Is this behavior by Yippy68 and flyinghigh acceptable?

Is this behavior by self-proclaimed elders Yippy68 and flyinghigh acceptable???

Publish date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017, 06:23 AM
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During discussions, things can get heated. but what if it degenerated into name calling?

I would have very much like my first blog to be abt investment, to share and learn together with all forummers.


However, recent behaviors by both Yippy68 and flyinghigh have inspired me to write a post on basic etiquette instead.


Basic internet etiquette is like much basic etiquette irl, where everyone discuss and share povs. Discussions may get heated as passion runs high in all participants, but in the end, we all learn abt something.


As all will have noticed, I like to ask tough questions and hold differing povs from many others. case in point is with my frenemy calvintaneng. Even though discussions between me and calvin may get heated with some childish name calling, but it never got any ruder than the word idiot which i use whenever he frustrate me with his reluctance to admit to an established fact/figure. 


During a discussion, passion may run high and sparks will fly. That is very healthy as it becomes informative whenever questions r raised in any particular stock. But when a discussion degenerated into downright rude name calling like insulting someone as a doggy etc or issuing threats to personal safety and well being, this becomes downright unhealthy and shows how well the upbringing of a person is.


allow me to divert everyone's attention to the latest discussion on the stock JCY to explain what i mean.


Everyone has their own opinion and I just voiced out my pov, but flyinghigh, who happened to be a supporter of JCY disagree with my less-than-bullish pov. Sound fine at first, but how abt when the discussion drags on????


flyinghigh being an avid supporter, carried on the discussion. And me, being the intellect i m, went along, hoping to get inspiration. However, it was not to be and flyinghigh started insulting me as a mad dog for holding an opposing pov. but as he has deleted many of his postings insulting me as a mad dog, a old lady etc, there wont be any to find.

Then Yippy68 came in. At first, he was neutral and was trying to be a nice middleman, thus the exchange was cordial. But as he is also somewhat a supporter of JCY, he instead requested me to stop the war of words and take a break from JCY forum with a bit of criticism as well in the mix. Since i didnt start the name calling, I felt that he was biased and thus i asked him why didnt he critcize flyinghigh who insulted me as well? Thus, the war of words became a 2-front-3-person discussion and Yippy68 himself also degenerated into calling me mentally unfit etc


Now to cut the long story short, Yippy68 started issuing threats with flyinghigh agreeing and encouraging as well.


Now, my simple question is this.


What has basic decency degenerated to when Yippy68 and flyinghigh, who say they are older than many of us, resorted to issuing threats and downright rude insults?


If they r indeed older than many of us, then they are setting a very bad example of being rude, bias and lawless whenever someone holds a different pov from them.


So is this a normal sympton of society which these so-called elders want to leave behind?


If it is, then allow me to start rudely insulting and threatening anyone that holds a different pov from me.


sorry to make all listen to my rantings, but i think it is important that we maintain some decency in our exchanges.


below are the few insulting and threatening posts that they posted.


Posted by Yippy68 > Sep 18, 2017 03:37 AM Report Abuse 

@joetay, may i request you to stop all this war of words in this forum, i felt it is now your personal problem , you like to win, if you win, what do you get, I said to you many people are getting sick of all this nonsense, why can't you just take my advice and stay a side for a moment to show you can claim you are a well brought up kid and is willing to listen to elderly... when other has stopped, you are still posting. you didn;t answer my question, are you a share holder of JCY, if you are not, .why come here, if you come here because of Calvin, now Calvin has left to Dutaland., you should chase after him at DUtaland. thank you sir.



instead of criticizing me when i merely voiced out my pov on jcy, why dont u criticize ur felliw jcy supporter @flyinghigh for insulting ppl??? 

so why dont u look at urself b4 pointing fingers at others????


Posted by joetay > Sep 17, 2017 10:20 PM Report Abuse X


flyinghigh, flyinghigh, 

now i post ur full post with timing, so pls go ahead and delete plus repost this post again like what @calvintaneng did with his jolin/calvin conversation at 9:55pm 


Posted by flyinghigh > Sep 17, 2017 09:43 PM | Report Abuse 

When a company's result is improving that means they have done something which we don't know... the co. knows about their industry n how to tackle their problem.. 

I found that U ppl come here just to attack Calvin bec he had offended U'll earlier, not bec the company is not good, everything is possible, even a few cts stock like AHB which was in PN17 b4 can improve with shares price double and also PALETTE up 4 times within 2 wks. 

Beware of barking bitchdog...


Posted by joetay > Sep 18, 2017 10:00 AM Report Abuse X



u really has no family upbringing. 

so early scolding me when i put forward my pov on jcy. 

now, if i m a bdog, then u must be an old stupid bmongrel???? 

so if i m send to a mental hospital, then u must be euthanized for being a stray then???? 


remember, u started the insult, so i m just continuing the game. 

so how mature u and me r???? 


Posted by flyinghigh > Sep 18, 2017 09:55 AM | Report Abuse 

This Bdog asked for it, she took it as compliment. Ytd she go n bombard Calvin continuously, n was taken as psycho. 

She has nothing to do, too old n lonely go everywhere to look for ppl to fight. She dont know anything n is like a blind touching the elephant's ear n said it looks like a fan.. 

She should be sent to T.Rambutan, instead of barking n disturb ppl here..


Posted by Yippy68 > Sep 18, 2017 10:18 AM Report Abuse 


fully agreed. mentally unfit... is more like a badly brought up idiot. let him continue barking.


Posted by flyinghigh > Sep 18, 2017 05:13 PM Report Abuse 


This Bdog is just like the blind touching elephant's ear n said the elephant looks like a fan.. then kept barking all the time non stop until ppl come out, then she kept arguing who would argue with her.. even Calvin so patient also cant stand her n took her as psycho... She is looking for ppl to quarrel esp Calvin... 

The only way to stop Bdog from barking here is to shooooo her off, U cant talk sense to an idiot..


Posted by Yippy68 > Sep 18, 2017 05:19 PM Report Abuse 


i say it last time to you not to mention me again. i am serious.


Posted by joetay > Sep 18, 2017 06:06 PM Report Abuse X


flyinghigh, flyinghigh, 

soon ur jcy will become flyingandcrash if u dont start thinking of a positive story, do u need me to call the morgue to pick up ur body which maybe soon as u r not helping ur jcy???? 



u r starting to make some sense, so better not step on me again. 

or u will end up like another calvintaneng.


Posted by Yippy68 > Sep 18, 2017 07:30 PM Report Abuse 


you wll regret to say my name again.


Posted by flyinghigh > Sep 18, 2017 09:05 PM Report Abuse 


Yippy U right, we are all here bec want to make money.. but when a stupic doggy kept barking here n destroy our peace, someone has to let her know, we not scare of her.. 

Doggy jeotay, y so impatient, U want bones or shit, want bones must wait until uncle make money only can buy mah.. If u want now, uncle can only give u shit lor...

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dont talk so much, flyinghigh

just give me ur email address so that my lawyer from dennis nik and wong kl can get in touch with u.

2017-09-19 08:45



but there must still be some basic decency and courtesy.

2017-09-19 11:28


personal grudge went wrong ~

2017-09-19 11:33



i wouldnt say it was a personal grudge went wrong.

more like a civilized discussion went wry.

2017-09-19 11:35


lol and now it is unchange

2017-09-19 18:13


the 2 jokers of yippy68 and flyinghigh still havent send me a legal notice.

my lawyer is getting impatient.

2017-09-19 18:14

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