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Now, founder of collapsed JJPTR offers new scheme with 35% returns

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 04 May 2017, 06:44 PM
Tan KW
0 459,797
FMT Reporters  | May 3, 2017

Former investors of the failed investment scheme – which offered 20% returns monthly – are showing interest in the new scheme as they hope to recoup their losses, says report.





GEORGE TOWN: Investors in the failed JJPTR investment scheme are now, surprisingly, interested in investing in a new scheme devised by the founder of JJPTR.

And why not? Johnson Lee is offering 35% return on their investment. Under the earlier scheme they were offered returns of 20% a month.

In addition, they stand to win special lucky draws with a new car, motorcycles and smartphones as prizes.

A report in The Star today said investors in JJPTR still had faith in Lee and his new scheme. He plans to launch it on Friday.

It quoted a woman in her 50s as saying if by investing in the new scheme she could get back the money she had invested earlier, she was game.

“Although I have not gotten my capital back, Johnson (Lee) promised that the older members will receive their payment. I believe him. He is a nice young man,” she told The Star.

Another investor was quoted as saying that Lee would have fled if he was not sincere about solving JJPTR’s problem.

I feel he is sincere in solving our problem. He’s still around and frequently tells us his whereabouts and future plans. We must give him some time to solve the problem,” she added.

According to a JJPTR employee, many investors in the earlier scheme were enquiring about the new plan.

The JJPTR scheme collapsed purportedly because of a hacked account.

The Star reported that the company’s shining glossary of the new plan did not, however, state how Lee planned to address the US$400 million (RM1.73 billion) losses he claimed the company had incurred.

It also did not explain how he planned to repay those who had lost their money in the earlier scheme.

The report said Lee had uploaded a one-and-a-half minute video where it showed that the new plan was based on a “split mechanism” and had three rounds.

Anyone who invests US$1,000 (RM4,331) is expected to receive US$450 (RM1,949) in each round, making it a return of US$1,350 (RM5,847) by the end of round three, the report said.

The company did not say when the new plan would start.

The Star said attempts to contact Lee were futile and that the number listed on the JJPTR Facebook page was out of service.

Penang-based JJPTR, or Jie Jiu Pu Tong Ren in Mandarin (salvation for the common people), came under the spotlight when investors complained that they did not get their scheduled payment last month.

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Malaysia no law to charge him?

2017-05-04 18:52



Use brainlah....the guy already cabut mah....!!

2017-05-04 18:56



Use brainlah....the guy already cabut mah....!!

2017-05-04 18:56


I never hear of any charge against him......

2017-05-04 19:05


What amazes me is the naive of the so-called investors..

2017-05-04 20:03

Hiu Chee Keong

Wil collapse even faster than the old scheme.

2017-05-04 20:09


Well, it is not difficult to understand the so-called naive investors in JJPTR or any other rich scheme investors aka victims, to fall into traps again and again and again. Guaranteed X% return in X months la, it will come back la, good company la, some big guns/politician inside la blah blah blah. Sound same in some forum/counters? Hahahaha.. Then beware, don't become victim.

They are actually similar to "some" bursa investors, they will hold a particular stock, waiting to rebound, believe it will rebound until mushroom grow on head and in the end cut loss equal to losing 90% of capital invested. Dont want learn from gurus, dont listen to cut loss, using shortcut and want drive Ferrari in 3 months. Agrhhh same la JJPTR investors with these "some" bursa investors. If early cut loss or breakeven, will save lots of capital. Then blame here and there.


2017-05-04 20:27

Apollo Ang

1st month 35%, 2nd month close again johnson make 30% out of those who invested due to compassion, wise men says only fools rush in......hahaha

2017-05-04 20:30

Apollo Ang

how about richway? why no news about it?

2017-05-04 20:32


In Malaysia, it is sad to say that the "process" to "prosecute or charge" a already making billions and now rich "entrepreneur" will take a longer time. I think not lesser than 3 years, or until he cannot afford to continue "pay premium" and decided to runaway. Then the "entrepreneur" will be charge.

2017-05-04 20:33

Apollo Ang

in msia no invest is sure win, all are con game

2017-05-04 20:38


Though im Chinese, but i wanted to say Chinese are fking blinded and stupid when it comes to easy money.

2017-05-04 20:54

Apollo Ang

Chinese like to let people rape them and do nothing....hahaha

2017-05-04 20:55

Apollo Ang

tell guan eng to take candle vigil outside JJPTR office lo the most he can do......hahaha

2017-05-04 20:57


What talking u my fren?

2017-05-04 20:57


Dont make political or racist comment la. But if chinese is the majority of the victims, maybe would due to their attitude ---> all in or nothing kind of risk taking level.

2017-05-04 21:01

Apollo Ang

no racist I am Chinese too, better revert all schools in msia to English schools so msia become civilize again. no racist whatsoever all sama bangsa msia and English educated

2017-05-04 21:06


1. Greed drives these people to take a gamble with their money.
2. Greed drives them to add more money into the gamble.
3. Greed drives them to be blind to the risks.
4. Greed drives them to trust the gamble once they received some returns.
5. Greed drives them from knowing they are getting partial returns of their capital rather than return on their capital.
6. Greed drives them from reporting the gamble to the authority; lest the scheme become frozen and all money non-returnable.
7. Greed drives these suckers who will probably part with their money, most likely forever. (unfortunately).

2017-05-04 22:53

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