Is It A Fraud?

An Email Sent Today 23/1/2015 to the Executive Chairman of DPS Resources Bhd

Publish date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015, 08:47 PM
Washing the dirty linens of DPS Resources in the public


Alex Wong

12:20 PM (5 hours ago)
date: Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Dear Datuk Sow,
I am a shareholder of DPS Resources Berhad.
It has recently came to my knowledge that there are some negative articles being circulated in the online news portals, interalia,, that there are some serious allegations of an act of defrauding the minority shareholders of DPS Resources Berhad by persons connected to your goodself, especially in the disposal of a wholly-owned subsidiary, DPS Properties Sdn. Bhd. ("the Disposal") to your nephew, Vincent Ng Chin Wee.
I append herewith some links of the said articles for your perusal and reference :
As a rightful and legitimate shareholder of DPS Resources Berhad, I hereby demand you, as the Executive Chairman of DPS Resources Berhad to provide me and to the general shareholders at large, an explanation as to :
  1. The authenticity of all those documents of the Disposal as appeared in the said online news
  2. Whether there was indeed an official complain already lodged with the Securities Commission of Malaysia and if yes, what is the stage of the investigation
  3. Whether Abdul Razad Bin Ahmad is an employee of DPS Resources Berhad at the material time of the Disposal
  4. Whether Chin Wan Ling is an employee of DPS Resources Berhad at the material time of the Disposal and still is
  5. Whether Fong Hui Fong is an employee of DPS Resources Berhad in the period between October 1, 2011 and December 31, 2013.
  6. Whether Vincent Ng Chin Wee is an employee of DPS Resources Berhad or an employee in any of your private companies at the material time of the Disposal
  7. Whether Vincent Ng Chin Wee is indeed your nephew
  8. Where and when did you graduate with the Doctor of Philosophy degree 
  9. Where and when did Fong Hui Fong, a former director of DPS Resources Berhad, "graduate" with a Doctor of Philosophy degree
Your timely assistance in providing the above explanation will enable me specifically and the other public shareholders of DPS Resources Berhad  generally, to make an informed decision whether to continue as a shareholder of DPS Resources Berhad or to sell-out entirely our shareholding.
I expect you to reply me by the latest on January 28, 2015. Take note that if the above explanation is not forthcoming by this date to which I will assume summarily that you have no explanation to those allegations, I will not hesitate to report this alleged fraudulent transaction to all relevant enforcement agencies, including but not limited to, the Securities Commission, Bursa Malaysia, Polis Diraja Malaysia, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri and Bank Negara Malaysia.
In addition, I will also arrange a press conference to seek the media's coverage of this Disposal in order to gather public and shareholders' support to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to remove you and the entire board of directors of DPS Resources Berhad for failing in your fiduciary duty as a director to protect the shareholders' interests.
Thank you.
Your Shareholder,
Alex Wong 










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4 people like this. Showing 9 of 9 comments


This is what we need, an outspoken shareholder !

2015-01-23 18:45


The chairman sure die

2015-01-23 18:50


haha good so can we go AGM banned them let boss go in jail i want dps asset

2015-01-23 19:05

kl foong

Should have more people like him to protect the minorities.

2015-01-23 19:10


The chairman doesn't care one laa... U think he take minor shareholders seriously?

2015-01-23 19:50


alex or alan?

2015-01-25 18:24


One of MSWG's target :
To become the platform to initiate collective shareholder activism on questionable practices by management of public listed companies.

2015-01-25 20:49



2015-01-26 14:46

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