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Budget 2013 – What the Govt Doesn’t Want You to Know (by finance twitter)

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012, 05:40 PM
Tan KW
0 444,524


There are good reasons why the opposition does not and should not reveal its shadow cabinet. It would be a suicidal mission to do so in a country like Malaysia whereby racial politics and race-based policies are part and parcel of present government which has been ruling since independence. The moment the shadow cabinet is revealed, the government-owned media will spin till kingdom come to scare the heck out of rural voters. Hence, as expected, when the opposition presents their superior Shadow Budget, it wasn’t mentioned and compared in a fair manner by the media.


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12 people like this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


I enjoyed the pictures with dialogues..hahaha...

2012-10-10 21:05


he he he he ho ho ho ha ha ha...minum holicks..

2012-10-11 09:00


Well written and entertained , worth to read ! I like this !!

2012-10-11 09:41


SAD... Manage the country irresponsibly... who suffers? WE....

2012-10-11 10:10

KC Loh

are you sure you guys suffering? govt gives incentives also kena, don't give incentives in Budget also kena!

the spending is required IMO. just look around you, in case a lot of you are still unaware of whats going on around the world. rather than pump priming economy with stimulus packages only, the spending is justified to ensure economic activities still being vibrant. This is reality! Granted that this is election budget, Nazri Aziz has admitted, it still based on responsibility.

given the situation, i consider it an investment whilst keeping the economy humming. a look at the stock market also shows optimism rather than gloom! The foreign investors certainly giving our economy the thumbs up. Their investments certainly picks up buoyancy in the stock market.

i am neither pro govt nor opposition. but if you had seen what the opposition's shadow budget was offered, i think we will suffer more! i am looking from an economic point of view! students loans to the tune of 41bn wiped off, govt workers salary raised to 1,200 min, oil royalty increased to states, etc. we may end up like Indonesia and Philippines soon, sending out domestic workers and what not if reckless promises are made for the sake of winning the GE, as such from the opposition!

the enforcement needs to be given bigger mandate to catch big fishes that breaks the law! of that, i agree with the rakyat's (and mine) anger. so far, MACC and our PDRM is proving to be toothless! Najib too is to blame, being CEO of the nation, he should go against corruption like president Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono, who spoke out against corruption as stifling economic growth.

lastly, as a sign of maturity, leave blanket condemnation aside when looking at the overall pix. sometimes our actions may cause an unwarranted chain effect against our better judgement! but if really wanna do the blame game, then take a swipe at Mahathir! up to the 3rd PM, we were still a unified nation under the ruling coalition.

2012-10-11 11:53

KC Loh

This is good further reading, hot off the press:

2012-10-11 15:33


national budget has to build a more sustainable country, and this budget is full of crap

2012-10-12 00:17

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