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US Fed aims 'bazooka' to backstop coronavirus-hit economy

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020, 11:28 AM
Tan KW
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WASHINGTON, March 24 ― The US Federal Reserve yesterday rolled out an extraordinary array of programmes to backstop an economy reeling from sweeping restrictions on commerce that scientists say are needed to slow the coronavirus pandemic and ultimately keep more people safe.

For the first time, the Fed will back purchases of corporate bonds, backstop direct loans to companies and “soon” will roll out a programme to get credit to small and medium-sized business. It also said it will expand its asset purchases by as much as needed to stabilize financial markets.

The series of actions marks a massive intervention by the US central bank beyond the financial markets, where it has so far concentrated its firepower, into the real US economy.

“It's their bazooka moment,” said Russell Price, chief economist at Ameriprise Financial Services in Troy, Michigan.

Nearly a third of the US population has been urged to stay indoors as governors from California to New York mandate “social distancing” and the shutdown of non-essential businesses to slow the person-to-person spread of the virus.

With customers disappearing rapidly, businesses starved of cash may be able to tap into the Fed's “lifeline” to stay afloat while the shutdowns continue, said University of Oregon economics professor Tim Duy. “The Fed is still working to maintain the flow of credit because they know what happened during the Depression (when) too many firms went under,” Duy said. “The more damage that happens, the harder it is going to be to restart the economy.”

Still, he said, without massive fiscal aid such efforts won't be enough to stem the tide of what economists polled by Reuters estimate could be a million jobless claims logged across the nation inside of a week, with more to come.

US stocks slid yesterday and yields on US Treasuries fell after the announcement, as US lawmakers struggled to reach agreement on a far-reaching coronavirus stimulus package yesterday after falling short on a deal over the weekend.

US corporate credit investors for their part welcomed the Fed's move, sending up prices of US investment-grade corporate bond exchange-traded funds.

Under the new programmes, the Fed will lend against student loans, credit card loans, and US government backed-loans to small businesses, and back loans to larger employers in what amounts to four years of bridge financing.

Hundreds of thousands of people have already filed for unemployment insurance in California alone, the state's governor said at the weekend. Many analysts are projecting the U.S. economy to shrink faster next quarter than it did in any quarter during the Great Recession.

In a statement the Fed said the effort, approved unanimously by members of the Federal Open Market Committee, was taken because “it has become clear that our economy will face severe disruptions” as a result of the health crisis. “Our nation's first priority is to care for those afflicted and to limit the further spread of the virus.”

The Fed last week slashed borrowing costs to zero and took other emergency steps to keep the commercial paper, Treasury and foreign dollar funding markets functional.

“This is the Fed’s all-out effort to ensure that the business sector and households can continue on,” said Sam Bullard, senior economist for Wells Fargo Securities.

“The Fed is doing everything they can.” 


 - Reuters


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why not?? its the most obvious and easiest..................

2020-03-24 11:32


China should sell US T-bills soonest, and convert all USD into solid gold, otherwise when FED going to feed all Americans by printing unlimited dollar, USD will be worst than toilet paper.

Want to buy a loaf of bread?
You need to bring one gunny sack of USD, just like what Zimbabwe did.......

2020-03-24 12:12


Trade war is good in this context.
Why should China export its valuable manufactured goods for toilet paper?
Might as well keep all valuable assets in own country to boost its economy.

2020-03-24 12:15


Unlimited QE equivalent to robbing limited resources from any where in this world by FED.
Unlimited QE means what ever American wants, he can just take it, and let FED print new USD to pay for the goods.
FED is so powerful now if Donald Duck want to buy up all gold bullion, FED need to do is just printing the money.
Gold price may go up to a million USD for ONE Gram, NOT one Kg.

With unlimited QE in place, safest is to invest in Gold.

2020-03-24 12:25


Fed, saying aggressive action is needed, starts unlimited QE
Published: March 23, 2020 at 9:15 p.m. ET

2020-03-24 12:30


Great Depression vs Hyperinflation.
Which one cause more harm?

If Great Depression, what product can cushion you best?
If Hyperinflation, how to preserve your wealth?

2020-03-24 12:56


the more they print money, the higher US$ goes.........modern economics.

2020-03-24 12:58


Donald Duck is digging grave for himself and whole of US.
What China and the rest of the world must prevent this duck stealing the wealth from their countries by buying up all the companies listed in their stock exchanges by Unlimited QE. First is to flood the world financial market with cheap USD, then make USD become toilet paper.
By then, US already bought up the whole world with respective govt holding toilet paper not able to buy anything anywhere.......

2020-03-28 13:55


Either Donald Duck succeeds to steal from the whole world, or he will make US bankrupt when each and every govt having assets denominated in USD to sell back to US govt and exchange for gold.......

2020-03-28 14:00


With coronavirus in play, and US has no means to stop the virus, it will have to lockdown the whole country indefinitely.
US economy will have no chance to recover in next 6 month.

Best timing for China to seek economic decoupling, sell T-bills now, stop trading with the US, stop trading with 3rd country using USD as its value can only heading south.

When USD lost its lustre, US dooms. New world order emerges...........

2020-04-02 00:34


Some in US are suggesting ban on import of crude oil. I am surprised that they do not know SA could price all its oil in JPY and the USD will become toilet roll overnight.

2020-04-02 09:20


Now, US muzzling whistle blowers like they say China muzzle their eye doctor.

Today's news: "US hospitals tell doctors they’ll be fired if they speak out online or go to press about lack of gear"

Where is their freedom of speech ????

2020-04-02 09:25

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