[duit's] - in Bursa lose big MONEY ; no MONEY to buy NASI

[duit's] - in Bursa lose big MONEY; all BUDDY LARI

Publish date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015, 10:03 PM
Just for FUN.

This is a real story about how after lose big from bursa, now no more money buy nasi...

Bursa lose big MONEY,
no duit buy NASI!
kaput against USD,
no NASI only can eat MEE.

so how? Everyday eat MEE la.

Think you guys have learned from my bad experiece in Bursa lose big money; no money to buy NASI so everyday eat MEE MEE MEE plus MAGGI MEE..........

Today, I would like to share with you part 2 of the "in Bursa lose big MONEY" but it is something about all BUDDY LARI...

As you know (can read from my profile) I am attach to one of the famous hypermarket - Econsave (宜康省) and my current job role is CLEANER cum STOREKEEPER.....

Sad story that will make you cry (laugh also never mind).... Here is my sad story.....

I have several very close buddy "international" work mates who work together with me in Econsave as cleaner. They are ALIBABA (from pakistan), YAHOO (from bangladesh) and GOOGLE (GU Ge is from China)........  Started from last week when KLCI and Ringgit plunge "I" the only Malaysian among our gang sadly + busyly organize farewell function to them......


We were so proud to host our PM (PullGie Monster) on our 11,111th branches opening in 2011. That time we sang happily GST...GST.........GST..............



My international work mates bid farewell to me with their passport... Can feel they are very sad to leave me alone at Econsave.
Frens: My buddy YAHOO, ALIBABA AND GOOGLE I love you all..... We are forever buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


why why why why why

dont ask me why because Ringgit FLYING high and all buddies leaving SAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII................... 





Last Thursday Ringgit super HOR SEH - ALIBABA from Pakistan say bye bye to me
see how HOR SER Ringgit vs Rupee over the years




Last Friday Ringgit super JIALAT - My loved YAHOO from Bangladesh say bye bye to me as well
see how JIALAT Ringgit vs Taka over the years....




Today Ringgit bleeding  CI BAI HO SEH LIAO, BOH LAN JIAO KOR LIAO - AGain, Gu GE(google) bid farewell to me also...
see how CI BAI HO SEH LIAO Ringgit vs Renmimbi


On 10/8/2015, in Bursa LOSE big MONEY, all BUDDY LARI
I curi curi keep this meaningful photo to myself, forever keep it (taken during our farewell dinner after KLCI and Ringgit plunge)

Buddies...... No matter where you go Pls dont come back to BolehLand again....... If you come back again mean YOU ARE TOTALLY TAK BOLEH.... BolehLAND is a place for BOLEH HUman like me..............................    I love you all................




....................End of Episode 2.......................................

More articles on [duit's] - in Bursa lose big MONEY ; no MONEY to buy NASI
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Actually,,,,,I am very sad now.....ANyone here to accompany me? My fren ALIBABA, GOOGLE and YAHOO all CIAO KAR LIAO liooooooooooooo...Only me at Econsave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2015-08-10 22:04


他们可能是Econsave 的过客而已,bro keep moving on...

2015-08-10 22:10


That's why it is call Ecovsave...the only saver

2015-08-10 22:17


lol.... nice post duit... only post keep us happy on this rainy days.... ha... ha....

2015-08-10 22:23


ANOTHER BITE THE DUST...duitKWSPkita...stay strong and pray the downfall those rotten eggs!

2015-08-10 22:24


soon indon also bye bye

2015-08-10 22:29


why soon?? My sister sulung ad pi Indon jadi Kakak jor...

My sister is the No.1 Kakak from BolehLand to Indonesia dapur..... My sister will be elected as President of Malaysia Kakak in Indonessia Association........

I am so proud of my Sister jadi Kakak No.1 in Indonesia.... Earn big USD lo.......

Posted by lwlgood > Aug 10, 2015 10:29 PM | Report Abuse

soon indon also bye bye

2015-08-10 22:38


:) like the x#$$**@^%#@(* !

2015-08-10 22:43


Bro Duit,
Ya, ini Kali chia lat.

2015-08-10 22:52


Wakaka,super terrible lar...waited for sooooo long and u tell me a fiction ...Lu betul betul mau Kasi wa Makan panadol,bukan Maggie mee lo....real joker,bro....no worried lar,if u dun mind me Kasar a bit,ugly a bit,no money a bit,pakai Nokia h/p,tidur under bridge,I still can be ur friend mah...like that wu LAN jiao ko,ci bai tou hor lor....

2015-08-10 22:54


lol ... super hilarious :)

2015-08-10 23:19



2015-08-10 23:25


Lol ....Duit is male or female ? Getting very confusing . And also a little curious
I also part of the team ....in bursa lose big money !!

2015-08-10 23:30


wah I thought only the super rich can escape (migrate)..
now the poor extreme also escape ah!

the middle always kena hit both side..

2015-08-10 23:36


Bro Duit, really enjoy reading your posting. Boleh land really ho seh Liao!

2015-08-11 05:20


duit...i like the story.. Keep it up dude.

2015-08-11 09:21


Mr Duit..... had a good laugh die me. tq

2015-08-11 10:17


bro duit, thai and indon friends ada lari ? xD

2015-08-11 12:09


very touching story indeed, I also feel like follow alibaba footstep in a distant future. ini BOLEH LAND horr, BOLEH MATI kena heart attack woooorrr...

p.s.: my fav quote of the day "Today Ringgit bleeding CI BAI HO SEH LIAO, BOH LAN JIAO KOR LIAO".. wakakakakak bro duit, why u so MAD?

2015-08-11 12:20



2015-08-11 14:03


Bollywood is now doing all their filming in Bolehland, cheaper production cost compare to India. Now reduce to 3th world country, Najib Boleh

2015-08-11 15:07


Najib want us to trust him. Trust him for what? Take 2.6 billion bribe, songlap 1mdb, fgv, submarine, c4 etc. Mati Malaysia. Gone

2015-08-11 15:09


sad case....... all my international frens ZAO LIAO LIAO....... CI PAI really boh LAN JIAO gor....

2015-08-11 15:39


May be it's time Ah Jib Gor pour in his 2.6b to revitalize our bursa as he said he accepted the 2.6b for the sake of party & country!To prevent our country to sink further,I think this is the right move.

2015-08-12 11:21


he will pour in and make himself another 2.6 billons at our expense

2015-08-12 11:47


Market crashing, ringgit crashing, where is the limit?

2015-08-12 11:50


tht usd 700 m is his pocket money lah.. incase he lost in last general election and has to run away to other country to avoid arrest. Heard another fella also ready to board private jet tht nite If they lose..

2015-08-12 11:52



Tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup
bersatu dan maju,

Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita
selamat bertakhta,

Rahmat bahagia
Tuhan kurniakan.
Raja kita
selamat bertakhta ..

God bless Malaysia

God bless the rakyat.....

Personal half flag... T.T


2015-08-12 11:53


Malaysia shares history dropped is about 90%. So be aware!

2015-08-12 11:59


All Malaysia business down except!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crude oil export DOWN
CPO export DOWN
Ringgit DOWN
Export figure DOWN
Tourism DOWN
All Down!!!!!!

Except exceptttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Teng teng teng............. DONATION business, BE$T G$LA!

IN Malaysia, we offer three package of business..
1) RM2.6 billion DONATION
2) RM700 Million DNATION
3) RM2 billion DONATION....

Now Malaysia shifting to the DONATION indusrty. BE$T G$LA! I love JAGUH KAMPUNG!

2015-08-20 13:20


The worst is yet to come. Keep cash

2015-08-20 13:24



dont mislead by newspaper or anyone! Worst is OVER!

Next month start worstEST! No cheat you one... U see US nt yet increase interest ad kelam kabut..... and now soft/weak/short rebound... mean worst is over...

Start Sept U will see worstEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2015-08-20 13:32


Dear Duit,
When you write worstEST,means worst to be test?

Sorry for no understanding

2015-08-20 13:43


Mr DunKnow, worst, worster, worstest !

2015-08-20 13:48


haha,that's why I am so confused…cos Mr Duit said worst is over,but then it is worstest…thanks Mr saschl

2015-08-20 13:58


May I request all of U Mr Duit/DunKnow to look at this, seems there is a turn in the tide?

2015-08-20 14:06


To newbie like me All of U are the Subject Matter Experts thkq

2015-08-20 14:07


Sachl... Don't mind to tell you Mr DUNKNOW ad told me about this potential events..

He told me to look into it that why we take it Into consideration.

Anyway. Thanks for sharing my fren.

2015-08-20 14:11


Thanks for sharing Mr saschl...I am newbies oso,at very begining stages mah...wanna learn here learn there until all my buddy run liao...

2015-08-20 14:11


Thkq Dear both will continue to learn from u!

2015-08-20 14:18


we will continue to learn from you also, Saschl bro....

2015-08-20 14:25


Mr Duit,why you are so adorable one?i am so so confused with the worst is over,but worstest in september….u talk no clear,I spank u one ler…u know I am sadist executor,after that your wound I sapu with garam,after that I kasi jahit,after I jahit,I pull out the string strongly until the wound open again,then i put garam again......luckily i have u as my good buddy,i recall back la...

2015-08-20 14:26


me too me too,dun count me out,I want in….if no,no buddy liao………...

2015-08-20 14:29

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