

Publish date: Wed, 25 Nov 2015, 07:59 PM


1. Do not chase any stock at high price

2. Another price correction is on the way


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acting mah, taiKor must show angry first, how can so easy compromise after say very angry.

like that next time ppls treat u like joker liao.

2015-11-25 21:18


Wow looked like Turks paniking. Keep wanting to meet Polar Bear

2015-11-25 21:19


must show panic. to be polite and respect to taiKor ma.
common sense la.

like u want to screw a lady u ask once she said OK. ??

u must beg and ask 10x then she said ok.

same thing la. all show only.

the fact is she is more Gatal than u la.

wakakakakaaaka. laughdieme liao. how come i so intelligence?

2015-11-25 21:22


Your encounter with the Ah Gua very painful memory kah ? Not flaming, just kidding

2015-11-25 21:24


Russia is deploying surface to air missiles near Turkey

Now Turkish pilots need to watch their backside

2015-11-25 21:25


Classic Putin: 'To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me'

2015-11-25 21:29


jangan main main dengan puting....

2015-11-25 21:30


Ya, those who brush off chance of war don't understand the Russians...

I studied Russian when I was in university

2015-11-25 21:33


russian can easily wipe of turkey from the world map.

2015-11-25 21:36


Putin is my idol

2015-11-25 21:38


Putin is the real leader that i respect

2015-11-25 21:40


turkey Russia tension eased....tomorrow world markets rebound....penny stocks green green tomorrow

2015-11-25 21:40


hugo, where to hell u get info from?

2015-11-25 21:45


you think puting so easily back down?...they down their jet and shot their pilot.....where is he gonna put his face...?

2015-11-25 21:54


Ya, very true

Not only face, it is about posturing

If little Turiey can happy happy shoot down a Russian jet, then everybody else do that too

Russia had to show that there is a price to be paid

There will be Part 2

I bought popcorn already

2015-11-25 21:59


Funny article.....

2015-11-25 23:10


Holy. Dax up 2%

2015-11-25 23:26


i studied russian girl in uni. so i know more about russian than u la.

2015-11-25 23:29


Post removed.Why?

2015-11-25 23:34

Ricky Kiat

Pudin also my Idol. very tough one...

2015-11-25 23:38


Posted by zbaikitree > Nov 25, 2015 11:29 PM | Report Abuse

i studied russian girl in uni. so i know more about russian than u la.
so u know more about Russians by studying a Russian girl in university....what an utter sorhai talk coming from "tin kosong"

2015-11-25 23:54


Post removed.Why?

2015-11-25 23:56


so u claim to know the Russian studying a Russian girl many years ago???...are u dead serious or r u just joking like a sorhai

2015-11-26 00:04


Russia has nothing to gain in this war. War with Nato ally only escalate tension higher. Turkey made mistake but I doubt Putin will make same mistake.

2015-11-26 00:05


Post removed.Why?

2015-11-26 00:13


u have shown to everyone here in this forum that u r indeed a real sorhai befitting the title of "TIN KOSONG"

2015-11-26 00:20


you are entitled to your own opinion but if you means everyone here?

they are all laughing at your big MESS in Hibiscus. wakakakakaakak.

2015-11-26 00:24


You are now "laughing" over your disgusting behaviour...but it does not hide the fact that you r a fraudster hiding under multiple identities..and you are a BIG MESS to YOURSELF..

You are indeed the greatest sorhai in i3 forum as you had inadvertently exposed your true colours...A REAL SORHAI ALA TIN KOSONG

2015-11-26 00:34


wakkakaaka. laughdieme liao. u so lonely u have to force me to talk to u.


2015-11-26 00:35

Ryan Chong

dont like kid please, pudin just say say only, create war only waste money kill own people only, even russia also need to consider about their people lives , they will not stupid until create war

2015-11-26 11:11


Russia had been leading the fight against ISIS. Russia military offensive against ISIS targets and against anti Assad forces backed by US had overshadowed US. Russian bombing of crude oil tankers had severely hurt Erdogan son's business of buying cheap crude oil from ISIS, transporting by tankers into Turkey n selling to international buyers. The shooting was intentional n very likely done with US approval. The shooting is another manifestation of the proxy war between US n Russia.

US back the Sunnis n Russia backs the Shias. Islam civil war has the added complexity of proxy war between USA n Russia.

Putin wants Tartus access to the Mediterranean n installing Assad over Alawite part of Syria means dismembering Syria leaving Kurds to the north n rest to Iran. New geopolitical centre has formed comprising Russia, Syria, Iraq n Iran.

Iran n Russia both having vast oil reserves WILL HAVE GREAT POWER DURING THE NEXT OIL BOOM

2015-11-26 12:43


If WAR then collect O&G share fast.

2015-11-26 13:45


No need war. Russia will just need hit back one turkey plane is enough.

2015-11-26 14:56


don't be silly . Russian is broke,due to low oil price,can't afford any new conflict with the West.

2015-11-26 15:18


Just go back to 1986 when Hezbollah kidnapped 4 Russians n killed one of them?
Russians r not stupid to fall into trap set by Turkey n US. ..they r far smarter..they wont talk but they do take effective action behind the scenes where it will hurt most who ever ordered the shooting down of the Russian plane.

2015-11-26 15:36


Turkish jets gave us no warning before shooting’ – rescued pilot of downed Russian Su-24

2015-11-26 16:18


RT asks
After Turkey shot Russian jet over Syria Moscow will:

23% - respond to Ankara with economic sanctions
33% - intensify bombing campaign on Syria-Turkey border
22% - establish no-fly zone along Syria-Turkey border
22% - increase support to Kurdish fighters

2015-11-26 16:19


Russia, unlike Obama, takes action. They won't talk.

2015-11-26 16:45


why not consider a trap,set-up, waiting for the Russians to fall into.for example the early agfanistan war , when USSR was suck into, finally disintergrated,kaput!

2015-11-26 17:59

Kevin Wong

PEACE IS ...... !!!

2015-11-26 19:19


OIL will shoot up when Russia Stop ISIS. By the way when war come the OIL will also shoot up. Let wait and see.

2015-11-26 22:02


As we approach 2016, 10 year economic cycle is coming.... What could be the trigger this time??

2015-11-27 06:15


ISIS war will very difficult as it no stay in one country/ one location. They can drop the mask and mix in crowd of people.

2015-11-27 09:07


Anyone who knows the daily mail, doesn't take it seriously. It is indeed a right winged rag

2015-11-27 10:02


stupid govt. accepts Syria refugee to Malaysia...there will be Shia terrorism in Malaysia fight with Sunni mal. soon

2015-11-27 11:17

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