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What Is Wrong With China (Markets) - Salvador Dali

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 08 Jan 2016, 10:32 AM
Tan KW
0 460,271

Friday, January 08, 2016 

What caused the calamity:

a) the Chinese stock exchanges have grown terribly big over the past 7-10 years

b) the regulatory side had been lacking in many areas - no strict imposition of margin lending; wishy washy rules on shorting, so much so that some foreign funds have been able to short the China shares pretty easily(thanks also to Citic Securities); the silly rule that allows companies to suspend themselves indefinitely for no reason, etc...

c) the impostion of circuit breakers is good, just like they had in American exchanges, but again when the regulatory side fails to understand the essence of their own markets, the circuit breakers only encourage more selling to queue up .. why is that, the regulatory body did not realise that the largest participants in their markets are private/retail and not institutional or foreign ... what I am trying to get at is the markets there may be BIG but they are NOT DEEP ENOUGH ... depth is measured by number of participants, the kind of participants, the different types of funds ... so that in any situation there are long funds willing to buy when they see deep value ... right now, when a crisis becomes panic, it mushrooms into calamity BECAUSE almost everyone thinks alike ... so circuit breakers are a no no for now until the market is deeper and more mature

d) the stupid imposition of no selling by substantial company owners ... its like the T+4 phenom here ... Jan 8 was the day they could sell, so guess who is selling ahead of them, if you want ti impose some sort of selling restrictions - do it gradually (e.g. can sell only 5% of their total shares every 3 months till further notice)

e) the lack of maturity and coordination by their central bank and the exchange regulatory body ... left hand does not know what the right hand is doing ... either they did not know or they knew and did not foresee the subsequent effects... how can you suddenly drop the currency and intervene to make it weaker in a substantive manner, didn't you realise that as the second biggest in almost everything, what you decide for monetary policies have significant effects ... obviously NO consultation was made to ECB or Fed ... as they would have advised to do it in steps and gradual basis, and certainly not when your stock exchanges are in crisis mode...

So what now, they have remove the circuit breakers ... now the company owners can sell as well ... you are right at the lowest point of the previous scary correction a few months back ... I would change the rules for company owners to limit their selling by staggering them (as mentioned above) ... intervention is likely to be more aggressive  by Beijing and they can marshal almost unthinkable resources... following 2 days of 7% = more than 15% ... another 7% would really put it in ridiculous territory which should see some genuine buying coming in.

The currency realignment does not hit Malaysia that much as the industries and SMEs no longer compete on the same stuff as China. Yes there will be repercussions but a weaker yuan is mild compared to what the USD did to us. Buying power may be reduced from China but the weak ringgit to almost every other has already shifted our clients elsewhere.

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nothing wrong, can go up, also can come down

2016-01-08 12:49


same concept like climbing a hill...climb up not easy, climb now easy...

2016-01-08 12:50


sounds logical...

2016-01-08 12:55


The players are just playing their usual games.

2016-01-08 12:55

Michael Wong Yew Kong

China is doing a petty awesome job at the moment controlling their currency up down and at the same time testing the world market.
Even the US is headache predicting what china is up too.
Just my two cent. lmao..!!!

2016-01-08 12:59

Fam Jenny

They are playing games when their economy is sabotaged by foreigners in the markets,they won against Soros so don't play play.
They ard not dumb fools,beware of their chess game.

2016-01-08 13:16


If the RMB is devalued slowly as you say Dali

The trend will be too obvious.. everybody can see..

And.. all who can will quickly send their RMB overseas

RMB outflows spook the Chinese authority... the CPC

No one will have time to send overseas to gain on the weak RMB..

if the devaluation is done over just days... quickly

This is likely the Chinese authoritys strategy....

2016-01-08 13:22


Nobody can predicts what China will do, even the Fed scratches their big head to figure out what the chinese central Bank will do next. .. hihihihihi

2016-01-08 21:06


Nope, china is communists. No way you take money out easily

2016-01-08 23:02


China will kick your ass when you are not looking..dammasschina..

2016-01-09 08:57

Fam Jenny

Last time I was told they even bought moon cakes inserted with gold bars and gave as presents.But soon the anti corruption officials would be on their heels at every high profile officers so much so that they now smartly opt for the cheaest mooncake in the street to avoid detection of their of wealth.
Maybe this is one of the reasons for the pmi to drop.
Ha,ha,ha,with so much money under their beds yet dare not to expose and spend,what a pity!

2016-01-09 09:53

Fam Jenny

Correction:..cheapest mooncakes..

2016-01-09 10:06


is this a good article? omg.

i show to my office boy he also cannot find anything he doesn't already known.....

2016-01-10 01:19

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