开单销售为2.6781亿令吉及未完成的订单总额为2.4186亿令吉,这集团有信心未来几个季度的财务业绩将会大幅上升。这集团目前拥有632英亩的土地储备,计划在2018年和未来几年推出主要包括住宅和商业物业的项目。这集团监察市场对他们产品的需求,并对任何新项目采取审慎方针。有此,集团将于2018年推出其下一个主要且备受期待的混合开发项目The NorthBank。该综合开发项目占地123英亩,位于集团非常成功的Tabuan Tranquility项目对面。结合住宅的普及和高层建筑的发展趋势,并辅以商业组件,NorthBank为购买者提供各种类型的住宅选择,距离商业,办公室单位以及社交俱乐部的步行距离都很近。甚至是一所自豪地称为Tunku Putra-Help国际学校的教育机构,将于2020年1月开始运营。

于二零一八年三月,这集团正式推出其位于NorthBank的第一个项目Nova 72,该项目包括50个双层排屋(“DST”),14个双层的半独立式住宅(“DSSD”)和8个三层半独立式住宅(“3SSD”)。估计这一发展的GDV超过8,000万令吉。除了于2018年6月底推出的3SSD房屋外,DST房屋和DSSD房屋在发布日期已售罄,为集团提供了积极的指标,以便在2018年推出NorthBank后续开发项目。

除此之外,凭借ContiNew吉隆坡的成功,这集团已与Milan Sanctuary私人有限公司及Jurapat私人有限公司订立单独的买卖协议(「SPA」),以收购位于Bandar Petaling Jaya Selatan,Daerah Petaling和前往Baru Pantai Highway的15,811.66平方米租赁土地(“The Land”)的总价为3744万令吉。该土地获批准用于混合商业发展,而这集团已将该土地确定为适当及策略性投资,以提升这集团未来的盈利潜力及其在西马来西亚的业务。

至于建筑部门,这集团一直积极参与政府建筑及基建项目的招标。除通过这集团目前的正常业务活动产生收入外,这集团已进入另一个新部门 - 提供国际教育服务。 2018年3月,集团与HELP教育服务私人有限公司和CMS教育私人有限公司合作,通过在古晋建立Tunku Putra-Help国际学校,开始了一场激动人心的教育发展之旅,战略性地位于The NorthBank, Tabuan Jaya,古晋的住宅区。这集团相信,该合资企业将使其收入来源多元化,并提升The NorthBank内周边发展的价值。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

1) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM0.87 in 3 months 3 day, total return is 21.7%

2) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM0.905 in 4 months 14 days, total return is 13.8%

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预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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地点:Hotel Sri Petaling, KL (包括茶点)

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地点:Tune Hotel, George Town (Penang)


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James Ng
[IBRACO BHD: financial results will upsurge in the coming quarters as the Group have RM267.81 million unbilled sales and outstanding order book of RM241.86 million as at 30 June 2018, 632 acres of land bank]

2Q18 vs 2Q17:
The Group’s revenue for 2Q2018 increased by 121% to RM49.34 million from RM22.34 million in 2Q2017. During this reporting quarter, the Group’s revenue was primarily recognised from the sales of Small Office Home Office (“SOHO”) and SOHO Commercial at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3 and Bintulu Town Square, sales of apartment suites at ContiNew, Kuala Lumpur, sales of residential houses at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 2, sales of condominiums at the Park Residence, sales of apartments at Stutong Heights, sales of 3-storey shop offices at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3 and Bintulu Town Square, sales of office building at The NorthBank, construction of the new Airport at Mukah, Sarawak and rental income from investment properties.

Other income increased from RM0.29 million in 2Q2017 to RM0.60 million in 2Q2018. This other income comprised of dividend income and interest income earned from short term placement with licensed banks, reversal of impairment of trade receivables, tender documents fee and administrative charges for sub-sales and re-financing.

YTD18 vs YTD17:
The Group’s profit before tax for 6M2018 increased by 45% to RM11.33 million compared to a profit before tax of RM7.83 million recorded in 6M2017. The Group’s revenue for 6M2018 increased to RM81.84 million from RM41.40 million in 6M2017. The property development segment remains the main contributor of the Group’s revenue. During the current financial period, the Group’s revenue was primarily recognised from the sales of SOHO and SOHO Commercial at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3 and Bintulu Town Square, sales of apartment suites at ContiNew, Kuala Lumpur, sales of residential houses at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 2, sales of condominiums at the Park Residence, sales of apartments at Stutong Heights, sales of 3-storey shop offices at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3 and Bintulu Town Square, sales of office building at The NorthBank, construction of the new Airport at Mukah, Sarawak and rental income from investment properties.

Other income increased from RM0.50 million to RM0.79 million in 6M2018. This other income comprised of dividend income and interest income earned from short term placement with licensed banks, reversal of impairment of trade receivables, tender documents fee and administrative charges for sub-sales and re-financing.

2Q18 vs 1Q18:
The Group recorded a profit before tax of RM8.09 million compared to a profit before tax of RM3.24 million recorded in the immediate preceding quarter ended 31 March 2018. The Group’s revenue for the current financial quarter ended 30 June 2018 increased to RM49.34 million from RM32.49 million in the immediate preceding quarter ended 31 March 2018. The revenue source for both financial quarters are similar, i.e. recognition from on-going development and completed projects namely, sales of apartment suites at ContiNew, Kuala Lumpur, sales of SOHO and SOHO Commercial at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3 and Bintulu Town Square, sales of residential houses at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 2, sales of condominiums at the Park Residence, sales of apartments at Stutong Heights, sales of 3-storey shop offices at Tabuan Tranquility Phase 3 and Bintulu Town Square, sales of office building at The NorthBank, construction of the new Airport at Mukah, Sarawak, and rental income from investment properties.

Other income increased from RM0.19 million in the immediate preceding quarter to RM0.60 million in this reporting quarter. This other income comprised of dividend income and interest income earned from short term placement with licensed banks, reversal of impairment of trade receivables, tender documents fee and administrative charges for sub-sales and re-financing.

The Group is confident that the financial results will upsurge in the coming quarters as the Group have RM267.81 million unbilled sales and outstanding order book of RM241.86 million as at 30 June 2018. With the current 632 acres of land bank, the Group plans to launch projects mainly comprising residential and commercial properties in 2018 and future years. The Group monitors the market demand for their products and adopts a prudent approach with respect to any new projects. With this, the Group is set to unveil its next major and highly anticipated mixed development project, The NorthBank in 2018. This integrated development sits on a 123 acres of land, located right opposite the Group’s highly successful Tabuan Tranquility project. Combining the popularity of landed residences with the growing trend of high-rise developments, and complemented with commercial components, The NorthBank offers purchasers with choices of various type of residences built within a walking distance to commercials, office units as well as a social clubhouse and even an educational institution proudly known as Tunku Putra-Help International School which will commence operation by January 2020.

In March 2018, the Group officially launched its first project in The NorthBank, Nova 72, which consists of 50 units of double-storey terrace house (“DST”), 14 units of double-storey semi-detached house (“DSSD”) and 8 units of three-storey semi-detached house (“3SSD”). This development is estimated to have a GDV of over RM80.00 million. Except for the 3SSD houses which were launched at the end of June 2018, the DST houses and DSSD houses were sold out on the launching date, providing the Group with a positive indicator to launch The NorthBank subsequent developments in 2018.

Added to that, riding on the success of ContiNew Kuala Lumpur, the Group has entered into a separate sale and purchase agreements (“SPA”) with Milan Sanctuary Sdn Bhd and Jurapat Sdn Bhd to acquire 15,811.66 square meter leasehold land located at Bandar Petaling Jaya Selatan, Daerah Petaling and fronting onto Baru Pantai Highway (“the Land”) for aggregate consideration of RM37.44 million. The Land is approved for mixed commercial development and the Group has identified the Land as an appropriate and strategic investment which will enhance the future earning potential of the Group and its presence in West Malaysia.

As for the construction segment, the Group has been actively participating in bidding for the Government’s construction and infrastructure projects. In addition to the generation of revenue via the Group’s current normal business activities, the Group had ventured into another new segment - providing international education services. In March 2018, the Group collaborated with HELP Education Services Sdn Bhd and CMS Education Sdn Bhd, to embark on an exciting journey in educational growth by establishing the Tunku Putra-Help International School in Kuching, and it is located strategically at The NorthBank, Tabuan Jaya, the residential heart of Kuching. The Group believes that this joint venture will diversify its source of income as well as enhancing the value of the surrounding developments within The NorthBank.
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

1) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM0.87 in 3 months 3 day, total return is 21.7%

2) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM0.905 in 4 months 14 days, total return is 13.8%

I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

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Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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