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Search for flight MH370 reveals Malaysia’s flaws, says Bloomberg columnist

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014, 10:26 PM
Tan KW
0 456,167


MARCH 21, 2014
LATEST UPDATE: MARCH 21, 2014 04:19 PM

Bloomberg columnist William Pesek criticised Malaysia’s handling of the search for flight MH370, saying that the chaos that marred the hunt has shown up the country’s weaknesses. – The Malaysian Insider pic, March 21, 2014.Bloomberg columnist William Pesek criticised Malaysia’s handling of the search for flight MH370, saying that the chaos that marred the hunt has shown up the country’s weaknesses. – The Malaysian Insider pic, March 21, 2014.A Bloomberg columnist has criticised Malaysia's handling of the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, saying that the chaos that marred the hunt has shown up the country's weaknesses.

William Pesek, in his column titled "A Plane Disappears, Malaysia's Flaws Emerge", questioned Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein's credentials that made him defence and acting transport minister.

"How does someone like Hishammuddin Hussein become defence minister and acting transport minister in Southeast Asia's third-biggest economy?


"Even with his nearly 20-year stint as a legislator and more than a decade in ministerial posts, it can't hurt that he's also the scion of a powerful political family.

"The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysia's leaders are to being questioned by anyone," Pasek wrote in his column.

He said it was this mindset which has caused Malaysia to be ensnared in the middle-income trap which countries like South Korea and Thailand had escaped years ago.

"Rather than free the economy from race-based quotas and business preferences, the party has expanded them.

"Never mind that these policies make Malaysia even less attractive to multinational companies and encourage so many of the nation's best and brightest to move to Singapore and Hong Kong. Or that the Philippines and Indonesia are surging ahead as Malaysia looks backward," Pesek said.

He said Malaysia had long been handicapped by a political culture which placed the ruling party's needs above those of the people.

"For six decades, Prime Minister (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak's United Malays National Organisation (Umno) has appeared to have only one goal: to maintain its hold on power.

"It's thus promoted – and recently reinforced – Malay-first racial policies that benefit its political base. The side effects, including stagnant living standards, waning competitiveness, and the humiliation of Malaysia's sizable Chinese and Indian minority populations, are all overlooked in the service of this larger goal," said Pesek.

He said Malaysia is proving to be all hardware and no software.

"For years, Umno acted as though top-quality roads, state-of-the-art ports and bridges, iconic skyscrapers and a swanky new capital in Putrajaya would inevitably pave the way to prosperity.

"But economic software is even more important. And on that front, Malaysia has never bothered to cut red tape, level the playing field for non-Malays, or introduce the competitive forces necessary to stimulate entrepreneurship," Pesek said in his column.

He also took a dig at the Election Commission's redelineation exercise, the government's financial aid, the religious tension in the country and Putrajaya's action against publications deemed to be "anti-government".

"Why bother when all the party needs to do to stay in power is redraw voting districts, bribe the masses with fat handouts, invoke religion when necessary, and muzzle any pesky publications that dare to write about corruption and privilege?

"All this explains why per-capita income in a resource-rich nation with an enviable geographic position in Asia has stalled at near the US$10,000 (about RM33,000) mark.

"Malaysia is stuck in the middle-income trap because its leaders are stuck in time.

"The families of the victims of flight 370 deserve better. But then, so do the Malaysians whom Najib claims to serve," said the columnist. – March 21, 2014.

4 people like this. Showing 24 of 24 comments


..sokong penuh 100%

Posted by camrybenz88 > Mar 22, 2014 04:22 PM | Report Abuse

....must see, 100% puas hati
Nurul Izzah: Shame On U, Election Commission, For Being The Political Tool Of The Government

2014-03-22 16:39


Berani atau tidak Thomasleee, you macham tikus sekarang. UMNO2SHIT challenge you to post in FB, Twitter or any political blog and then we all here will see what happen to you, hahaha. You Thomasleee talk big, now post big in FB, Twitter or any political blog and we will seee lah. Thomasleee, you got NO BOLA, or the Chinese call it "BOH HOOT"???

Posted by UMNO2SHIT > Mar 22, 2014 04:53 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by Thomasleee > Mar 22, 2014 01:37 PM | Report Abuse

I remember stories of Anwar during his DPM times meeting popular male actors and personality for quick rendezvous in hotels, and don't be surprise these male personalities driving luxury car the next day....hahahaha

I dare you to post THIS in FB, Twitter or any political blog & see if you are sued till you have no pants to wear..DARE???????

2014-03-22 16:59


Post removed.Why?

2014-03-22 17:13


I totally like this, sokong 100%.....over to you Thomasleee

osted by moneycome88 > Mar 22, 2014 05:12 PM | Report Abuse

Berani atau tidak Thomasleee, you macham tikus sekarang. UMNO2SHIT challenge you to post in FB, Twitter or any political blog and then we all here will see what happen to you, hahaha. You Thomasleee talk big, now post big in FB, Twitter or any political blog and we will seee lah. Thomasleee, you got NO BOLA, or the Chinese call it "BOH HOOT"???

Posted by UMNO2SHIT > Mar 22, 2014 04:53 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by Thomasleee > Mar 22, 2014 01:37 PM | Report Abuse

I remember stories of Anwar during his DPM times meeting popular male actors and personality for quick rendezvous in hotels, and don't be surprise these male personalities driving luxury car the next day....hahahaha

I dare you to post THIS in FB, Twitter or any political blog & see if you are sued till you have no pants to wear..DARE???????

BERANI? BERANI? BERANI? APA CHAKAP Thomasleee, or should we call you "BOH HOOT" ??????

2014-03-22 17:17


Post removed.Why?

2014-03-22 17:21


Thomasleee, no one is threatening you. You & your big ,mouth, that's why. So, I challenge like others to do your posting about YB Anwar in FB, Twitter or any political blog. & mind you no one is pointing a gun at your head too, it's you big fat mouth that's what & that's why I challenge to post what you wrote about YB Anwar in FB, Twitter or any political blog, BERANI TAK???? or again I call you as the Chinese call you "BOH HOOD" or the Malays call you "TAK ADA BOLA"???, hahaha

Berani atau tidak Thomasleee, you macham tikus sekarang. UMNO2SHIT challenge you to post in FB, Twitter or any political blog and then we all here will see what happen to you, hahaha. You Thomasleee talk big, now post big in FB, Twitter or any political blog and we will seee lah. Thomasleee, you got NO BOLA, or the Chinese call it "BOH HOOT"???

Posted by Thomasleee > Mar 22, 2014 01:37 PM | Report Abuse

I remember stories of Anwar during his DPM times meeting popular male actors and personality for quick rendezvous in hotels, and don't be surprise these male personalities driving luxury car the next day....hahahaha

I dare you to post THIS in FB, Twitter or any political blog & see if you are sued till you have no pants to wear..DARE???????

BERANI? BERANI? BERANI? APA CHAKAP Thomasleee, or should we Chinese call you "BOH HOOT" & the Malays call you "TAK ADA BOLA" ??????

2014-03-22 17:46


Thomasleee, be a man & don't be a coward. You talk big when you wrote or post nonsense on politics, so no be brave to post it in FB or Twitter. I dare you Thomasleee Boh Hood, do it if you dare. Be a man , show that you got balls and 2 of them too, haahaahaa

2014-03-22 17:58


Thomasleee, I never tarnish your name at all. It's what you merciless wrote about YB Anwar without any proof and that's what I ask you to post it in FB ,Twitter or any political blog if you dare and see if you kena sued or not. I never tarnish you name , did I ? Now let the members see what your wrote and see who is tarnishing your name Thomasleee. You yourself got yourself into trouble and that's why and NOBODY IS TARNISHING YOR USELESS NAME AT ALL...NOW SEE THE SNAPSHOT I POST HERE. MAYBE I WILL POST IT IN THE INTERNET AND LET THE WORLD DECIDE IF I TARNISH YOUR NAME OR NOT. the members here decide when they see this snapshot below.

2014-03-22 18:38


what you must do.....

2014-03-23 01:13


Vote wisely.A vote for MCA/BN is a vote for injustice and corruptions.A vote for PKR/PR is a vote for change....Kajang today, spread the word around, thank you.

2014-03-23 01:20


I hate our BN/UMNO government but I love Malaysia.Let us unite and say no to racism.

2014-03-23 01:25


Voters of Kajang - please go out early tomorrow to vote and choose the one from the lighter shade of blue team

2014-03-23 01:32


PKR denies spreading Chew maid abuse leaflets

Published on 22 March 2014 18:50

PKR has denied that it is behind leaflets being sent out in Kajang today, alleging that MCA's Chew Mei Fun had to resign from all her posts in 2010 because she had abbused a domestic helper. Bukit Lanjang assemblyman Elizabeth Wong says the party does not utilise 'black propaganda' in it's campaign and views the matter seriously.

2014-03-23 01:46


Wan will never walk alone.The majority are with you and tomorrow the Kajang voters will speak through their votes

2014-03-23 01:54


why 50.1 Malaysian hate BN and fellow now what PKR help all the Malaysian the answer is NO so why vote for PKR

2014-03-23 02:26


I hate our BN/UMNO government but I love Malaysia.Let us unite and say no to racism.

2014-03-23 14:55


Malaysia Boleh
Malaysia di ranking NO 3...KRONI.

2014-03-23 15:02


Cronyism is real but The Economist’s ranking of Malaysia a surprise

Posted on 22/03/2014 - 12:29
Cecilia Jeyanthi Victor

PETALING JAYA: It is not that Malaysia has not made any effort in the fight against corruption and cronyism. The trouble is that the fight does not seem to be making any headway.

Why is the eradication of corruption and cronyism a constant struggle for Malaysia? One answer lies in the lack of political will.

So the nation is still in the doldrums on the cronyism scale as evident from a recent report in The Economist

According to The Economist Crony Capitalism Index 2014, Malaysia came in third place for cronyism and toppling its list was Hong Kong while Russia was at number two.

The UK-based Economist reported that all three countries were in the same positions since the last study in 2007 while most countries in the Southeast Asian region including Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, fared worse in 2014.

Singapore was ranked at fifth place, the Philippines at sixth, Indonesia 10th while Thailand took the 16th spot.

Former Transparency International Malaysia president Tan Sri Dr Ramon Navaratnam described Malaysia’s position as “very surprising and disappointing”.

“I did not realise we are that bad. The Economist is a reputable publication and we cannot dismiss these findings,” he told theantdaily.

“The government should seriously examine this report, find out where cronyism is taking place and take action.

“Corruption is related to cronyism which is bad. All these can be mitigated by the findings as the long-term sustainability of Malaysia’s economic development can be seriously jeopardised by cronyism and corruption,” he warned.

Navaratnam also said that “money politics” was the mother of all problems and those in power must have the political will to fight the scourge.

The Economist further reported that the uncontrolled habit of rent-seeking this century allows billionaires that are politically well connected to double their wealth and this posed a threat to the free market.

2014-03-23 15:11


This one says it all.
Nurul Izzah: Shame On U, Election Commission, For Being The Political Tool Of The Government

....must see, 100% satisfying & puas hati

2014-03-23 15:15


8pm - Unofficial results:

PKR: 16,086
BN: 10,407

Majority: 5,679

About 93 percent of the votes have now been counted.

7.42pm - On-the-spot analysis:

Based on preliminary results, even though PKR's majority was reduced, its percentage of total votes increased.

In 2013, PKR bagged 19,571 of the 33,749 votes cast (or 57.99 percent). The results today, up to 7.30pm, showed it garnered 15,055 of 24,683 of votes (or 60.99 percent).

2014-03-23 20:19


Wan will never walk alone.The majority are with you and now the Kajang voters had spoken. Congratulations Wan Azizah, you have won.

2014-03-23 20:26


Astro Awani,RTM 1 to 9 all have not announce Kak Wan win.I will announce the winner here! Kak Wan already won!

2014-03-23 20:33


Tomoro headline news shld read : " Kerajaan "kangkung" tewas di kajang .."

2014-03-23 23:41


Penambahan Undi Melayu Buat Umno Tertekan

2014-03-24 04:44

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