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[转贴] 【职场新鲜人多久才能存到10万?】 - Harryt30

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 02 Mar 2016, 04:43 PM
Tan KW
0 513,688

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 

去年写了【100万到底多不多这篇文章】, 今天来写个续篇, 职场新鲜人要多久才能存到RM100,000。


1.现在大学毕业出来大约是21 -25岁不等, 基本上底薪是RM2,000 - 3,500, 少数超过RM3,500底薪被定义为精英级群。

2.假设以RM2,600为一个标准, 年轻人的全年薪水大约是RM31,200, 加上 1 - 2个月的花红(假设有花红), 全年的薪水大约是RM35,000。扣除了EPF以及Tax, 大约剩下RM30,000。

3.什么都不花, 大约要3年半存到RM100,000, 而有些薪水较低的职场新鲜人或许要4 - 6年才存到10万。不过以上的假设是不成立的, 毕竟衣食住行都是钱。

4. 首先大部分在KL工作的人的都是来自外坡(包括笔者), 所以房租一个月就要300 - 600不等。所以一年花费大约是RM4,000 - 6,000不等。

住: RM5,000 (包括水电,wifi)

5.而大家也知道KL没有车是很比方便的, 所以买辆MyVi, 一个月供Rm450。一年就不见了RM6,000. 加上车保险, 车油, Toll, Service, 平均算它一个月RM200, 一年在车上面就花了RM7,800左右。现在年轻人又懒惰洗车, 洗车费又是一笔费用。

车: RM7,800( 车期, 车险, 油, Service, Toll, 洗车, 保养)

6.而且现在上班族大部分都没有时间煮饭, 大部分都是在外面搞定。假设一天RM20的伙食费, 一个月大约RM600. (包括周末吃好料, 请女朋友吃饭, 看戏). 电话费数据以及PLAN每个月大约100吧, 一年也就RM1,200。所以吃+ 电话PLAN = RM7,200 + 1200 = 8,400。

吃+电话费用 = RM8,400

7.假设每个月给RM300家用, 一年RM3,600。加上其他日常用品,保险, 新年给父母红包以及基本花费,算它个RM2,400(每个月200).

基本开销+家用 = RM6,000

假设以上 (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) 
= 5,000 + 7,800 + 8,400 + 6,000
= RM27,200.

存下的钱 = RM30,000 - RM27,200
                = RM2,800

****我知道有些读者一定不赞同以上的算法, 这只是我看到的, 所以才写出来。

**认识一位26岁来自马六甲在KL工作的朋友, 工作接近3年, 为人节省没有买车, 月薪+花红大约4,500/month。猜猜他一年存多少钱??? 一年大约存了RM20,000, 所以他也要存个5年才有RM100,000。

***还有一种存钱超级快, 住家里, 家里有车, 吃家里, 一个月存2,000, 一年存24,000, 大约4年多达标。

****还有一种超级精英的群体(不到5%的新鲜人), 月薪5,000 - 10,000的少数群体, 只要他们不挥霍无度, 存RM100,000应该不难的。

*****最后就是做生意啦, 大老板好多都有几百万的。但是10个创业, 只有少数几个成为老板。

不过以上的算法都没有包括买房子以及结婚的费用, 这两笔就真的很够力。看了是不是应该学习如何规划理财, 学习投资,不然年轻一代真的是压力山大。



2 people like this. Showing 21 of 21 comments


My first RM100k was achieved three years after graduation

Didn't do it through saving a single sen, all through stock market

2016-03-02 17:31


OMG, all from stock market, I kia si a bit ...from property..kekekeke

Must learn more kungfu from sifu here.

2016-03-02 17:44


buy shares la, 3 year 100k no problem one.......


2016-03-02 17:48


Why can't I be an old man and made 100k three years after graduation ? Did I miss anything ?

2016-03-02 17:59


How to make 4500 after graduate
1. Instant manager after graduate from school
2. Donation
3. Family business
4. Married rich
5. Lottery jackpot

2016-03-02 18:19


Maybe his meaning is if you're old age (eg.>75), making RM100k in those old days were very rare. As RM100k in 50's-70's have big different from now. The pay for graduates is much lower than now, and thus the time needed for saving of initial capital for investment would be more. It's not easy and so rarely can make RM100k in 3 years.

2016-03-02 19:01


Saya pernah capai 100k masa bujang, sekarang saya sudah pecahkan wang kepada 5 stage.Property,Keluarga,Bursa,FD,dan insurans.

2016-03-02 19:12


Work in sales division, if the performance is good and receive good incentive, two years probably can hit RM100K(exclude salary)

2016-03-02 19:47


ongkkh, nowadays sales division not esay for some poeple,not 100% poeple can perform well in sales division, its depands on what they like to be or like to do. Interesting is important.

2016-03-02 22:07


ongkkh, nowadays youngsters prefer to work in air-cond office with lower salary and less incentives cause family doesnt need their contribution.

2016-03-02 22:39


My first 10m was achieved three year after graduation
Didn't do it through saving a single sen , all through stock market

2016-03-02 23:01


My first RM100K was achieved 3 yrs after graduated, most partly from saving since I was eighth till I work for 3 yrs and small part from stock market.

2016-03-03 00:21


Now someone wanna boost how smart he or she is making few 100k after graduation.....

2016-03-03 07:23

What The Hiak

moneySIFU go home you are drunk. LOL!

I wanna join too. I made my 100k during uni life ^__^

2016-03-03 07:39


Apologize to everybody, what I said above was wrong...

2016-03-03 07:51


It was not three years

Two years

2016-03-03 07:52


I came from poor family, spent a lot of time to save money to go college, so I graduated later than many people, can or not ?

2016-03-03 10:27


This new ID What The Hiak must be the joker in making.

2016-03-03 10:29


life is not the same for everybody, there are many ways it unfold

not everybody has a retired accountant father to sponsor him to Sunway

2016-03-03 10:29


ok, ok, ok, Icon8888, now sound better.

2016-03-03 10:32


Can teach me how to earn my first 100k, all sifu? Haha

2016-03-03 13:56

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