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Blinken heads to South-East Asia to deepen cooperation on China pushback - first stop Jakarta on Monday (Dec 13)

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021, 07:03 PM
Tan KW
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WASHINGTON, Dec 12 : The Biden administration will seek to bolster economic and security cooperation with Southeast Asia through a visit to the region next week by its top diplomat, as it works to forge a united front against China in the Indo-Pacific.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due in the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Monday and will also visit Malaysia and Thailand on his first South-East Asia trip since President Joe Biden took office in January.

South-East Asia has become a strategic battleground between the United States and China, the world's two largest economies. China claims most of the South China Sea, the vital trade route that links the region, and has turned up military and political pressure on self-ruled Taiwan, which Beijing considers its own.

Blinken will pursue Biden's aim of elevating engagement with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) to "unprecedented" levels, focusing on strengthening regional security infrastructure in the face of China's "bullying" and discussing the president's vision for an Indo-Pacific economic framework, the top US diplomat for Asia, Daniel Kritenbrink, told reporters ahead of the trip.

The Biden administration sees Southeast Asia as vital to its efforts to push back against China's growing power, but the lack of a formal structure for economic engagement since former President Donald Trump quit a regional trade deal in 2017 has limited its ability to exert influence, while Beijing's only grows.

The administration has yet to spell out what exactly Biden's envisaged economic framework will entail, although Kritenbrink said it would focus on trade facilitation, the digital economy, supply chain resiliency, infrastructure, clean energy, and worker standards.

Analysts and diplomats said Blinken would likely seek to woo countries by dangling the prospect of hosting US firms relocating production from China as part of efforts to secure sensitive supply chains and of development finance. But there was no sign of a willingness to offer the increased access to the U.S. market the region craves.

"There is a burden of proof on this administration to deliver an economic strategy that shows our allies and partners that we are committed to long-term economic engagement in the region," said Matthew Goodman, a regional economics expert at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"What's been rolled out so far has promise in that regard, but it needs to be fleshed out."

An Asian diplomat said the Biden administration had shown itself serious in its desire to step up engagement with South-East Asia through a series of senior-level visits this year, Biden's participation in regional summits, and long-standing security cooperation.

"But they don't have a response to China on the economy," he said. "The Chinese are ahead of the game by 20 years. The U.S. needs to do something to help less-developed Southeast Asian countries. Sending aircraft carriers is not enough."

Senior Biden administration figures, including Indo-Pacific policymaker Kurt Campbell, are acutely aware of the need to compete more effectively economically in the region with China, but any move to rejoin the trade deal Trump quit would be politically fraught given pledges to rebuild a domestic economy critics say is threatened by such mechanisms.

Biden's plan could still be enticing, despite its limitations, Goodman said.

"If you’re Vietnam, or you’re Indonesia, or Thailand, you want to make a play for being the place where Apple could relocate its assembly capability," he said.

"So there's a lot in there that is interesting to these countries, but there's a lot more detail that needs to be provided before they are going to be persuaded."

 - Reuters

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Not welcome!

2021-12-12 20:22


Don't come here. You all are trouble maker. Look after your country. Now typhoon is attacking you. God must teach you a lesson.

2021-12-13 12:37


Deepen cooperation with China?

LOL, hypocrites of the first order.

2021-12-13 12:41


dont bring in new virus here. wakaka

2021-12-13 12:44


Do not forget USA almost completely destroyed South East Asia especially Indo China mah!

2021-12-13 12:45


not welcome

2021-12-13 12:47


USA main aim is to contain Cna, why get us involved in their geopolitics? We want trade and prosperity not war.

2021-12-13 12:53


A bully like USA is a coward....they do not dare to confront china alone mah!

2021-12-13 12:56


You give in to them, you will forever be their slave.
That's all what they want from you.
They are still living in the past, no knowing that the world has wised up and not to be deceived by their hypocrisy anymore.

2021-12-13 12:59


US is the one creating the world inflation by disrupting the supply chain of goods and services, manipulating commodity prices and US currency, imposing sanctions affecting the supply of technology goods and products, funding and instigating protects in countries which are supporting China BRIs, etc. Look at what US has done to our Msian glove manufacturing corporations, palm oils, EMS corporations by using "forced labour" excuse to "enslave" Msia

2021-12-13 13:45


US CBP allegations on many Malaysian forced labour issue must read together with the Blinken's visit to Malaysia. After seizing Malaysia products (palm oil, rubber gloves) at the ports with all the false and fabricated allegations (Without proof and circumstances in relative to host country), Blinken now come with a carrot and a big stick. Either Malaysia supports any initiative by US govt, or CBP going to further investigate into other major exports into US market like furniture, solar panel, office equipment etc.

Are the Nepalis and Bangladeshi forced to work overtime in Malaysian factories and plantations?
Are the living quarters provided by the employers (whereas US and UK employers NEVER PROVIDE living quarters to foreign workers) more inferior to the living environment/ condition in Nepal or Bangladesh? US and UK govt expect Malaysian employers provide living quarters as good as their own people? Not to forget US city streets are full of tents occupied by the zombies......

2021-12-13 14:05


I am sceptical and concerned about the current interest shown by the U.S on South East Asia. There is/was so much misery and sufferings inflicted directly or indirectly on children in countries like Afghanistan,Yemen and Vietnam.We do not need big powers to come here to cause instability and sufferings when they are thousands of miles away.

2021-12-13 19:45

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